While the master server is down, and until I can get hold of DaddyBone, here's a list of all the currently-running servers we know of:
Simply replace the [INF_Browser.INF_BrowserFavoritesFact] section in your System/Infiltration.ini with the above code and you should be good to go. Server admins, if I've missed any please either post here or PM me your server info so I can add it to the list.
Favorites[0]=INF Coop #1 (Unreal + RTNP) w/ PsyTex-1.0 [inf.cerberon.net]\\17778\False
Favorites[1]=INF Coop #2 (custom maps, fast d/l) w/ PsyTex-1.0 [inf.cerberon.net]\\27778\False
Favorites[2]=-= XploD =- PsyTex DTAS Server\\7778\False
Favorites[3]=-= XploD 2 =- PsyTex InfCoop Server\\8889\False
Simply replace the [INF_Browser.INF_BrowserFavoritesFact] section in your System/Infiltration.ini with the above code and you should be good to go. Server admins, if I've missed any please either post here or PM me your server info so I can add it to the list.