:'( buh buh buh... all 2DT posts are gone.. buh buh buh...

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Feb 3, 2003
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Nice maps..... but the (whatever triggers the instant kill thing) in the pitfalls of the mario map are set too high I mean give people at least a little bit of a chance to survive lol

oh and IT should be possible to make breakable blocks (um check out nali bricks) you can ask Mr. evil how he did that if you want


OMFG the cow bus !!
Aug 19, 2002
Canada / Quebec
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actually its easy to make breakable blocks, its only an actor with a block mesh and some code to make it blow. you only need a coder /me point itselfs and a block Static mesh


New Member
Jun 15, 2003
no i didnt make those maps

the author ([email protected]) sent them to me and i just let you know

i agree that smario is a lot better than the mega man map

but i think its a great idea to have 2d mod maps of the old jumpnrun classics


Mar 27, 2003
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I've just finished my first 2DDM map. It's the first level of the Super Mario Bros game. You must have the textures from the 2DDM-SMario map (thanks for the cool idea and textures). The only thing is that there is a bug with the camera. The camera flickers sometimes when I walk or jump.
I'm originally a coder and I really want to work with some guys on the mario mod. I think it is a good idea to make a mod team with the makers of the mario mutator, mario map and the 2d mod.
I've also got some cool idea's to make in the mod like making yoshi, or make a new gametype 'Capture the Princess' where the badcharacters fight against the good characters to get the princess out of the castle of bowser.


  • 2DDM-SMarioBros1-1.ut2.zip
    301 KB · Views: 35


Booga booga boo!
Nov 20, 2001
Humid as hell, FL
ARGH! Why don't I ever get forum notifications for this area!?! All the other forums seem to work but this one. Hmm.. Anyway...

TheBladeRoden said:
I didn't realize there were so many

And there's three more now, I see! Fourteen total.

k0lpA said:
Freaking_B , there shouldnt be a 2D INV section on mapraider cuz 2DINV use all 2D maps
Kolpa - Some people do maps specifically for Invasion; that's why it's there - just in case :)

By the way, the 0.4 version of the mod is also on our FileFront mirror:


supernewbie said:
please add supermario and megaman to that site too

Supernewbie - thanks for the heads-up. The maps (and screenshots) have all been added.

I also added FrozenCow's version as well.

In case anyone missed the post above, you can find all of the 2D maps on Mapraider.com If there are any others I haven't added, just let me know.
Last edited:


Feb 3, 2003
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Oh great.... now If I can just learn how to make a 2d map ill make some mega man x, and Metroid/fusion hell maybe even castlevina (sp?) symphony (I can't spell for crap) of Night maps!

Then if I can learn to animate for ut2k3 ill try and do the dashing and rolling animations and give em to k0lpA to code in lol. Well see you guys in a few months lol


OMFG the cow bus !!
Aug 19, 2002
Canada / Quebec
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ehh, NeoNight, 2D maping is easy.. (if u know 3D maping ;)) its the same.. the only thing u have to know is that the whole level have to follow the X axis and all the players start should be on the same Y