CoD 4 Thread

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Mar 6, 2004
Screw pubs i found better things to do to get better faster. Pugs! i scrim with my clan daily.

Scrims i have done for about a week, and today is my first day doing pugs. Pubs got me bored of the game, now scrims and pugs make the game fun...because of vent and taking it slow and stuff, maybe one day i will be a better player because of it. All i ask is to be a good player, not a ****ty player!:mad:

3 hrs of pugs and scrims with my clan a day should help me out.
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Mar 6, 2004
If it doesn't you are a sad, sad little man. If you see no results from that you ought to take up a different hobby. D:

I've never pug'd in any game ever. Maybe I should try it. :eek:

If it doesn't i'm playing the wrong genre.:lol:

#cod4pug on gamesurge. Always a pug, just type .join to join one. Hop in their vent, add their ip/port/password and you're good to go in the game servers.
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Mar 6, 2004
If it doesn't you are a sad, sad little man. If you see no results from that you ought to take up a different hobby. D:

I've never pug'd in any game ever. Maybe I should try it. :eek:

The players a friggin retarded! you join a game via irc, you find what server you are in when the list goes, and you see the games already all filled up. People join when they are not on the list...:rolleyes: Stupid retards cannot figure this easy **** out.:mad: Ohwell it's fun anyway. Earlier i had my best kill ever. Threw the gernade to the streets on the streets map (it's always the bomb planting mode) by site a, and i blew up 2 guys, a car that killed a 3rd guy. People in vent are all 'nice shot, canada does it again" and stuff. After i killed a guy standing in the door way and we won the round. Hells yeah! Loved the feeling of being "the man".
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I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Are all/most pug games S&D? That gametype is slow as hell, mind-numbingly boring, and basically a terrible CS ripoff of campfest fail. Add in no-aim mode (hardcore) and you have the least fun way to play CoD4.


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Lame. Guess I won't be pugging then. That sh*t is bananas. And not in a good way. At the very least it should be normal mode if it's got to be S&D. You'd think competitive players would understand how badly "hardcore" mode f**ks up what little balance the game comes with stock... D:

But I guess no one wants to be forced to aim properly. Landing two or more bullets per target? Ludicrous! :rolleyes:
Mar 6, 2004
Actually i've fought people in hardcore and they took a whole clip and still survived when i got taken out in 1 bullet with juggernault. I'm guessing some kind of cheat must be out to give you more hp or something or shaw cable (my ISP) sux this bad. Had a pug people were like "wtf he took more damage then he was supposed to". All i do is HC anyway. Pugs all do it, my clan does it, the TWL ladder does it. I'm stuck with it so i stick with it. Sometimes people take forever to kill, someones 1 bullet. Gay! I sometimes scream "THIS IS NOT HARDCORE".
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I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
If TWL is using hardcore mode, find another ladder. TWL is/was a huge joke to the UT community, and I'm sure nothing's changed.

Hardcore mode means 30 health. No bullet from any gun at any distance does less than 20 damage, so you're talking two rounds per kill at max unless there's some extra circumstances. Shooting a Jugger with 20-damage shots means you'll need three (he's got 42 health). Shooting players through walls can require a lot given the weapon and if you're not using Deep Impact. Finally, Last Stand is bugged, so between the time you should have killed him and his player model falls to the ground, he's invincible. Lovely, ain't it? Northing you can do but keep plugging him until he's dead for real.

I'm putting my response to your PM in here because it might be useful for others as well. D:

(GR)Killer said:
Just wondering, so how longs a good time to scrim/pug until i know i am better? a few weeks? a month? a few months? i hope not a few years or i'll be pissed.
CoD4's really easy to get decent at compared to something like UT. And I mean really. If you don't see results in a week or two then you're doing it wrong. But you don't even need to scrim/pug to improve; like I said, I've done nothing but pub. No clan matches, no scrimming, no pugging. Not one. I used to suck too... hence the name "Ungood" I gave myself. Now "Ungood" sits at the top of most pub scoreboards.

However, given that the skill level is higher in scrims and pugs, theoretically you can improve quicker. By the time you've learned how to deal with decent players in pugs you've probably surpassed most pubbers. If you do pub, though, you need to find a proper environment. Those 32 player servers are fun for insane spam, but they won't really teach you anything. Keep the player counts at 24 or lower, but not too low because then it's too slow. 10-16 is probably ideal given the small map sizes.

There's something I've always said about gaming (though it applies to a lot of things). It's not how much you play but what you put into that time. The phrase "practice makes perfect" applies, but you have to finish the thought to get any real meaning out of it.

Practice does make perfect... but you actually have to practice. Most people don't practice, they just play, and that's why most people suck. Play does not make perfect. If you hop on a server and do the same old crap you've always done, you're just playing, and you shouldn't expect to improve -- ever -- if that's all you do.

Practicing involves actively working on improving something. The goal of each practice session shouldn't be some useless generalization like "get better at CoD4." There should instead be some tangible part to actively work on. Doesn't matter if it's overall aim, aim with a specific weapon, flanking, predicting likely enemy movements, learning the good hiding spots, listening for opponents, predicting spawns, general awareness, etc. Each match you play -- on pubs too -- should teach you something.

One thing's for sure, though -- you will never learn to aim in hardcore mode. It's simply too lenient. Given the spraytacular nature of the game, even people with no aim will get plenty of kills in hardcore mode. This, for the most part, isn't true of normal mode. More bullets required for a kill means you have to either set up the kill better via your positioning or simply aim better so multiple shots can land. Often it's both. Hardcore is simple instant gratification -- it might seem cool now but in the end you're not getting anything from it.

People often complain that "it's too hard to kill people in normal mode," but they fail to understand that many times, given the proper weapon and Stopping Power, it's a lot of two-shot kills mixed in with some three-shotters. It's not "too hard," but it does help enforce the idea that random spray will not help you. Learn to aim in normal mode, then apply what you learn in hardcore mode. If you want to continue playing it, that is. Normal mode's way, way more fun in addition to being less dumb.

There are, of course, instances where it takes a crapload of bullets to take someone out, but if that's the case then you ought to do something about it, because right now you're doing it wrong. Imagine trying to shoot a P90 without Stopping Power a decent distance down a map. That's 20 damage per shot, so a five-shot kill. If he's got Jugger on then you've gotta plant six rounds in him. And if you're shooting at him behind a wall it might take 10 or 15. Why? A P90 wasn't meant to be used that way. This ain't a problem in hardcore mode, of course, because hardcore mode is for pussies.

Complaining about normal-mode situations like the above is nothing more than proof that most people suck (and are also idiots). :)
Mar 6, 2004
So just go into my own server and find something small to shoot at and keep my crosshairs on (which is hard...even the lowest settings is too fast for me, i'm used to really really slow low settings and have worked at that for 3 and a half years.


Sep 17, 2004
Haha, nice write up on your site about the "exploits", T2A

Especially the last stand fake "in-animation" god mode, I experienced this a lot. And the "Helmet Gun" is how I call someone shotting from a wall at you perfectly when all you can see is the very edge of his helmet's top.

BTW like Defeat previously mentioned in this thread, there's a glitch where you have infinite amount of UAV's. I don't know what triggers it, but it mostly involves having a chopper active. Rare were the times I got this though.
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I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
I just got done playing one of the most unbalanced games I've ever partaken in. These dudes got raged. I'm surprised so many of them stuck it out for the duration of the match, though. D:

CoD4's stupid spawn and air support systems can make for some completely unfair games. The sad part is it happens often enough that I'm 100% sure IW sucks at the games they make and thus can't diagnose gameplay very well. :/


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With Rage Alive
Oct 12, 2004
If it was so unfair, why didn't you balance it out then, T2A? Whenever I play, I always try to help balance the teams as well as I can. You should try to do the same.


Sep 17, 2004
Crossfire HC <3


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