Amer. FragBU: Friday 4/29 and Saturday 4/30

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tactical inaccuracy
Feb 6, 2005
The only thing wrong with poach is that it's a bad thing and sometimes it's not on purpose. Last night on Vipers some peeps were playing and when we were on Rankin T2A called me a poacher. The fight was down at the amp where one of my teammates was fighting him over close to the flak leg of that hallway and so I ran around the back side knowing his attention would be on my teammate and killed him from behind. I don't necissarly think that would be a "poach" so much as team tactics and surrounding the opponent. I think one thing they need to do is have a delay for the "camper" penalty because I got called a camper about 5 times and lost health while playing just because I was still typing something at the beginning of the match. Also in fractionary-x if you see someone go down the hole near the 100a with the jump pad, don't stand there and wait for them to jump back up for some skeet shooting because it will call you a camper everytime. :rolleyes:


BuF Greeter, News Bagger
Apr 19, 2002
Columbus, OH
Visit site
yeah, I think there's a big difference between poaching and actual teamwork. If the same guys end up being the last one on their team at the end of a round, despite not being good, there's a fair chance they were waiting for the field to clear and then pick off the last survivors for mucho points. Bad poachers, bad.

OTOH, I have discovered flanking is a fantastic team strategy in TAM, usually if I have a teammate nearby, I can "push" an opponent somewhere where he can be gang-raped, whether or not I actually get the kill is irrelevant. Also, if I come up on a firefight, it never hurts to whip out the ole mini and take down their health while their attention is on the flak monkey in front of them.


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
No, no, no. Poach could be an award no matter the situation. Sure, it may be teamwork, but you still got an easy kill off the work your teammates did. Your team wears down his health, you walk around the corner and peg him with a shock beam that kills him, and the announcer goes, "Poach!" It doesn't have to mean that you were purposefully playing like Dird. It can work just like a headshot... You may get a headshot, but that doesn't mean you were necessarily aiming for their head, as I would venture a guess that most people just aim at the upper chest/shoulder area and if it happens, it happens. I think the way to signify it would be if you hit him with one shot that kills him while his health is down to like 30 or less.


Active Member
Apr 12, 2004
Turns2Ashes said:
It doesn't have to mean that you were purposefully playing like Dird.

Was i poaching kills in our 1v1? :s
poaching isnt a big deal in tdm/tam long as the team gets the frag so what? not gonna start moaning if some1 steals a frag off me coz idc tbh


Aug 10, 2000
Hyrulian Hero said:
What exactly is "poaching", anyway? :con:

Hehe - Kes and i starting using this about a year or so ago because he always had a habit of killing someone that i had got down to almost no health. So, it was quite common for me to be fighting someone for a while and out of nowhere, la la la, here comes Kes at the last minute and gets the kill for doing little for than sneaking up behing them. Poacher. :lol:


I'm dead.
Jan 10, 2004
Richmond, VA
Dirdmister said:
Was i poaching kills in our 1v1? :s
Considering it's physically impossible to do so given the definition of the word... Yes.

I would hardly call that a 1v1. My aim was horrible the duration of that night so I'd given up by the second kill. But good job anyway.



Feb 3, 2003
4 entries found for poach.
poach2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (pch)
v. poached, poach·ing, poach·es
v. intr.

1. To trespass on another's property in order to take fish or game.
2. To take fish or game in a forbidden area.
3. To become muddy or broken up from being trampled. Used of land.
4. To sink into soft earth when walking.
1. To take or appropriate something unfairly or illegally.
2. Sports. To play a ball out of turn or in another's territory, as in doubles tennis.
6. To play TAM in such a way that you would be compared to Dird.


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
It's hardly an issue in 2.50, because of damage based scoring. I end games with like 45-50 points, and 11-13 kills.

Dirdmister said:
poaching isnt a big deal in tdm/tam anyway

It used to be a bad thing in TAM because of how adrenaline got distribued in 2.40. It was a major negative impact on a game dynamic. It's mostly fixed now. Point being, getting the frag done isn't really the only important thing in TAM. Especially with the skill spread in some pubs. Who gets adren can change the game in later rounds.

Sign me up for blue. I'm working on getting our spider mines good enough to be in clans... :lol: