Alternate DUP Change Utility

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
SaD said:
Great tool MäxX . I installed it some minutes ago.
What are the sounds (.wav-files) for ?
thank you

As soon as I discover how to make them played when a page is opened, the character`s name of the UT2k3 chars will be spoken, I just loved that feature

Menumusic is also planned

thx to UTG for that idea :tup:


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
SaD said:
I thought something like that . Will be great :tup:
It are the small details which round things up :)

I just managed to include menumusic and UT2k3`s character names spoken. Will send this to SaD tomorrow! :D

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Link(gun) Lady
As official Beta Tester I also got a copy of the current beta :D

It`s great, the menumusic just reminds me of good old times and the spoken UT2k3-names are also great! Very athmospheric :tup:

Can`t wait until the final release is out!

But it`s too typical for you MäxX....almost 15 MB now for a simple tool switching some entries in the upl-files :lol:

Great idea with the database, it`s good for a quick overview and provides a fast accesibility to all download links.

As mentioned earlier I`d also like to see a small overview of the maps and weapons, then this tool should be a must-have for every real unreal fan

In the other skinnage section I won`t list the packs using each character in skinpacks like you did for TSE. The official Skincity-prev should do ;)
Ähm, while I`m talking about TSE.....I think you have forgotten to mention one very important and new member :D

The bottom line:

This tool will be great, keep it up MäxX and please be a little bit faster as always ;)


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
UTGirl said:
It`s great, the menumusic just reminds me of good old times and the spoken UT2k3-names are also great! Very athmospheric :tup:
You were right, such tools just need a bgm :) finally I found out how to include that

UTGirl said:
But it`s too typical for you MäxX....almost 15 MB now for a simple tool switching some entries in the upl-files :lol:
I don`t know why all my stuff gets always that big :(

UTGirl said:
Great idea with the database, it`s good for a quick overview and provides a fast accesibility to all download links.
With the planned sort options it should be no prob to gain a quick overview

UTGirl said:
As mentioned earlier I`d also like to see a small overview of the maps and weapons, then this tool should be a must-have for every real unreal fan
Let`s see how it develops, but main goal is cover all chars

UTGirl said:
In the other skinnage section I won`t list the packs using each character in skinpacks like you did for TSE. The official Skincity-prev should do ;)
Ähm, while I`m talking about TSE.....I think you have forgotten to mention one very important and new member :D
You`re right, it would be too much work and it would raise the file-size even more.
Stefanie will surerely be added in the final version, I won`t forget her ;)

UTGirl said:
This tool will be great, keep it up MäxX and please be a little bit faster as always ;)
gonna try :p

thx 4 the feedback
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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
SaD said:
Sorry , this took way too much time .

I created an account at FileFront to upload the files as a temporary solution.
After the mirror-problem is solved I let the account die.

ADSU-Beta 0.90 at Filefront .
no prob, it has been a hard time last weeks!

great service :clap:


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
frosty said:
Sheesh I only understood about 5% of this post, you Guys are gulfs ahead of me.
just get the beta of the tool and all things should get much clearer :p

jesus, I just have to go on with this, but I`m very busy at the moment :eek:


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
I`m gonna go for another update ASAP. Currently I`ve only added Ozz from Slaughter`s awesome Mentals Skinpack.

But good Juggernauts (esp. the female ones) and egyptians are rare, so if you know any good ones please tell me.

I`ll try to contact some further authors for permission to include more of the planned stuff.

I`ll also update the list on the first page due it can`t be taken being up-to-date at the moment

Planned is also a section to include links to the must-have-skins, let`s see if I (or someone else) has good inspirations how to make that th ebest way

Further updates will follow
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Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
I`ve included Ozz from the Mentals, Donovan from Omega Unit and Mithan.
Changed Cipher from Kolman to Mithan to make him available at the beginning. (As promised to you UTG :lol:)
Kolman is Kain now

Here is a list of current used DUPs

Name		Race		Team		Alternate DUP
Hathor		Egyptian	-		-
Natron		Egyptian	-		Rajesh (Rajesh/Vore)
Sunspear	Egyptian	-		-
Tranquility	Egyptian	-		-
Sphinx		Eygyptian	-		-
Jackhammer	Juggernaut	-		K-Rod (K-Rod/Cade)
Medusa		Juggernaut	-		-
Vengeance	Juggernaut	-		Theory
Cipher		Merc		-		Mithan
Huntress	Merc		-		-
Kain		Merc		-		Kolman
Silhoutte	Merc		-		Rikki
Stargazer	Merc		-		-
Avarice		Nightmare	-		Vore (Rajesh/Vore)
Darkling	Nightmare	-		-
Mortis		Necris		Black Legion	Aias
Samedi		Necris		Black Legion	Lord Azrisk
Succubus	Necris		Black Legion	Nikita
Brutus		Juggernaut	Goliath		Bleodsian
Bullseye	Juggernaut	Goliath		-
Clangor		Juggernaut	Goliath		-
Fury		Juggernaut	Goliath		-
Misery		Juggernaut	Goliath		-
Outrage		Juggernaut	Goliath		-
Rampage		Juggernaut	Goliath		Gorge07
Titania		Juggernaut	Goliath		-
Mystique	Merc		Iron Guard	Nathalia
Xantares	Merc		Iron Guard	Donovan (Omega Unit Male)
Avalanche	Juggernaut	Juggernauts	-
Jezebel		Juggernaut	Juggernauts	-
Perdition 	Juggernaut	Juggernauts	-
Sorrow		Juggernaut	Juggernauts	-
Imhotep		Eygyptian	Sun Blade	-
Isis		Eygyptian	Sun Blade	-
Nafiret		Eygyptian	Sun Blade	-
Ramses		Eygyptian	Sun Blade	-
Ariel		Merc		Super Nova	-
Dragon		Merc		Super Nova	Ozz (Mentals)
Faith		Merc		Super Nova	-
Nemesis		Merc		Super Nova	Caige (masked)
Nova		Merc		Super Nova	-
Perish		Merc		Super Nova	Stefanie (Stefanie Special)
Phantom		Merc		Super Nova	Bane

I`ve PMed J2A, Achromatic and Loric for permission of usage of their skins.

Currently we need good Egypts and Jugs (female) for this project. Of course I could quickmake some but I`d prefer the communities best.

Anyways, still more to come, I want to finish it this year :D

I don`t think I`ll replace all DUPs with DUPs of the same type, for instance all Egypt DUPs not in the certain Egypt team and without egyptian name could be used for GMKs, to please the GMK fans
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Link(gun) Lady
MäxX said:
Changed Cipher from Kolman to Mithan to make him available at the beginning. (As promised to you UTG :lol:)

MäxX said:
Currently we need good Egypts and Jugs (female) for this project. Of course I could quickmake some but I`d prefer the communities best.

Anyways, still more to come, I want to finish it this year :D
There are some great Jug males WIP, maybe someone else takes a jug fem?
For the egyptians I see another great WIP by you and maybe you`ll try out Apophis by Vailias?

Keep it up, the project is really cool :)


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
UTGirl said:
There are some great Jug males WIP, maybe someone else takes a jug fem?
For the egyptians I see another great WIP by you and maybe you`ll try out Apophis by Vailias?
Yap the male Jugs are truly looking very promising. :)

That Apophis skin is in my "planned" folder of my ADSU-project. tbH it was forogtten there *shame* I`ll check it out if it fits ASAP.


Bite Me
Dec 19, 2003
klasnic said:
Another great Jugg that I remember is 'Warhammer' (I think) by Dru Tyson. That was one of my favs for 2k3 ;)
Some real nice skins there! Good tip, gonna ask him too afterwards :tup: