Originally Posted by J. Griffiths "student5621" (york)
Lotl truly great game. It reminds me of the great puzzle games of old but it has its own twists and innovations. The graphics may not be the best ever but they do the job. In the game you must complete quests and do puzzles in order to keep yourself from staying in limbo forever.
The game reminded me of other games such as Oblivion, Thief 3 and ermmmm unreal tournament and chapter 2 level 6 in painkiller. The characters are quite memorable from the ironically named cranny faggot to the keeper of lost scrolls.
There is great animation aswell which is all done in realtime and also immersive sound effects that makes you feel as if you are playing thief.
Hats off to the developers for trying to create an original title and not selling out and just copying and pasting scenes from generic fps 3 and making another halo clone. Lol is truly original. It will have you screaming WTF at many points in the game when u gasp at the incredulousscenes infront of you as you wonder, how/why have they done this, you will ask yourself.
The conclusion to this story is great, with all involved sitting in court trying to defend themselves from accusations. You also visit shops and castles along the way, you fight vampires and collect loot, you sneak in the shadows and put fires out with water arrows, you jump in goliath tank and dominate the opposition,you have to save the world from diablo, raid scholo for epics,ride on pirate ships , create cities with your godly powers. It will remind you of so many great games from the past but it puts its own stamp on it, like the odd original texture and plot idea. Where next for these budding developers????
Look out for the sequal Raiders Of Flaming Limbo Meet Assassin Ouija.