(GR)Killer said:Sorry for my n00bness but what's rsi?
Like carpal tunnel? You'll get to wear a wrist strap thingy. Then when you take off the thingy, maybe your twitch skills will be better, like what happened to that kid who's arm was in a cast over his head, and when he got out of the cast he had a super fast pitch and he joined a Major League Baseball team. I think Disney did a movie about him...|xF|Vengeance said:Repetitive Strain Injury
GotBeer? said:Jago, I think Skaxis is just one of those naturally overhappy people that likes to give everyone hugs, and claps and says "Yay!" alot when Mom bakes him cookies, and wears a helmet for protection.
LOL.Bleeder said:Yeah there's been much rumoring going on lately in a few of the u2xmp servers, so I figured something was finally maybe but not very possibly but who knows maybe coming soon.
GotBeer? said:24/06 Juggernaut Flamethrower
28/06 Juggernaut Flamethrower range increased <--that's today!
While 'Yay!' for the updates, were a lot of people complaining about the Jugg having a machine gun instead of flamethrower? I liked the gun, except for its ability to fire BEHIND the tank.
communist said:Well I thought the machine gun made more sense - except the fire behind bug. Well if its going to be flame-thrower again, fine by me.
dutch_gecko said:I liked the flamethrower, since it was thoroughly useless and so gave you a lovely feeling inside if you actually killed someone with it
Well, that's one problem fixed, but that wasn't the only problem.pistos said:It has already been fixed...
"30/04 Vehicle damage on KImpact events"