I get what you're saying Kafros and I think you're right.
What it seems that you mean IS NOT that you want CS players to start playing UT - this won't ever happen as the games are so utterly different - but that you would like UT to have more players. That new players will take UT as their game of choice.
I can't stand CS, and my first FPS online experiences were with MOH. I never bothered with UT until 2k4 because, like you pointed out, I got sick and tired of getting killed so fast and the learning curve being so steep...basically because of the sophistication of the weapons and the movement.
Now I'm not saying that the game should be nerfed...I guess ALL UT players would say that one thing they love about UT is that very sophistication that makes the game so intimidating to new players. The sophistication is what gives the game it's rich depth and balance, it's playability and fun. Any significant nerfing of these would change the game too much and UT would lose something of its essence..the very thing that makes it UT.
Making the game accessible to new players, while maintaining the soul of UT that keeps the hard-core types is an incredibly difficult balance to hit.
I'm heartened by what I hear about Envy though, the reduction of the "bounciness" of the players will be one step towards making the game more about killing, rather than dodging...and this should make the game more accessible.
The suggested tutorials are another good idea.
I'm also interested to see how the proposed "skill matching" server finder will work...it COULD be a brilliant idea....but I guess it will be really difficultto successfully pull off..we'll see.
But the best thing that Epic have done for newer players is the innovation of Onslaught. This levelled the playing fields and gave newer players (like myself) a way into the game. I'm glad to see ONS returning in the next UT game as it should maintain that player base (as the DM/TDM/CTF player bases should hopefully be retained as well), and hopefully Conquest can do what Onslaught did and bring in even more new players. In many cases, people who are brought into the game by Onslaught have eventually moved across and started playing DM or CTF
I am constantly surprised (hadn't seen it much in BU until recently in the new Envy forum when some new people registered) at the snobbishness of some DM/CTF players in their attitude towards ONS. The constant referring to ONS players as n00bs, and ONS as a n00b game is very telling, and leads me to believe that there is a certain (very tiny) minority of people who resent new players in the game. This is sad, I wonder if such people don't actually want more people playing the game, or if they critisize ONS because it's a gametype where newer players can gey kills off more experienced players.
UT shouldn't be an elite hard-core club...but by saying that I'm not saying that it should be nerfed to accomodate newer players.
Experience and time spent playing the game SHOULD be rewarded, but at the same time, those players have to accept that ONS is an incredibly popular gametype and Epic have just as much duty to please ONS players as they do DM/CTF players.
UT can never appeal to the CS players en masse (and this isn't what Kafros was saying) but I really hope it can increase it's populity and get a significantly wider player base. So much of what is good about this game comes from the community, and increasing the size of the community increases the possibility of getting the next Hourences or the next Soma into the community...and that can only be a good thing.
EDIT: Great post Selerox :tup: It does sadden me the amount of elitism that we're seeing around this forum at the moment. When I said I hated CS it was nothing to do with the player, it's just not my kind of game.
What it seems that you mean IS NOT that you want CS players to start playing UT - this won't ever happen as the games are so utterly different - but that you would like UT to have more players. That new players will take UT as their game of choice.
I can't stand CS, and my first FPS online experiences were with MOH. I never bothered with UT until 2k4 because, like you pointed out, I got sick and tired of getting killed so fast and the learning curve being so steep...basically because of the sophistication of the weapons and the movement.
Now I'm not saying that the game should be nerfed...I guess ALL UT players would say that one thing they love about UT is that very sophistication that makes the game so intimidating to new players. The sophistication is what gives the game it's rich depth and balance, it's playability and fun. Any significant nerfing of these would change the game too much and UT would lose something of its essence..the very thing that makes it UT.
Making the game accessible to new players, while maintaining the soul of UT that keeps the hard-core types is an incredibly difficult balance to hit.
I'm heartened by what I hear about Envy though, the reduction of the "bounciness" of the players will be one step towards making the game more about killing, rather than dodging...and this should make the game more accessible.
The suggested tutorials are another good idea.
I'm also interested to see how the proposed "skill matching" server finder will work...it COULD be a brilliant idea....but I guess it will be really difficultto successfully pull off..we'll see.
But the best thing that Epic have done for newer players is the innovation of Onslaught. This levelled the playing fields and gave newer players (like myself) a way into the game. I'm glad to see ONS returning in the next UT game as it should maintain that player base (as the DM/TDM/CTF player bases should hopefully be retained as well), and hopefully Conquest can do what Onslaught did and bring in even more new players. In many cases, people who are brought into the game by Onslaught have eventually moved across and started playing DM or CTF
I am constantly surprised (hadn't seen it much in BU until recently in the new Envy forum when some new people registered) at the snobbishness of some DM/CTF players in their attitude towards ONS. The constant referring to ONS players as n00bs, and ONS as a n00b game is very telling, and leads me to believe that there is a certain (very tiny) minority of people who resent new players in the game. This is sad, I wonder if such people don't actually want more people playing the game, or if they critisize ONS because it's a gametype where newer players can gey kills off more experienced players.
UT shouldn't be an elite hard-core club...but by saying that I'm not saying that it should be nerfed to accomodate newer players.
Experience and time spent playing the game SHOULD be rewarded, but at the same time, those players have to accept that ONS is an incredibly popular gametype and Epic have just as much duty to please ONS players as they do DM/CTF players.
UT can never appeal to the CS players en masse (and this isn't what Kafros was saying) but I really hope it can increase it's populity and get a significantly wider player base. So much of what is good about this game comes from the community, and increasing the size of the community increases the possibility of getting the next Hourences or the next Soma into the community...and that can only be a good thing.
EDIT: Great post Selerox :tup: It does sadden me the amount of elitism that we're seeing around this forum at the moment. When I said I hated CS it was nothing to do with the player, it's just not my kind of game.
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