Comments Rules: Terms and Conditions

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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
1) No posting of offending material; no flaming, warez, racist or sexual talk.
2) Spamming/advertising in individual or multiple map comments is prohibited.
3) Post on topic. Comment on the map and not on each other. Do not post with irrelevant questions or discussions. We are not interested in your life, problems, or opinions about someone or something else.
4) No revenge commenting. Commenting on someones else map with a overly negative comment because this person did the same on your map is prohibited.
5) Signing up with multiple accounts is prohibited, especially when these accounts are:
(a) used to flame or post any other offending material,
(b) used to post overly positive or negative comments about your or another's map, or
(c) are used in violation of the above stated rules.
6) The entirety of this 'Terms and Conditions of Use' applies to all registered users.

Effects of Failure to Comply
Failure to comply with any Terms and Conditions may result with the user being subject to any of the following:

- deletion or moderation of the posted comment (with or without warning).
- a formal warning.
- temporary or permanent state of read only.
- temporary or permanent ban.

Any decision made by NaliCity administrators with regards a user's failure to comply will be final and all cases will be considered individually upon their merits.
In my opinion this is a very fair and reasonable set of rules for maps comments as made by us users. They are cleary stated and leave no doubt to users as to where the ball lies on, what is hopefully now, a level playing field.

Everyone should be entitled to their own opinion and have the freedom to state that opinion decently and fairly. Others have the right to disagree but hopefully now these disagreements can be stated, and treated, with some consideration for all of us that visit this site on a regular basis.

Good job admins., it's about time this was added so succinctly. Some people may feel they have been singled out because of this set of rules, but that would be because they have brought those circumstances on themselves. (I would go as far as including myself so as not to point any fingers).

Now let's play the game.....


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
It was a mistake, I clicked the wrong button......

MassChAoS said:
oh, someone noticed... actually it was the first thing I noticed (for a change) last time I put up a comment. What I didn't notice was the spelling/grammatical misconstruction (for a change). I was too in awe of the new and glowing terms and conditions.

What I'm noticing at the moment is that there are no comments on this from the other users; only admins./reviewers.

It's as if there is a chill, dry wind blowing tumbleweeds through this forum today............
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Heres's a case in point.

3) Post on topic. Comment on the map and not on each other. Do not post with irrelevant questions or discussions. We are not interested in your life, problems, or opinions about someone or something else.
In my opinion other users commenting on the opinions of others should be stopped. Now......

This map is a case in point.

And I quote:
10-08-2004 11:09 PM EDT
This was my least liked level in Q3,it just cators to the low grav freaks.Man redo other ones agh

BUT !! I am glad you "redone" a level from a different game-engine,good deal.

Iknow, Chrome I know same diff for me.

10-08-2004 01:41 PM EDT
This ain't a low grav level lol......

Just full of jump pads.

10-08-2004 03:43 PM EDT
man isnt there enough with one remake?

10-08-2004 04:03 PM EDT
one In UT , one in UT2K4 and what will be the next???

10-08-2004 04:57 PM EDT Rating: 8.5
/me love this arena


Greatest Q3 arena map remake ever

i've always loved this arena , when i first played First person shoter , i had 12 years old , i first played quake 2 , i loved this game , but then , the realeasse of quake 3 and ut 99 was very exiting

this arena was my favorite in quake 3 arena

morpheus and deck 16][ was my favorite in ut 99

C'mon @ shao & mag , this arena is just a good remake whit great custom stuff, try it before blame it , i do agree one remake is enought , but this one kick ass

It's another example of what has been happening all along. People are going back over and over these maps and commenting on the opinions of other users and not the maps themselves.

Additional: If people want to continue with this type of behaviour where they feel the need to justify their opinion by debating every comment how about they move into the forums:

BeyondUnreal Forums > Reviews > Nali City > User Reviews

....and stop clogging up the maps/comments front pages of the site with this rubbish.
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I've noticed the button lately too. I of course did press it and read it carefully and thoroughly. But still, Manticore, why do I feel like you're very vengeful or something? You have just re-posted a comment from a map which clearly shows disobedience of the new rules.

10-08-2004 11:09 PM EDT
This was my least liked level in Q3,it just cators to the low grav freaks.Man redo other ones agh

BUT !! I am glad you "redone" a level from a different game-engine,good deal.

Iknow, Chrome I know same diff for me.

10-08-2004 01:41 PM EDT
This ain't a low grav level lol......

Just full of jump pads.

10-08-2004 03:43 PM EDT
man isnt there enough with one remake?

10-08-2004 04:03 PM EDT
one In UT , one in UT2K4 and what will be the next???

10-08-2004 04:57 PM EDT Rating: 8.5
/me love this arena


Greatest Q3 arena map remake ever

i've always loved this arena , when i first played First person shoter , i had 12 years old , i first played quake 2 , i loved this game , but then , the realeasse of quake 3 and ut 99 was very exiting

this arena was my favorite in quake 3 arena

morpheus and deck 16][ was my favorite in ut 99

C'mon @ shao & mag , this arena is just a good remake whit great custom stuff, try it before blame it , i do agree one remake is enought , but this one kick ass

Everyone already knows their mistake and that they're guilty of doing such. You seem to be in an arguement with someone... are you?
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Vengeance is what these rules are trying to stop.

GTD-Carthage said:
I've noticed the button lately too. I of course did press it and read it carefully and thoroughly. But still, Manticore, why do I feel like you're very vengeful or something? You have just re-posted a comment from a map which clearly shows disobedience of the new rules.
Everyone already knows their mistake and that they're guilty of doing such. You seem to be in an arguement with someone... are you?
No. This isn't an argument. In fact the only person who seems to be arguing the point is you; at least until I felt compelled to reply to your question.

The above post was an illustration of what the rules are supposed to prevent. Additional comments about other users' opinions on maps basically means that the person adding those comments is not willing to accept other peoples' opinions. The end result is that people are just getting into, and are assuming that, counter-commenting is acceptable and that is just going to lead to more flamewars.

The point of rule 3, to put it another way, says: "The topic of the comment is the map not others. Stay on topic."

Disobedience is disobedience. A mistake is a mistake. You have to decide which it is. Personally I don't care who made the comments. If it was you or me, I would expect it to be the subject of the post.

So, why does everything on this site have to have a component of vengeance to it? Possibly because the culture of this site (with regard to the maps comments pages at least) has become so based on people flaming and insulting other people who don't agree with them that everything has become an act of vengeance.

Also, where is the fun on commenting on a map if anytime someone doesn't agree with you (which will probably be most of the time) you have the idiot riding around on your coat-tails telling you what you should think and/or crapping on you map after map? Would you like it if I turned around now and told you how you should rate maps? Would you like it if I turned around now and told you how you should think?

My point is that the rules are there for a reason. The fairest thing is for everybody to engage with those rules so everybody gets a fair shake....
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Mr. Sexy
May 2, 2000
Nalicity, NC
6. You must buy 8 DVD's with in 12 months to fulfill your "10 Free DVD's now" contract.

That’s really not fair since when I signed up they where only offering Laser disks. Damn it, I only got 3!
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Case in point.........

GTD-Carthage said:
I've noticed the button lately too. I of course did press it and read it carefully and thoroughly. But still, Manticore, why do I feel like you're very vengeful or something? You have just re-posted a comment from a map which clearly shows disobedience of the new rules.
Everyone already knows their mistake and that they're guilty of doing such. You seem to be in an arguement with someone... are you?
CTF-Phobos][ seems to be an example of something happening vis-a-vis these new rules.
10-10-2004 06:42 PM EDT Rating: 7.5
euh...who did just remove my comments eh.....? admin....? -.-
Who is this guy? Personally I don't know and I don't care. It would appear from this quote that someone has changed his comment.

I'm a visitor to this site like you so I'm just assuming it must have been an admin. as I would think mappers who submit to this site would not, generally, have admin. level access.

What did he say? Don't know and now I will never know as the comment has been removed. More to the point I don't really care if it was changed at an admin. level. It probably means the admin. thought that it did not fall into line with the rules and other users did not need to hear it or would be offended by it. It's their call; they are admins. moderators after all.

Perhaps this means the rules are working.........
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Before the new comment rules were posted too, I noticed the lack of watch from the admin. I saw lots of unrelated items in some maps already months old.

And... out-of-topic?

Originally Posted by OO7MIKE
That’s really not fair since when I signed up they where only offering Laser disks. Damn it, I only got 3!

I thought I was going to get a free BMW. Red would be nice......

I sure did hope almost the same rules would apply to the forums as well. But still, arguing are ye? You've set my "above post" as an example of bad manners too. But still, I'm not mad. In fact, I don't really mind about it. Yet, still arguing are ye? :lol:
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values

GTD-Carthage said:
I sure did hope almost the same rules would apply to the forums as well. But still, arguing are ye? You've set my "above post" as an example of bad manners too. But still, I'm not mad. In fact, I don't really mind about it. Yet, still arguing are ye? :lol:
No. I didn't saying anything about your manners. That's your qualification. All I did was reply to your query. If you want to twist the meaning of things, well, that's your problem.

If you think that someone replying to your posts implies that you have "bad manners" I'll ignore you in the future. I wouldn't want you to feel bad about yourself.

Just to make you feel as if we are still "on topic", I'll delete my reply to 007 Mike's joke. At least he has a sense of humour...
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New Member
Sep 6, 2004
Gonna post it here too no one seems to see this,3rd thread now

All I know is people be dishing out zeros,without trying the map,and or are able to place a score just from the screenshot.

There should be a way to correct that.

I posted this before,but i'll try again !!!

You know,a better solution might to be a multiple choice

A. junk heap (no playablity,bad graphics,bad bot paths)
B. Getting there (graphics getting there,bad playback,bad bot pathing)
C. Worth a try (looks good,plays good,bots are still lame)
D. Let er rip (looks good,Awsome gameplay!,bots clean house,slow FPS)
E. Ok lets play (really good graphics,can't wait to play,bots rule,fast fps)

F can't commit (wich blocks them from a comment or score)
take all the choices from all the commenters and then derive a number or somthing

Or some kind of combination to ware a person like me who does not like this cbp map at all,won't get flamed,being that they all cant say junk heap ,because everyone will not agree with wich the statement line in the selction.(pre formed opinion dictated by the one you get to pick from)
There will be some that likes the way it looks,but not just post a zero etc etc
or they may think it looks great but playback sucks.

Each map has it's merits ,and I know you ALL agree with that,so mabye this would work.

Another words,if the one you pick,has A; "bad online,playing,looks good"
the guy can't go on a rant about how it looks bad,just because he hates how i posted on another map .Thats not even his !!,then they can duel it out under the given maps name,not go post zeros on the commenters maps.

After all it seems to me most zero posting here is just nonsense,or revenge or the commentor is so flamming stupid he really shoudn't be commenting etc etc.

The critera for a map is
No flaws,(bsp holes etc etc);
fast FPS;
bots clean house and don't get stuck;
fun factor;

another words a perfect map should ,look awsome,bots don't get stuck,fast FPS ,no BSP holes, and is fun.