Welp, with 9 bots and normal settings, I get an avg of 64 fps at the opposite side of the map.
You'll never spawn there, so the likelihood of getting a frame hit isn't very high.
The average fps just running around the map with 9 bots was in the 90's... and standing in the center with the same amount of bots was over 100.
There's not much for the game to load, mainly a small amount of bsp and the rest are s.meshes.
There's a good amount of light, and you can see clearly to the other side of the map... seeing the opposition is not a problem.
As far as eye candy goes, it's a nice (stationary) skybox, with plenty to look at, but nothing that would distract you from fraggin the pants off of someone.
I've added a few things since I posted the pics, and it's ready for testing, tho I did no pathnoding (designed it for online play).
So if we can get a few peeps on the server, we can give it a shot.
Once I've got enough people agreed on anything that needs changing, I can release it without the beta tag.
It's 500kb zipped... so I can't post it here... but I am in IRC at the moment...