I also took a little bit care of the ADSU project and added Selket Remix, Juggurfey (JuggBots) and 3 of the Team Mesh Juggernauts to the tool.
Unfortunately I didn`t get any reply of the "older" authors, I hope I`ll get response in some time. I really want to add Leena to that!
When I`m done with my Egypt-Pack I`ll release the official 0.92b(eta) version in hope to get further feedback what should be changed or included.
Here`s the current list:
Name Race Type Team Alternate DUP
Hathor Egyptian DUP -
Natron Egyptian DUP - Rajesh (Rajesh/Vore)
Sunspear Egyptian DUP -
Tranquility Egyptian DUP -
Sphinx Eygyptian DUP -
Jackhammer Juggernaut DUP - K-Rod (K-Rod/Cade)
Medusa Juggernaut DUP -
Vengeance Necris Jug DUP - Theory
Cipher Merc DUP - Mithan
Huntress Merc DUP -
Kain Merc DUP - Kolman
Silhoutte Merc DUP - Rikki
Stargazer Merc DUP -
Avarice Nightmare DUP - Vore (Rajesh/Vore)
Darkling Necris Jug DUP - Sephirath (Team Mesh)
Mortis Necris DUP Black Legion Aias
Samedi Necris DUP Black Legion Lord Azrisk
Succubus Necris DUP Black Legion Nikita
Brutus Juggernaut DUP Goliath Bleodsian
Bullseye Juggernaut DUP Goliath Juggurfey (Juggbot)
Clangor Juggernaut DUP Goliath
Fury Juggernaut DUP Goliath
Misery Juggernaut DUP Goliath
Outrage Juggernaut DUP Goliath
Rampage Juggernaut DUP Goliath Gorge07
Titania Juggernaut DUP Goliath
Mystique Merc DUP Iron Guard Nathalia
Xantares Merc DUP Iron Guard Omega Unit Male
Avalanche Juggernaut DUP Juggernauts O`Reiley (Team Mesh)
Jezebel Juggernaut DUP Juggernauts
Perdition Juggernaut DUP Juggernauts Mac Woodland (Team Mesh)
Sorrow Juggernaut DUP Juggernauts
Imhotep Eygyptian DUP Sun Blade
Isis Eygyptian DUP Sun Blade Selket (remixed)
Nafiret Eygyptian DUP Sun Blade
Ramses Eygyptian DUP Sun Blade
Ariel Merc DUP Super Nova
Dragon Merc DUP Super Nova Ozz (Mentals)
Faith Merc DUP Super Nova
Nemesis Merc DUP Super Nova Caige (masked)
Nova Merc DUP Super Nova
Perish Merc DUP Super Nova Stefanie (Stefanie Special)
Phantom Merc DUP Super Nova Bane
If it`s ok for you SaD, I also want to include a small banner beneath the buttons with "Powered by SkinCity" that would be cool.
So if someone has a little bit time left and want to make it, this would be cool
It should have the same length as the buttons, the width doesn`t matter.
I`ll attach one for reference.
thx in advance and many thx for your interests