CoD 4 Thread

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With Rage Alive
Oct 12, 2004
NRG, I could swear I've played with you at some point in CoD4. I recognize your nickname...


Sep 17, 2004
What the hell? 286/30, Wetwork? :lol:

This reminds me of the last time I played with you in UT2K4.

Well that is great. Because I don't remember playing you. Unless it was one of those TWL scrims back then when I was in C2C I don't recognize the true meaning of being raped, if it's where you're getting at.

Or my attitude on VCTF servers? Yeah, sure. Old habits remains the same.

I could be a dick all day, if you want me to Kantham. :)

What is your point exactly?

FYI, I did mention Creek as a Noob level, because the only purpose of being there is getting raped by some cool sniper kids. I never play this level due to extreme unbalancing. Nor HQ nor Domination can make the level interesting, it can just die in peace and stay on sniper server only. So I really don't mind about the scores that's happening there. You can't go out there and get people killed without having sniping support involved. You move in - you're dead.
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With Rage Alive
Oct 12, 2004
FYI, I did mention Creek as a Noob level, because the only purpose of being there is getting raped by some cool sniper kids. I never play this level due to extreme unbalancing. Nor HQ nor Domination can make the level interesting, it can just die in peace and stay on sniper server only. So I really don't mind about the scores that's happening there. You can't go out there and get people killed without having sniping support involved. You move in - you're dead.

I almost never snipe on Creek and I'm usually the top scorer(though not in NRG's league). Sure, there's usually a high amount of snipers on it, but I've yet to encounter anyone capable of raping. :p
If anything, it should be easier not to snipe on Creek, since almost everyone else is. I always flank down through the cave and I hardly ever meet any resistance. I usually find myself being able to take out at least half the enemy team before they know what's going on.

Also, NRG, what weapons/perks etc. do you use?


Sep 17, 2004
MrSmiles, you're with the P90, right?

I got accused for shooting trough walls in a very suspicious way, and finding people "without a UAV online" (Uh yeah, that one's the stupidest yet), like the admin accused me of that then he kicked me after I said "Then I must be hacking!". I know I put the gas can in the fire there, but still, his ignorance is priceless.


I am Gamer, hear me Pwn. RAWR
May 26, 2004
Share or die. :mad::tup:

You can widen your view all the way to 80 degrees and thus get a better view of what is coming at you on your flanks. If you are being constantly blind-sided by opponents, this little tweak might be for you!

You can either type the following command in your console (you enter the console by hitting the tilde "~" key) as follows:

/cg_fov 80

Or, you can permanently set this in your config_mp.cfg file which is located in the: C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare\players\profiles\Playername directory, by typing:

/seta cg_fov "80"
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Mar 6, 2004
MrSmiles, you're with the P90, right?

I got accused for shooting trough walls in a very suspicious way, and finding people "without a UAV online" (Uh yeah, that one's the stupidest yet), like the admin accused me of that then he kicked me after I said "Then I must be hacking!". I know I put the gas can in the fire there, but still, his ignorance is priceless.

I've yet to be accused. I rule!

My best games.:lol:


Sep 17, 2004
Weird T2A. D:

I've yet to be accused.

You know, I think in total I got accused over 60 times since I play multiplayer. It's not too hard, you probably got called a cheater for something you didn't even realize you did. Sometimes they will pick on you because you're the player with the highest score, or, because you got a headshot on some dude while doing a best-guess spray trough a wall.

Without the hit reticle, things would be much harder.
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Mar 6, 2004
Weird T2A. D:

You know, I think in total I got accused over 60 times since I play multiplayer. It's not too hard, you probably got called a cheater for something you didn't even realize you did. Sometimes they will pick on you because you're the player with the highest score, or, because you got a headshot on some dude while doing a best-guess spray trough a wall.

Without the hit reticle, things would be much harder.

Nah, none. I havn't done anything "WOW" yet. I got about a .70 K: D ratio, 600 more deaths then kills thanks to trying to snipe but suck ballz at it. I got so much bad luck it's hilarious. Millions of "if i only looked there for 1 more second longer" deaths.

Well...3 scrims in 3 days. I just left my clan for another clan because they aren't the type of clan i am wanting, took me 2 days to figure that out and leave. The new clan i am joining who are .rez are really active and practise 5 times a day. Had a scrim with them, we got out butts WHOPPED by TWL's 3rd ranked TDM 6v6 team. Holy god they are quick and was just a scrim though. My clan is
6v6 HC TDM 12-2
4v4 HC TDM 10-0
6v6 HC Sab 11-2
5v5 HC S&D 11-0
6v6 HC HQ 8-1

12-0 5v5 S&D as of today.

I have 1 ladder match total.
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I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Hardcore mode is lametacular. S&D is even worse than hardcore. Therefore, TWL is utter crap. :)

CoD4 is very spray friendly, especially in hardcore mode. Hardcore mode has nothing to do with aim, in fact. Just spray near someone and you usually get a kill. If you want to do decently, stop using snipers and instead go for the M4 or AK-47 for normal-sized maps and AK-74u or MP5 for tighter ones and watch your kill ratio jump up noticeably.

I played on a Euro server (Dignitas) about an hour ago that was running some mod they call "promode." It was crazy fast. The walk/sprint speed was dramatically higher than vanilla and you could run further without stopping. Going back to a normal server made it feel like slow motion... so I went 50-15 my first (and only) game. And, yes, it's based on normal mode so there is some aim required. :p

This mod also disables all air support, including UAVs, removes perks, removes grenades (in public mode), removes weapon attachments, removes ambient noise, stops the automatic Halo knife, removes random smoke and fire in maps, clears up the fog a bit, and has some weapon balance changes.

I think the weapons have Bandolier and Stopping Power built in, though. Every ass rifle I played with had 180 bullets to spawn, though you couldn't pick up ammo from fallen guns anymore. And the snipers definitely seemed to be one-shotters.

Unfortunately, the mod doesn't stop bellyflopping, so you can still exploit going prone while shooting without any aim penalty. :(

PS: NRG, either you cheat or you've found some servers full of terrible players to troll. If it's the latter case, post the IPs so we can join the chaos. :p
Mar 6, 2004
I'll try other weapons. Sofar all the ones i've used i must be so terrible with. MP5, the carbine one, g3, the first big machine gun, all sniper rifles. I think im just too slow reacting, it would help if i played more then 146 hours of the game total. Wont happen for a while as i mostly play 10-15 hours a week. Getting owned so badly even at level 52 makes me not wanna put tons of hours in.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I prefer hardcore mode, because at the low level I am at, it's the only mode in which I can kill anyone :p


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
I'll try other weapons. Sofar all the ones i've used i must be so terrible with. MP5, the carbine one, g3, the first big machine gun, all sniper rifles. I think im just too slow reacting, it would help if i played more then 146 hours of the game total. Wont happen for a while as i mostly play 10-15 hours a week. Getting owned so badly even at level 52 makes me not wanna put tons of hours in.
To put it into perspective, CoD4's a lot easier to be decent at than UT. Doesn't take much effort; you just have to be aware of how to go at it. CoD4 isn't about reacting like in UT -- it's about being prepared. It's different approach to the same "kill the enemies" goal. Even when sprinting and hopping around corners with an SMG, smart play will trump good reactions every time.

You also have to know the weapons, and this knowledge comes after a few rounds with each. You can't switch around willynilly and expect to transfer between them immediately. The MP5, for example, is really good for close-range hip firing, but it's terrible for aiming down the sights because its recoil is ridiculously high. You have to play to each weapon's strengths and weaknesses to get the most out of it.

Two hours a night is plenty enough to be decent at just about any game, and it's probably overkill for CoD4. It's better to play a little each night than it is to only play two or three nights a week and binge for five hours a piece. I still play (nearly) every night but only about 3-5 rounds before I feel like I need to do something else. The rank screen says I've got just under seven days of play... so 167 hours. Don't think I started playing online until late March. But, in contrast to you, I've been at level 55 a loooong time. :p

It's not so much the time you put in but what you put into the time. I could be a lot better than I am right now if I'd gotten into it competitively, but I stuck to normal mode pubs as I learned how to play and this is what I got out of it.
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Gold Member
Apr 3, 2004
London, Ontario
65, I believe.

I'm very surprised y'all are just now figuring out about changing the FOV. That was the first thing I did after I got the game up and running... in single-player mode too. D:

I think I tried it when I got the game for the first time, and it was cheat protected or something, maybe they added it in a patch later. Or I was doing it wrong. :)


Sep 17, 2004
I started to prefer HC because of weapon balance. I don't want to rush bases with the P90 again. And if I don't do it, someone else will. 100%

IW: learn how to balance the ****ing game you lazy punks. :tdown::mad: