Any old school INFers still around?

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INF Online moderator
Oldschool. I think I meet the requirements:

Released my first and only map, according to the read-me, 4/24/2002.
Quite honored to see that it made the community edition! :D
I personally thought it was very simple.
Then again, I worked on Snowshoot][ for... pffffff.... 6 years, on and off again. It's as big as Extreme Prejudice. Maybe I'll release it one day...

Lots of forum call-signs still familiar.

Before logging in yesterday (to find OlethrosHP and RandomDamage1.1) I had last logged in 25 MAR 2010, to troubleshoot inf on another system.

Installed UT99 + 436 + Inf2.9CE because I'm still drawn to it all these years.

Glad to see more AK Variants. Digging the AKS74u.

Also, clan SDS FTMFW! ;)

EDIT: Join date of Aug 14 2001... A month before Senior Year of High School. And all the links in my sig (and for that matter, my sig image) is broken. I'm not gonna fix it.

Edit 2: I'm still the mod of the Inf Online section... so... don't break the rules! :p
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Apr 21, 2003
Released my first and only map, according to the read-me, 4/24/2002.
Quite honored to see that it made the community edition! :D
I personally thought it was very simple.
Then again, I worked on Snowshoot][ for... pffffff.... 6 years, on and off again. It's as big as Extreme Prejudice. Maybe I'll release it one day...
Hello, welcome and please, release the map.


New Member
Nov 26, 2010
I am still kicking.

Wouldn't mind to give INF a spin again. I would need to find UT99 again. Don't have the cd anymore.
May 18, 2004
Clan DHTA is still around, though we do not play regularly since we have lives now. My two fellow leaders are both serving the USA and I am settled into an IT job. One of my guys is in the Marines and the other is in the Navy. I have two college degrees and a decent IT gig. The last time I played with everybody I had just moved out on my own after I got my first degree and was playing on a P2/233 with a Voodoo 2000 PCI card.

My clan and I actually went on to Frag Ops and later Red Orchestra (the mod, not the STEAM release). We got very good and actually had two clans swearing we were a bunch of filthy cheaters. I even went as far as recoding myself playing and sending out the videos, but I was told I could fake the video somehow. We stopped our main online FPS playing when they moved to STEAM since many of us despise STEAM, but I have a Linux server here in my lab at home and we play on and off. Maybe I'll put it online. I have a 30Mbps line now with 5Mbps up!

Oh, and I am engaged now, and I am getting her into Infiltration. Hell of a first FPS!
May 18, 2004
I setup a dedicated server. It is on a Debian Squeeze (6.0.6) system with 2GB of dedicated RAM. The box is virtualized via XenServer and also runs my pet project, a World of Warcraft 1.12.1 server from back in the day before the expansions, so when that loads up I am interested to see if either server affects the other. It is on a 30Mbps line with 5Mbps up on the east coast of the United States. Enjoy!
May 18, 2004
Well my server has been up and running for a week or so now. I am hosting it on a 30Mbps line but so far no players other than friends here on my LAN. Bots are decent though. I am running 2.9 CE, but I am having a few problems that I am about to post about in the other forum.


Mar 27, 2002
What a mod this was.

Not sure how I ended up back here.

Was in clan SDS back in the day. Good times, I adored this mod. A lot of interesting characters and really good players to boot.

Still fondly remember maps like Sicily, Bunkers/Funkers, Dockside, Vladivostok, Norwich, Kosovo...and all the amazing Angelheart maps like Relics and RealAssault and DasBoot that annihilated my machine but looked so good back then...

Wish there was a place to get all the old maps back.

Good memories of all this.


Hmm, Upgrades... 2.86 to 2.9.. rock on!
Dec 26, 2000
Holy cow! I was browsing through some old links this evening and saw the Infiltration one and thought, why not, let's see if it still works.....geez, has it really been 13 years since I joined? Then a search for some old posts and the last one being in 2005! I can't believe the site is still up and dishing out the 2.9 packs.

Anyway, an old timer here from the just as old MP Clan saying hi!

(Not sure if I'll get UT and INF reinstalled.....maybe for old times sake).

edit: Just checked out the link in my sig and I've no idea if that's a new MP Clan site or if they moved onto COD.
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Hmm, Upgrades... 2.86 to 2.9.. rock on!
Dec 26, 2000
I think I've got a shed load of maps and old INF stuff I could upload to my Skydrive.....let me check and I'll post back.

EDIT: Just checked and I have some RealMaps map packs, including the Angelheart map - InnerCity! Interested? I'll start a new thread rather than hijack this one.

EDIT2: Made a new thread here :
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