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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Don't hold your breath, on second thought DO hold your breath...

Kantham said:
read betwen the lines

10-24-2004 02:27 PM EDT Rating: 6
did you make this map specialy to bring it out at halloween
EDIT - i had nothing better to do than make stupid remarks

only one time a administrator corected one of my flaming post , on DM-cubic

and for this guy who give -3 to a map becauz the author puted an avril inside the dm map is totaly lame

yes he a n00b and its the true , cauz imho , a avril gun is very effective against infrantry , i can even kill anybody whit Raptor's missiles , only training is good to be adept



you tryed it manticore?
you loved it? (lol)
you got more than 3 fps at somme places?
you admirated this stupid purple fog whit Black N'star ugly sky ,

fog is overlaping , he need a lot of work and 0.5 is the ratting to his map , nothing more is accepted

i gived him tutorial , now he wil need to lern and think before uploading a 2 to 140 fps map ,

and maticore , i can't whait to see you mapping .. :con:
Firstly, I don't have any intention of going back to mapping any time soon so keep holding your breath. So, anyone who comes on this site who doesn't map isn't entitled to an opinion, is that right? Just because you know how to open up Unreal Ed (gee I can do that too) means you're better than everyone else. I don't think so. Oh no, that's right; anyone who doesn't share your opinion or annoys you should be banned immediately.

Secondly, what did I think of VCTF-Midnight? Nothing. I didn't download it so I didn't comment on it. Unlike you, where it's obvious you just throw comments up on stuff you haven't played, I never comment on maps that I don't play. Anyway why should the fact I played Midnight have anything to do with your comments? What you said is between you and bobnine. All your trying to do, again, is deflect the issues away from your behaviour (like you've done with this Julian guy) and blame someone else for your abject and overwhelming ignorance.

Oh, and I don't mean ignorance about mapping, something you seem to think is the only yardstick by which people should be judged. I never said you couldn't map, but all of a sudden because I don't map, that's something you think you can attack me with. Tough luck kid, you lose. I mean ignorance about treating people fairly, decently and with respect; something you don't do in spades.

Somewhere else, in another thread something was mentioned about your maturity. Well if you are indeed sixteen which is what I have been led to believe maybe you should start acting like it. Actually that is one fact that I am strongly beginning to doubt.

Oh, am I, or have I annoyed you? Well you wanted Julian banned; it logically follows that you want me banned as well.

That old argument about mapping is truly laughable, every pathetic creep who has no rejoinder who comes on this site pulls that one out. I've seen that stupid argument come and go.....

In fact, I've just read some of Julian "what's his name"'s comments placed recently and they seem pretty decent and pretty fair. Why should it annoy you that people have an opinion? Oh, that's right because then they might find flaws in your work and, if their opinions are seen to be valid, then the flaws will be validated in the eyes of other readers.

I could go back over that CTF map of yours I downloaded and start talking about how, from a gameplay point of view, that map had all the pathways leading to one chokepoint which was easily defensible; therefore the gameplay was not very good for CTF. But why would I bother, it's just another average map without really that much thought or application to gameplay. Just useless eyecandy.......

You want to see good CTF; give me Hourences, Bot_40 or Spoondog anyday. But you're obviously better than them right. Oh, that's right I don't have an opinion because I don't map.
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
What I forgot to say is...

Kantham said:
you forgot to say ,

have a nice day
I was going to mention VCTF-Slax I think it was called which you released as )Hydra(. Again there was nothing wrong with your mapping skills but it followed the same gameplay pathing. One easily defensible route between the two bases which follows a Thorns type of format and is the main problem with VCTF that mappers never put in enough alternate routes.

Yes, I downloaded it and played it. I actually liked the towers/turrets. But they would be an exploit because they covered the only entrance/exit to the bases. Why didn't I post a comment on the map? Because you would have re-atced negatively to it as the comment didn't give your map a glowing write up.

I'm sorry but if you expect to live on a planet where everybody is going to agree with you all the time that's not going to happen and you are going to live a life of incredible disappointment; particularly if you are endeavouring to work in the public domain (mapping, art, music or writing for instance). Either that or you are living on an entirely different planet to me and about 6.5-7 billion other humans.

So let me repeat, I NEVER said anything about your skills, not until now where you have forced my hand. But I had something to say about )Hidra('s attitude and this proves that changing your username hasn't changed a lot.

I'm sure I annoy 99% of the other users on this site as well as the admins. but they haven't banned me (yet). There are other users who may annoy me but I don't expect to see them banned. For some reason you think because those AHK people came down on you (which I don't think they should have done but you wouldn't let go of it and at least ignore them) and they were banned that now anyone who annoys you should be banned.

Doing that to Julian or anyone else who uses this site (and ALL of us are users, all of us are visitors to this site) is totally unfair and is, basically, just power-tripping people because you are insecure. Please get over it and try and be nice (and I realise I am not a good example of being nice to people)....

...and have a nice day.
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Aaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahaaaaa.... funny

MassChAoS said:
I'm more disappointed in lack of proper sentences / words that make sense than I am disappointed in any user showing ignorance. Its more of a waste of time to try to figure out what someone is saying... english is your friend, slang abbreviations are not.

Note: this comment is not directed towards those that actually try to type english.
ReD_Fist said:
Aw C'mon man who gives a rats arse about the correctness,as long as the point gets through.It's kinda fun to decipher,it's not a building that will fall and kill people or a unsafe built car,only type on a page.

aftor all weer knott inglish magers

fare eenuff ?
MassChAoS said:
My point is that you're not getting your point through.
ReD_Fist said:

yes that is true as well,they should'nt be on forums when thats the case.
:lololol: :p :man: :crazydance: :rockon: :cake: :lock:
Did I get my point across? Probably not.....
Manticore said:
Sorry, that was just my sick sense of humour.....! :D
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echo "NaliCity";
May 23, 2002
"Ignorance is bliss"...

ignorance - n. state of being 1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors> 2 : UNAWARE, UNINFORMED
bliss - n. 1 : complete happiness 2 : PARADISE, HEAVEN


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values

MassChAoS said:
"Ignorance is bliss"...

ignorance - n. state of being 1 a : destitute of knowledge or education <an ignorant society>; also : lacking knowledge or comprehension of the thing specified <parents ignorant of modern mathematics> b : resulting from or showing lack of knowledge or intelligence <ignorant errors> 2 : UNAWARE, UNINFORMED
bliss - n. 1 : complete happiness 2 : PARADISE, HEAVEN
Speaking of which this will become an all-time favourite of mine.
10-28-2004 03:23 AM EDT Rating: 3
lots of halls, with no real flow, or any areas of interest. a spot or two with really bad performance. the lift is way to slow, and pauses for far too long.

10-28-2004 04:00 PM EDT Rating: 9.5
Well, aren't we a bit flame happy? The map gets great framerates, the layout is perfectly fine, and I'd like to see you do better. Xiphon, this is a really great map, that guy just likes to flame people without using any grammer. Also, I see nothing wrong with the bot support or the speed of the lift.
Now I've seen everything. Now someone who expresses their opinion is a flamer? And the next guy is flaming them because they think the first person is flaming... Blah, blah, blah......

This definition of flaming from Urban Dicitonary. Com may help to clarify what flaming is for user no.2.
2. flaming

An online argument that becomes nasty or derisive, where insulting a party to the discussion takes precedence over the objective merits of one side or another
If I had the time to attach a .wav file at this point it would be the sound of me laughing, very loudly...

Oh, but that's right, I have sick sense of humour...
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Review needed?

10-30-2004 02:15 PM EDT Rating: 10
Great ONS map! I believe that this map sets a precedent for ONS mappers, try something unique and innovative you other mappers!

Slaskan, do you hate Xiphon or something, you have commented on every one of his maps, and hated them all with no constructive critism what-so-ever! I believe that if you don't play the gametype and therefore know nothing about the map, you shouldn't rate it according to the "I HATE ONS" criteria!

10-30-2004 04:33 AM EDT Rating: 5
a TEN??? ok u can have ure opinion. its made almost only out of box brushes witch is not good. im not gonna say anything more since i dont like onslaught and therefor dont know much about it
Perhaps these guys need to request a review or something. At least that way we could get an objective third opinion. Or would the reviewer just come in for a flaming too....?