Oldschool. I think I meet the requirements:
Released my first and only map, according to the read-me, 4/24/2002.
Quite honored to see that it made the community edition!
I personally thought it was very simple.
Then again, I worked on Snowshoot][ for... pffffff.... 6 years, on and off again. It's as big as Extreme Prejudice. Maybe I'll release it one day...
Lots of forum call-signs still familiar.
Before logging in yesterday (to find OlethrosHP and RandomDamage1.1) I had last logged in 25 MAR 2010, to troubleshoot inf on another system.
Installed UT99 + 436 + Inf2.9CE because I'm still drawn to it all these years.
Glad to see more AK Variants. Digging the AKS74u.
Also, clan SDS FTMFW!
EDIT: Join date of Aug 14 2001... A month before Senior Year of High School. And all the links in my sig (and for that matter, my sig image) is broken. I'm not gonna fix it.
Edit 2: I'm still the mod of the Inf Online section... so... don't break the rules!