Morty, I have been on other forums and pertty much same suggestions all around.
The Monitor is detected and I even swapped Monitor's for trouble shooting.
I have the uninstall Drivers down to a science.
Start in Safemode, uninstall from Add/Remove Programs, restart back into Safemode use Driver Sweeper to clean up, restart back into Safemode install Drivers and even tried to restart back to Normal Mode install Drivers. Drivers Used: 180.48, 181.20, 182.06, 182.08. All have Failed.
I then attempted today to restore back to my 8800-GTS with the drivers that was working fine 180.48. (Fail) Hmm how about System Restore, went back to a known good point last month, it wouldn't restore. (Probably the NForce Drivers I updated). Yes, updated all drivers uninstalled all Nvidia and reinstalled all NVidia multiple times. (All have Failed)
Yea, its time to start over.
Now need some assistance on how to set up Dual Boot. I have 2 HD's C: & E:, When I first installed the OS to include all patches and updates, latest & greatest Drivers and even a few Games. The OS was Tested & Tweaked for gaming, then I used Norton Ghost to Copy C: to E: in case I need to start over. I then of course uninstalled Ghost from C: since it was such a system hog. Is there a way to set up a Dual Boot System. I want to Boot from E: and then Reformat C: and start over?? Yea I would Swap Graphic Cards and see if the GTX 285 works on a fresh install in C: This would work out great cause I could keep gaming with no down time.
If not I could Format C: Wipe Clean and Disk Copy E: to C: and then load a clean OS to E: (Sounds the Same)
Morty the Boot.ini is confusing and E doesn't have a 8MB Unallocated Section. E: is Disk 0 and C: is Disk 1 my current boot.ini reads like this.
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /fastdetect /noexecute=optin