Cliff Bleszinski On "Internet Dickishness"

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New Member
Mar 26, 2001
[SAS]Solid Snake;2192604 said:
People need to stop forming instant factions in that, "I'm a PC gamer only", or "I'm a XBox360 gamer only". What's the point? It's as pointless as platform wars and platform fanboi'ism.

What do you mean what's the point? Some people don't like using consoles, some do. Why would somone buy a console if they don't like using it? I'm a PC gamer only, because I'm not going to spend so much money for something that I think is just "meh."


New Member
May 30, 2005
Dundee, Scotland
[SAS]Solid Snake;2192604 said:
Sheesh, people really
Everyone is just bitching about the fact that Epic is now focusing on the console market, particularly due to the fact that both big publishers are on every end of the console and because there seems to be a seemingly low piracy rate.

Bull****. piracy is just as rampant on consoles. People "chip" their Xbox and away they go. most of my friends have done it. The "Piracy is worse on PC" argument is just a shelter for developers who have failed in some unrelated area (incorrect marketing, failing to scale their game to current systems,etc)

[SAS]Solid Snake;2192604 said:
People hate change and that's the way it is. Epic obviously needs to compete in the technology arms race

Look at the Source engine, it is becoming vastly out dated compared to a lot of the newer engines today. Sure it runs on a lot of PC's, but whats the point when people will look at a screenshot and go 'Meh'.

technology arms race, huh? So i guess you aren't aware that some pixely little portable games for DS / mobile phones are raking in more cash than Crysis?

At any rate, what kind of f*king moron plays games simply because they are the bleeding edge of technology? People play games because they want to have FUN this means that a source engine game can (and has) been MUCH superior to a Unreal Engine 3.0 game. or an Unreal Engine 4.0 game and etc etc etc. It is incorrect to assume that the majority of consumers care that much about tech.

[SAS]Solid Snake;2192604 said:
The PC platform is really, really hard to support. The wide range of hardware devices, the wide range of potential software configurations make it a more and more difficult platform to support.

More excuses. Development OCCURS on PCs in the first place, and they have been used as gaming systems for decades now. It's no harder than it ever was....merely requires developers to consider what kind of bracket of user they tailor their games for . And many moronic developers have just decided they want "the biggest baddest most system intensive game". these guys fail, and then whine about piracy (see my point above) . Companies like Blizzard have lined their pockets exceptionally well by making behind-the-times tech and finding ways to create addictive gameplay with it.

[SAS]Solid Snake;2192604 said:
People need to stop forming instant factions in that, "I'm a PC gamer only", or "I'm a XBox360 gamer only". What's the point? It's as pointless as platform wars and platform fanboi'ism.

Some people have been using only a PC to game for a VERY long time, and it's part of their identity. Try telling a skier that he should just "become a snowboarder and hang up those skis" and he might get angry.

[SAS]Solid Snake;2192604 said:
Epic have provided entertainment for years. On what grounds do they owe you anything? Because you bought their games? I buy food from my local grocer but that doesn't mean that I own a part of his business.

Very different industries, so thats a bad example. Games shops survive based on word of mouth, and building good rep with consumers. It's part of their job to cultivate fanbases, and have people wanting to buy into their franchises.

[SAS]Solid Snake;2192604 said:
A few indie game developers have used Unreal Engine 3, with the most notable one being Naked Sky Entertainment.

If not a publisher, then i'd like to know which millionaire individual funded their license. If they have investment from a publisher, then i regret to inform you that they are no longer "indie"

[SAS]Solid Snake;2192604 said:
I doubt that an indie development team could produce a quality title on Unreal Engine 3.

Not that they'd ever be given a chance in the first place... But nice that you can jump to conclusions about the latent game developing talent out there.

I think, given a license - It would be VERY plausible for small teams to create some exceptional content powered by UE, at minimal cost. Then again as you said it's the engine license itself which is most prohibitive.


New Member
Mar 26, 2001
[SAS]Solid Snake;2192611 said:
I mean that people should not immediately complain about a company because of its choice of platform. But people do, and it's pointless.

I think it's more over their attitude about it all.


Apr 22, 2005
Florida, US
Bull****. piracy is just as rampant on consoles. People "chip" their Xbox and away they go. most of my friends have done it. The "Piracy is worse on PC" argument is just a shelter for developers who have failed in some unrelated area (incorrect marketing, failing to scale their game to current systems,etc)

technology arms race, huh? So i guess you aren't aware that some pixely little portable games for DS / mobile phones are raking in more cash than Crysis?

At any rate, what kind of f*king moron plays games simply because they are the bleeding edge of technology? People play games because they want to have FUN this means that a source engine game can (and has) been MUCH superior to a Unreal Engine 3.0 game. or an Unreal Engine 4.0 game and etc etc etc. It is incorrect to assume that the majority of consumers care that much about tech.

More excuses. Development OCCURS on PCs in the first place, and they have been used as gaming systems for decades now. It's no harder than it ever was....merely requires developers to consider what kind of bracket of user they tailor their games for . And many moronic developers have just decided they want "the biggest baddest most system intensive game". these guys fail, and then whine about piracy (see my point above) . Companies like Blizzard have lined their pockets exceptionally well by making behind-the-times tech and finding ways to create addictive gameplay with it.

Some people have been using only a PC to game for a VERY long time, and it's part of their identity. Try telling a skier that he should just "become a snowboarder and hang up those skis" and he might get angry.

Very different industries, so thats a bad example. Games shops survive based on word of mouth, and building good rep with consumers. It's part of their job to cultivate fanbases, and have people wanting to buy into their franchises.

If not a publisher, then i'd like to know which millionaire individual funded their license. If they have investment from a publisher, then i regret to inform you that they are no longer "indie"

Not that they'd ever be given a chance in the first place... But nice that you can jump to conclusions about the latent game developing talent out there.

I think, given a license - It would be VERY plausible for small teams to create some exceptional content powered by UE, at minimal cost. Then again as you said it's the engine license itself which is most prohibitive.

Sounds to me like you have no idea what your talking about so your just trying to talk out your crack. First of all the guy your talking with knows what he is talking about a lot more than you, second of all every single post you make its apparent you'd rather argue about things you know nothing of instead of actually learn something. The comment on PC piracy not being worse than console piracy is probably about your biggest blunder of a comment yet. I'm not going to give you a bunch of crap just go look it up and quit pretending you know what your talking about.


Flyin' High
Aug 5, 2008
Bread and Butter lolz.

I'm not very inclined to leap to Cliffy's defense with the ridonkulous crap he's been pulling lately. I know he didn't say Bread and Butter. But that doesn't change the fact that his company's been quoted as stating that the PC is their bread and butter, and here he is saying "XBAWKS ONLY LOLZ". I could understand more if it wasn't the Unreal Engine 3.0, one of whose selling points is its cross-platform nature and easy portability. But with making content cross-platform so easy that community modders can do it with the PS3 cooking tools, there is absolutely zero excuse that Epic can't do it. They're either too lazy, or they flat out refuse to.

This isn't about "lulz con$oles are teh sux0rz". I have owned and enjoyed at least two consoles from every generation from 8-bit up. I refuse to buy a brickbox 360 because the hardware is a failure. Because the power supplies overheat, the disc drive eats your game discs, and the system has a special mode just to let you know it's bricked. Because there is absolutely no software on the 360 that I care about that isn't also on PC, and plays better on PC. There is no reason for me to buy one, and Cliffy won't change that by refusing to port Gears 2. All he's doing is losing a sale.

His being smug about his popularity doesn't help his case, either. Microsoft handed him a giant bag of money to sell 360s, and he's let it go straight to his head.

[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
Bull****. piracy is just as rampant on consoles. People "chip" their Xbox and away they go. most of my friends have done it. The "Piracy is worse on PC" argument is just a shelter for developers who have failed in some unrelated area (incorrect marketing, failing to scale their game to current systems,etc)
"because there seems to be a seemingly low piracy rate.", hence why I said 'seemingly'. Read what I say before you say stuff.

technology arms race, huh? So i guess you aren't aware that some pixely little portable games for DS / mobile phones are raking in more cash than Crysis?

At any rate, what kind of f*king moron plays games simply because they are the bleeding edge of technology? People play games because they want to have FUN this means that a source engine game can (and has) been MUCH superior to a Unreal Engine 3.0 game. or an Unreal Engine 4.0 game and etc etc etc. It is incorrect to assume that the majority of consumers care that much about tech.
The technology arms race has little to do with consumers, it has to do with publishers and development teams. They want good tools and they want good marketable results, which Unreal Engine 3 provides. People obviously care about the graphical quality, due to the immense amount of hype generated by the marketing team.

More excuses. Development OCCURS on PCs in the first place, and they have been used as gaming systems for decades now. It's no harder than it ever was....merely requires developers to consider what kind of bracket of user they tailor their games for . And many moronic developers have just decided they want "the biggest baddest most system intensive game". these guys fail, and then whine about piracy (see my point above) . Companies like Blizzard have lined their pockets exceptionally well by making behind-the-times tech and finding ways to create addictive gameplay with it.
Just because they are made on the PC, does not mean they will work on all other PC's. You reference a company like Blizzard, when was the last game they made released? StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3 are coming out soon, sure, but what was their last game? WoW, you say, well, that was in development since 2004.

If not a publisher, then i'd like to know which millionaire individual funded their license. If they have investment from a publisher, then i regret to inform you that they are no longer "indie"
No, this was during the time when the price of Unreal Engine 3 was much lower price.

Not that they'd ever be given a chance in the first place... But nice that you can jump to conclusions about the latent game developing talent out there.
It has nothing to do with their talent, it has to do with money. You can have all the talent in the world, but you have to still eat and have a roof over your head. Epic with a strong team of over 80 people, still take 2 years to develop their titles. A team of four or five people aren't going to cut it. How will you fund development? Publishers are unlikely to give them money, because they're just not experienced enough. Both experience and talent are necessary.

I think, given a license - It would be VERY plausible for small teams to create some exceptional content powered by UE, at minimal cost. Then again as you said it's the engine license itself which is most prohibitive.
What proof do you have?

I'm not very inclined to leap to Cliffy's defense with the ridonkulous crap he's been pulling lately. I know he didn't say Bread and Butter. But that doesn't change the fact that his company's been quoted as stating that the PC is their bread and butter, and here he is saying "XBAWKS ONLY LOLZ". I could understand more if it wasn't the Unreal Engine 3.0, one of whose selling points is its cross-platform nature and easy portability. But with making content cross-platform so easy that community modders can do it with the PS3 cooking tools, there is absolutely zero excuse that Epic can't do it. They're either too lazy, or they flat out refuse to.
It could be a gameplay decision at the end of the day, because it may just be enjoyed more using a XBox controller, or that they just don't want to? But more likely, exclusivity is a payable 'feature'.
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will forever be nostalgic
Oct 14, 2003
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[SAS]Solid Snake;2192604 said:
If you're going to call out Epic on not releasing the source code, then neither have 99% of the other game developers out there.

Well, the obvious first comparison with Sweeney's UnrealEngine is going to be Carmack's id engines (especially since, beyond being engines competing with eachother, they also have often had competing first-party games). Of course most commercial game devs haven't open sourced their games, but the #1 competition in this case has.

[SAS]Solid Snake;2192604 said:
One possible thing that Epic could do, is to release a compiled version Unreal Engine 1 for free use. I don't see that impacting their business model. Possibly a branch of the Unreal Engine is maintained and upgraded by a set of people for the community. That would probably be a really good thing.

Well, for that there's always the runtime, in fact there's the UE2.0 one out there, although no UE3 yet right? And it's only for non-entertainment and non-commercial uses.

But here's the thing. Binary files...well, firstly it's a lot harder for the community to contribute, so you almost might as well not bother to a large degree.

Secondly, there's a reason I have at least one of the first three Quake games (and definitely Doom) installed on nearly every computer-like device I have, from my netbook to my original Xbox and my roommate's Wii up to my most recently-built computer, and trust me, it isn't because I like them more than Unreal or Unreal Tournament...I really don't, not at all. To have a community maintained branch you really need the source code to be open, otherwise it's just hacks and in some cases can't ever work (kindof hard to recompile UT for PPC if it can't be recompiled, no? although you could probably try something crazy).

hal's point earlier, though, is a good one, although I don't think from what I recall that it's entirely from scratch but Carmack does tend to wipe much of the slate clean with each new tech iteration, so to a degree Epic would be "giving up" (if one wants to think of it that way...obviously I don't, but I'm a dirty hippy ;) haha) quite a bit more than id does. It's their choice, I don't actually hold it against them that much, but that being said I'm still desperate to play UT1Wii yaknow? Even trying to get the linux version to work on my netbook has been a serious hassle, and the ancient nature of the core of the original Unreal Tournament often creates a lot of hoops one must jump through to make it run on modern systems. This is something that the community would undoubtably improve if UnrealEngine 1 was open sourced (judging by past success with Doom right through Quake III, and other stuff like Duke3D and Freespace2, both of which have boxed-product level polish in their upgraded ports).

But it's up to Epic, I just really really really wish they would :) especially since, as far as mod capability goes, the Unreal engine is definitely among the easiest (and all the more so with UnrealEngine1 where the barrier for entry was a fair bit lower), so the productivity of OpenUnreal-based games would probably be nearly unparalleled (Freespace2 has similarly powerful mod tools, and it shows).

....sorry, it's been boiling in the back of my head for ages how amazing some kind of OpenUnrealEngine could be, it all just came bursting out :) I solemnly swear, if Epic were ever to open source even the oldest of builds of the UnrealEngine I would love them forever and defend them to the death, no exaggeration. As it stands though, I think CliffyB's (yeah, I'm oldskool) comments are a bit ironic considering the kind of venom some of the community has, but on the other hand that venom doesn't seem deserved. Although, that might be the nearness of the UT3 Linux port talking ;)

[SAS]Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 7, 2002
New Zealand
Well, the obvious first comparison with Sweeney's UnrealEngine is going to be Carmack's id engines (especially since, beyond being engines competing with eachother, they also have often had competing first-party games). Of course most commercial game devs haven't open sourced their games, but the #1 competition in this case has.
Sure, but Source hasn't released their source code? Has CryEngine1 released theirs?

Well, for that there's always the runtime, in fact there's the UE2.0 one out there, although no UE3 yet right? And it's only for non-entertainment and non-commercial uses.
I knew this, but what I was meaning was that they release Unreal Engine 1 runtime for non-commercial games. That'd be really cool even if for mods to be able to strut their stuff.


New Member
May 17, 2005
Most people don't realize that UT3 was running on PC's long before it was running on all the consoles and people who tell you that the game was "Consolized" really don't know what they are talking about.
Of course it was. All games are developed on PCs/computers. Thank you Einstein.:lol:


Active Member
May 27, 2004
"whatever the hell you want as long as you play Gears of War 2 and give it a fair shake"

Oh so I have to buy a 360 before I have the right to insult him, that doesnt sound like an MS employee :)
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will forever be nostalgic
Oct 14, 2003
Visit site
Has iD freed Commander Keen yet? Or Wolfenstein 3D? :p

Actually, Wolfenstein 3D has been freed :) No word on the Commander Keen engine ;)

[SAS]Solid Snake said:
Sure, but Source hasn't released their source code?

Bad example, since the Source engine is a fork of the original Quake engine, heh. Probably has about as much to do with Quake as UE3 has with UE1...well, okay, probably a bit less, but by UE4 at least. And ironically, you could look at the Source engine source code if you wanted ;)
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New Member
Apr 24, 2002
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oh god...THIS argument again?

some nice points from solidsnake as ever, look people it is NOT as cut and dried as you like to make it out, it IS about business. Epic are NOT behaving in a way that is distinct and different to other developers. Multiple platforms are NOT the enemy.

Cut the fanboyism, start being objective, move on. I don't want every thread I read to devolve into "oh noes!! epics have abandoned us!!"

oh, and cliff...wanker, come kick me in the bollocks :p


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Multiple platforms are NOT the enemy.

Gears 2 is multi-platform, when did that happen? I mean what do people expect? We could just not mention the game at all since its not coming to PC and let the people who own 360's discuss it. They can have their "exclusive" little convo's in their closed "exclusive" little world that is live, then the only people who will care enough to insult him are his legion of live zombies! :lol: