Cliff Bleszinski On "Internet Dickishness"

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New Member
Feb 8, 2008
some nice points from solidsnake as ever, look people it is NOT as cut and dried as you like to make it out, it IS about business. Epic are NOT behaving in a way that is distinct and different to other developers. Multiple platforms are NOT the enemy.

Multiple platforms being Xbox360/Xbox720 ? In my book its not what they did. Its the two faced manner in which it was done.
"bread and butter" to "Pc market is a mess" in one easy Microsoft funded step.


New Member
Apr 24, 2002
Visit site
No, multiple platforms being pc,xbox,ps3 and beyond. GoW2 is an MS published title, so the publisher is going to decide what formats they want to put out, is it a suprise they want this game to be associated with this console?

This doesn't mean epic have sold out and abandoned the PC market, or PS3 for that matter. The people can fly game was announced as being all 3 platforms, there is nothing to suggest that any other future epic title except GoW2 will be a platform exclusive.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Oh ofcoarse not, I can see youre point but talking as if we all think that epic sold out is alittle narrow. If anyone is acting like a dick over the whole thing Id have to say its cliff to be honest, no one can debate anything with him as long as he's keeping things in the headlines and not on the forums. Thick skin is something you need if youre actually on the battlefield any douche can sit back and press a button :p

Maybe its alittle premature but my thoughts on cliff and his attitude will have no bearing on how I feel about any Gears franchise title. If things are really in MS ball court and I was cliff, I would not be the one telling the people the news like a puppet, Id said no **** you MS do your own dirty work.


New Member
Mar 26, 2001
Daniel James, CEO of Three Rings, has this to say at Penny Arcade:

Money can't buy you love, but love can bring you money. In software the only sustainable way to earn money is by first creating love, and then hoping that some folks want to demonstrate that love with their dollars.

The topic is DRM, but think about this quote. There are people who like to say, "Epic is a business, guys, they make their decisions based on money, businesses don't do things for fans, that's how it is." Who said pleasing the fans isn't a business decision? Giving a little extra can net you more later. Are Epic doing this, creating love? It seems like in just little things like interviews, they no longer care to.

But perhaps Cliffy is saying that Epic isn't about that anymore, and that's why piracy is a threat to them. Move on to consoles, where you don't have to be the best, you just have to be "good enough."

(Anyone remember this thread? Piracy is hurting them so bad, and yet they advertise cracked servers on their forums...)


New Member
Mar 26, 2001
Actually, instead of being sarcastic, why don't you explain how I'm wrong? Tell me how they are cultivating their fans on PC instead of trying to wash their hands of them.
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Programmer Extraordinaire
Dec 17, 1999
What a bunch of crybabies.

Epic doesn't owe anyone (other than its employees who have contracts that mandate Epic paying them) anything. They don't owe fans who bought UT another version of UT. They don't owe fans who want to play GoW a PC version. They don't owe you jack squat.

Let's make sure this is perfectly clear.

They do not owe you jack ****.

I'm not happy with how UT3 turned out. It barely runs on my computer, but I put up with it in the hopes of putting in some quality modding time. I've since decided that modding UT3 is a waste of time. This doesn't mean I have some angst with Epic - I have a life, you see. I choose to not spend my life whining online to strangers I'll never meet on how much I dislike how my pasttime-of-choice is changing in ways I dislike.

I started in the Unreal community with Unreal. I consider myself out of the community now. All of you that are so ticked off at Epic making business decisions need to do the following :

1) educate yourself on basic economics and what it takes to keep a business lucrative
2) look up "lucrative"
3) understand that the best way to stay alive in a cutthroat market is to understand the entire userbase, not just a handful of "hardcore" or "oldschool" fans that bought your second big hit
4) shut the hell up

Also, a point for record - Epic Megagames, by which we say simply "Epic", is a proper noun and a singular entity. Using plural forms for verbs is incorrect, and should you say it out loud, you might hear just how stupid it sounds to say "Epic have this" or "Epic are that".


New Member
Jun 2, 2008
3) understand that the best way to stay alive in a cutthroat market is to understand the entire userbase, not just a handful of "hardcore" or "oldschool" fans that bought your second big hit
You make it seem like there was a huge casual player crowd that is entirely satisfied with UT3 and only the oldskoolers and hardcore players are complaining. Take a look at how many people are online. Not many for an UT game or any relatively recent popular shooter for that matter.

Personally, I like how the game plays but technical problems prevent me from having much fun with it. I knew that from the demo but I still bought the CE of UT3 because I had so much fun with the older Unreal games that I a) want to support Epic and b) want the newest entry in my collection as well. I'm not mad at Epic though. Nothing stops me from enjoying their older games.
My point is, even if a casual player is completely enthralled by the gameplay and the ingame atmosphere, chances are he is annoyed by the GUI not being very comfortable and the serverbrowser being lacking. I had to change some lines in the .ini to make the game run at all! I would think that many casual players would have given up before that.

Apart from the new flak trajectory nothing about UT3 seems to be specifically adjusted to new-comers or casual players!

So I don't get your point at all.
If anything (economically speaking!) it was Epic's problem that their game is too oldskool and hard-core and casual players and new-comers have a really hard time getting into it with all the veterans from previous UT titles around.

Also, a point for record - Epic Megagames, by which we say simply "Epic", is a proper noun and a singular entity. Using plural forms for verbs is incorrect, and should you say it out loud, you might hear just how stupid it sounds to say "Epic have this" or "Epic are that".
"Epic develops (singular) games" - when it's about the company.
"Epic are (plural) a bunch of metal fans" - when it's about the individuals working at Epic.
Just saying.


Master of Science
Jan 25, 2000
the Netherlands
Actually, instead of being sarcastic, why don't you explain how I'm wrong? Tell me how they are cultivating their fans on PC instead of trying to wash their hands of them.

Well, they are addressing issues reported by users in the patches they release, or aren't they? Of course people want them now, and not when it's ready.
And as usual Epic made their development tools available as they have always done with their Unreal games. Not a lot of developers do that even though they have the option to do so.
Also Epic is trying to create an active mod developing community by organizing another MSUC.
But as usual, it is never good enough. People are greedy, they want everything and they want it now.


Programmer Extraordinaire
Dec 17, 1999
If anything (economically speaking!) it was Epic's problem that their game is too oldskool and hard-core and casual players and new-comers have a really hard time getting into it with all the veterans from previous UT titles around.

You misunderstood the point I was making. Nobody here thinks Epic did an outstanding job with UT3 - my point is that given the economic performance UT3 had/is having (for an entire host of reasons), it's no wonder Epic would rather allocate dev resources to a far more successful property. Epic is in the business of making money, not pumping sunshine and rainbows up your ass to make you feel good about digital entertainment.

"Epic develops (singular) games" - when it's about the company.
"Epic are (plural) a bunch of metal fans" - when it's about the individuals working at Epic.
Just saying.

You'd be incorrect in the second example anyways. You can't logically equate the company itself with the people that work for it. What you'd mean to say would be "The people that work at Epic are a bunch of metal fans." By saying "Epic", you imply Epic MegaGames, Inc., the company, which is at all times a singular entity. A singular subject mandates a singular verb.


New Member
Jan 21, 2008
Kantham;2192466 PC '[I said:
isn't worth the trouble for piracy[/I]' blah blah, but seriously, he makes me want to eat my foot right now.

If so many people are pirating Gears PC then why cant I ever find more then a game or two going online? I dont think Piracy is the problem with this one. Maybe the fact that they released it a year late and the buzz/marketing effort had already worn off had somehting to do with it.


New Member
Mar 26, 2001
Well, they are addressing issues reported by users in the patches they release, or aren't they?

Isn't that a basic expectation of any PC game?

And as usual Epic made their development tools available as they have always done with their Unreal games. Not a lot of developers do that even though they have the option to do so.
Also Epic is trying to create an active mod developing community by organizing another MSUC.

Yes, fair enough, props for the MSUC, nothing bad about it (except the website and fileplanet lol). But you could easily ascribe other motives to putting it on.

But with the way the UT3 release went down, the things they say in interviews, etc. etc. it seems like cultivating the PC fanbase is of tertiary concern to them now. If they handled it differently, perhaps there'd still be a strong following, maybe they wouldn't have to drop UT3 to ten bucks a copy. But no, they've got empty servers and angry customers, so just blame it all on "those damn pirates."

Come on, they're dealing with people they themselves have labeled "corporate community killers."
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Master of Science
Jan 25, 2000
the Netherlands
Isn't that a basic expectation of any PC game?
Not really. Quite some games never see a 2nd patch.

But with the way the UT3 release went down, the things they say in interviews, etc. etc. it seems like cultivating the PC fanbase is of tertiary concern to them now. If they handled it differently, perhaps there'd still be a strong following, maybe they wouldn't have to drop UT3 to ten bucks a copy. But no, they've got empty servers and angry customers, so just blame it all on "those damn pirates."

Come on, they're dealing with people they themselves have labeled "corporate community killers."

So you think it was Epic's decision to drop the price?
Actually, in Europe the lowest price on UT3 is 20 euros (at one store who's having a sale). After that it's at least 30 euros for a game with an RRP of 40 euros. So, it's mostly the retailers lowering their cut. But then again, the game is almost a year old. Prices for PC games usually drop quite fast.