:'( buh buh buh... all 2DT posts are gone.. buh buh buh...

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OMFG the cow bus !!
Aug 19, 2002
Canada / Quebec
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eh, this afternoon I was "super-bored !" so I played some 2DT with rocket launcher arena, I noticed it was tough to dodge the rockets cuz the only way is to jump but after that (in mid-air) u are an easy target so I made a kind of eh.."reverse jump !!" (u press crouch in the air to make u go down.. (kind of like pressing down in SSB) rockets are easier to dodge now ;)

I also noticed that bots NEVER miss with a shock rifle or any instant-hit weapon :eek:.

maybe ill make a air-dodge (like wall dodge but anytime !) and release a 0.4.1 (lol) including the "inversed jump"(I need to find a name for this :p)


Feb 3, 2003
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yeah! call it quick dodging! lol ... and you finally see why I said it would of been good in this mod lolololol

anyway you should register your mod on this site http://www.moddb.com/

to get more attention and maybe even a team man! cause am sure I and a few others aren't the only ones that like this mod :p

oh btw there is a air dodge and wall dodge mutator out there :p uh check www.ut2003hq.com for the file if ya want
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Feb 3, 2003
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well yeah and no, this lets you use the crosshairs ut2k3 provides... there are other differences (like when you damage someone numbers appear above their head showing you how much damage your doing lol its pretty funny to use that along with that ut2k3 rpg hehe )

also the camera works different it zooms into your character when pass in front of objects that'll block the camera. Not to mention you can zoom in with the up and down keys. There is no dodging though :(... maybe you guys should work together :p

Oh and one thing I noticed (may have been a bug may have been intentional) when bots are a certain distance from you they automatically miss their shots lol (like their shots go towards the sides). That and you can find where the other bots/players are by looking at the sides of the screen, like their names move up and down at the sides of the screen depending on where in the level they are.

Like in this shot http://strangeworld.cc/~nora02/images/smash_04.jpg
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OMFG the cow bus !!
Aug 19, 2002
Canada / Quebec
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ive looked at the code and they stole nothing from me :p I dont really like the way to aim... its good but I dont like the way u cant move ur cursor too far from u :( and its also too slow. I wanted to make a aiming sistem like this but I started to love mine :p eh, is there problems with the crosshair not being at the good position for certain weapons in SmashU ?

Edit: eh, did u know theres a 2D mod for Quake too ?
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Feb 3, 2003
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Yeah I saw it I was like what the heck lol there's even going to be one for hl2! It’ll play like metal slug (don’t know if you ever played the metal slug games) ill see if I can find a link to the mods site. The mod is based off of hl2's story; I saw a picture of it looks nice.

As far as the crosshair thing was it facing downwards for you when you switch to certain weapons? I had raised my mouse sensitivity when playing so I didn't really have any problems with it... but yeah the aiming system could use some work.

Oh another think I liked about it was that it was compatible with this melee kung fu mutator KakutouRC120p-v08, though it wasn't compatible with the arena version of the mod. :(
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Mar 27, 2003
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I have a question for an next patch...
Can you make in steat of a new pawn just an inventory, so that all sorts of pawns will work? And can you make a way to use vehicles with your 2d mod? That would really be great!


OMFG the cow bus !!
Aug 19, 2002
Canada / Quebec
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FrozenCow said:
I have a question for an next patch...
Can you make in steat of a new pawn just an inventory, so that all sorts of pawns will work? And can you make a way to use vehicles with your 2d mod? That would really be great!

I dont think everything I have in my pawn can be in an inventory :( and since the "dont move in 3D" code is in the pawn vehicles cant move in 2D (well it could if u add the 2D movements code but it cant work with vehicles made for 3D) if someone find a way to make it , contact me ;)

oh and in the other 2D mod there is the bug where u can move in 3D when running in walls :p


Feb 3, 2003
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hey how about allowing us to turn our characters using a gamepad the same way we turn them using a mouse! (its the only thing missing when playing with a gamepad)


<img src=http://img349.imageshack.us/img349/9838/e
Nov 10, 2002
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hey k0lp:
could you make an option in your mod to choose between the normal ut2k3 weapons and own weapons(which you will write :eek: )?
own weapons like...erm...rockets which bounce from walls and the floor...some stuff like that
with more flexible movement(like more dodging jumping stuff)and tricky weapons it would be TEH 2d mod and I would start playing ut2k3 again ;)

p.s.this damage number above the head idea from the other mod is sh't


OMFG the cow bus !!
Aug 19, 2002
Canada / Quebec
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lol, why is it sh't ? I found it useless anyway.. and, yeah I could make an option like : 2DT or Ut2k3 in 2D, so that u can play with normal ut2k3 weapons/movements or 2DT weapons/movements.

for now I would have these special moves in mind (GIMME MORE!!) :
pressing "down" or duck in the air will make u go down faster, a air dodge,a wall jump (like a walldodge but makes u go higher and u can perform as many as u wish in 1 jump)

weapons : 1st if I make my own modification of ut2k3 weapons one of the good things is that I will be able to place the crosshairs exactly where it should be.
Flak : (less damage or projectile speed or projectile per shot) no projectile movements in 3D.
Rocket: good as it is I think, in fact its my favorite weapon in 2D ;),
link : less "pushing" with alt fire. [did u ever noticed how this weapon sucks in 3D but is too good in 2D :eek:)
shock : well I dont know but.. its too tough to make combos and too easy to kill with prim fire :/
mini : alt fire is kinda useless since you cant see very far..
goo : alt fire too strong..
sniper : alt fire gets stuck.. I could fix that..
assault rifle: grenades should bounce in 2D..

NeoNight : ill try to make this gamepad thing ;)
I need to format my stupid HD before I can reinstall/play/mod ut2k3.. I need to play some 2DT :'( lol


Feb 3, 2003
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HEY! I just thought of something else, k0lpA did you ever play metriod fusion for the gba?....... (if not let me know I can get you the rom and an emu to check it out)

if so ever notice the way samus aims in all directions? Is it possible to making aiming in 2dt like that? (mainly for aiming with the keyboard or gamepad)

What I mean is pressing :

(at the same time) Look up and look right/left = Aiming diagonally upper right/left (you probably understand what I mean already)

(at the same time) Look down and look right/left = Aiming diagonally down right/left

Look down/up/left/right = look down/up/left/right (duh lol )

The thing is though your character shouldn't scroll or pan in those directions like when you use a mouse, or the normal looking keys but aim in that direction directly. lol thats the best way I can explain it. >_<