I'll teach you a trick to the BIS community zeep, if it is in the Arma 2 section your suggestion or what have you will get ignored unless it is groundbreaking. But if you post in the Arma 2 Editing section then you might get somewhere.
Hmm i believe that's where i posted, Arma2 Editing
. I got maybe two replies, too bad no coder got interested. It's a shame really, many people at the BIS forum have been coding since OFP's days so i'm sure there's enough skill to be found there. the problem is to get them interested and motivated for an 'Inf like' feel... which they have never experienced / played..
..But simplicity is often the best in certain situations. Complete Randomness would allow for different tactical situations to be used or even hilarity.
..ACE2 features: The good thing is they will maybe fix the grenade system. BUT CQC wise, the rest is simply speeding up some anims. Thats it. It misses the more fluid stance change and weapon collision system. Sadly I think that even with ACE2, in a house, you will feel like an elephant.
The amount of work that ACE2 delivers is still amazing and really enjoyable. The only thing i'd wish for is that they'd fix CQC before creating cool new features.
*sigh* agreed too.
..Please note that I know how hard it is to balance properly a mission. I'm just kinda 'throwing ideas' here...
I'm not even worrying about balance. Like Psych says, lets put in a few weapons, one even, and have that function correctly. Forget about APC's, heli's and all that. Let the weapons balance out themselves.
If defenders spawn in a castle and attackers have to attack uphill, so be it. At least, for starters. Gameplay tweaks, location tweaks, that's all easy to do if the CORE is functioning right.
.. Isn't it possible to create a specific map actor to pick possible spawn areas in Arma ?..
It's done in a single/coop mission i play a lot. Work's like a charm.
- Random insertion by heli at some point. The mission is to get to a suitcase, randomly placed in a city, randomly defended by soldiers, tanks etc. He has tweaked the insertion and objective points precisely like we could do when we need to control spawnpoints.
The above mission is basically DTAS with coop humans against AI.
Like I said, making DTAS the way it is now directily into Arma 2 is extremely easy. Getting it to actually play well is the real challenge, as Chernarus simply isn't your average UT map.
Again, i would simply let the weapons balance out themselves. Some smoke worked wonders in the old inf days
..Their concept was to create the basics, such as the movement and combat of the character and enemies, the missions are meant to be created by the community..
.. the most minimum of things to do:
- One player model/texture/animations/sounds
- VERY few weapons to model/texture/animate (1 pistol, 1 rifle, 1 grenade)
- a small TDM map (sorta training map, small but very interesting)
That's basically enough, keep the to-do things at the minimum, but make them as high quality as possible. I often see mods trying to get as big as possible, I prefer quality over quantity..
..that once something is there and it turns out to be really good at the start, it will motivate to do more.
Nice concept! That would be great if this dream inf-arma2 mod ever sees the light of day.. Agreed agreed etc.
Uhm, the name's taken. Inf Lite is a mutie for UT ..
Meh who cares about the name?! Inf is so long ago now anyway. I don't care if we call it pac-man
We need a skilled coder. Put him on an Infiltration diet for a month, and then have him mod ARMA2. Any coders here that want to team up and start modifying ARMA2's movement to begin with?
I understand enough about coding to be able to tweak values, compile code, etc. I'm willing to learn what is needed. I just want this to get going.