Xylene's spamming powers in the early days were nothing short of miraculous.
But these days....
her rare appearances are getting to be like Elvis Sightings
Well ok, I'm totally exaggerating, but there has been a drastic decrease in Xylene sightings.
What's worse is the lack of Xyleneage in #planetunreal. I want to play against all the best, that includes you Jenny.

The last several times I've seen Xy in #planetunreal she has been like..
<Xylene>-Where is Y5?
***Xylene has left #planetunreal
*Sigh*, I guess when you get to be a superstar like Xylene, you forget all about the little people like Boom
BTW, Congrats on the fanclub Jenny, You Go Girl!!!!
Clan [Boom]
The undisputed, undefeated, world champion, 1on1, UT clan.