Alternate DUP Change Utility

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
|)R01D3K4 said:
...Is there Mac support?:(
I`m not sure, because I can`t test that but I suppose not :hmm:

or can MAC negotiate with DOS-bats?

Starry Might

Turret 49 said:
Don't the skarrj, robots, and gen'mokia (I think that's how you spell it) have DUPs?
The Skaarjs don't have DUPs.

MäxX said:
OMG, did I write Kaela? yeah I wrote it. Sorry my fault - fixed
and it`s a skin for the Satin-model
That's okay! :)

MäxX said:

Samedi - Nightmare - Black Legion -
Lord Azrisk?
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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
Starry Might said:
....Lord Azrisk?


added Azrisk and Rajesh, moved Theory to another DUP
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Starry Might

MäxX said:
Darkling - Nightmare - none -
Outrage - Juggernaut - Goliath -
Dragon - Merc - Super Nova -
How 'bout...

Darkling = Calith from The Deadly Duo skinpack. (She's the Lilith/Fate skin.)

Outrage = LeadFoot from the Team Tiger skinpack. (He's the Gorge/Frostbite skin.)

Dragon = Stern from the Team Tiger skinpack. (He's the Brock skin.)

Also, I have a question...

Will these DUPs have their own Bios like what you were doing before?


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
thx for the tips starry :tup: great :)

I don`t know if the Team Tiger skins fit perfect for that purpose, but I`ll keep them in mind :)

Calith was a great idea, I added it to the list

The bios will be taken from the original UT game, but I doubt that theay will be numerous enough. If that happens, we have to make some new one, I hope I can count on you in that sit ;)

I also want to add a section with links to great skin ressources or tools (of course SkinCity ;), JaFo`s Botmanager, Voicepackager, UMod-Wizard, UMod-Extractor, just to name a few)

and a short manual.

Currently I have permission to use the skins made by rex,slaughter and bofrazz. I will include them in a first Beta available soon ;)

EDIT: I will ask the other authors later, first I have to gain all their E-Mail-adresses ;)
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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
ADSU version 0.80(b)eta is now available for download (see post #1 for download link)!

This first version is ment to be a testversion and switches only 3 skins (Rajesh - Avarice, Theory - Jackhammer, Lord Azrisk - Samedi).Be sure to have them on your HD (see post #1 for links)!
Most of the areas are WIP, but it should give you some impressions of what the interface could look like.
If you have suggestions, please let me know!

Here (again) a short description what each button does:
+ Switch DUPs: Deletes all original upls from the system dir (max 3....) and adds the new upls to the dir
+ Restore Orig.: Restores the 3 original upls to the system dir and deletes the new upl
+ BackUP: Backups all your current upls, this should be your very first action here!
+ Restore BackUP: Just in case many things went wrong.....
+ Characters: All Characters used for DUP replacement are linked to download (of course from SkinCity)
+ Deny other Char: renames all upls to xx*.upl, so they won`t be taken for SP any more but still keep unchanged!. Warning, this cannot be undone automatically so be sure to BackUP! This is necessery to avoid again 2 same chars in SP. This step should be done before switching the upls.
+ Characters: WIP - Links to used characters
+ Resources: WIP - Links to other great ressources
+ Manual: There will be a better description of all this stuff ;)
+ Credits: WIP
+ Disclaimer: WIP
+ Main Menu: Brings back the title screen

Last but not least the system requirements:
Internet Explorer (there seemed to be troubles with Firefox)
UT2004 (surprise)

The files come with a zip-file and the directories were stored with it too. There are pretty many files, so I won`t list them all here. Simply extract the stuff with directory remembering on!
After extracting it to the UT2004 main directory you should have a folder called AlternateDUPs, open it and select the ADSU.lnk to start the prog.
The final version will have a better solution for installation.
I won`t be online until next week, so you should have enough time for testing :lol:

A last thing to say, you use this at your own risk
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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
*bummmppppsssssssss* :D

any further comments, suggestions? I think I`ll have a little bit time on weekend :D


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
new version available

ADSU version 0.82(b)eta is now available! Due it`s size (3,67 MB) I can`t put it here at forums any more.
If anyone knows a good location to put it, plz let me know. For the mom I`ll send this stuff via mail (SaD you are my first victim *hrhr*).
So if you want it just pm me your adress

This first version is ment to be a testversion and only switches 3 skins (Rajesh - Avarice, Theory - Jackhammer, Lord Azrisk - Samedi).
Be sure to have them on your HD (see post #1 for links)!
Most of the areas are WIP, but it should give you some impressions of what the interface could look like.
If you have suggestions, please let me know!

Here (again) a short description what each button does:
+ Switch DUPs: Deletes all original upls from the system dir (max 3....) and adds the new upls to the dir
+ Restore Orig.: Restores the 3 original upls to the system dir and deletes the new upl
+ BackUP: Backups all your current upls, this should be your very first action here!
+ Restore BackUP: Just in case many things went wrong.....
+ Deny other Char: renames all upls to xx*.upl, so they won`t be taken for SP any more but still keep unchanged!. Warning, this cannot be undone automatically so be sure to BackUP! This is necessery to avoid again 2 same chars in SP. This step should be done before switching the upls.
+ Characters: WIP - This will become a database with all stats and bios of all chars and the used DUPs.
Of course there will also be the links to download the chars and links to other 0wnage skins too

+ Resources: WIP - Links to other great ressources
+ Manual: There will be a better description of all this stuff ;)
+ Credits: WIP
+ Disclaimer: WIP
+ Main Menu: Brings back the title screen

Last but not least the system requirements:
Internet Explorer (there seemed to be troubles with Firefox)
UT2004 (surprise) & ECE Bonus Pack

The installation is know made via an ut4mod-file.

beneath are some screenshots: