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Infiltration Sound Engineer
Nov 30, 1999
Heidelberg, Germany
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ehm...ya know, I should move this to off-topic. This is not a suggestion for infiltration.

heck, yes, I'll move it



New Member
Nov 19, 2000
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The message is in the medium

"Thought this was a cool gamers thing but is see a lot of creapy highschool shoot out typo's hangin'around this forum. "

And your post's full of them, mate /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
/me goes off to learn Dutch & stop being so ****y


L337 Cube H@X0®
Jul 1, 2000
It's nice that you are generalizing one of many single issue interest groups in the United States as a bunch of whakos. Why don't you start attacking every other opinion one might hold? You can start with me. I'm a pro-life, pro-NRA, anti-Big Government, Evil Right Wing conservative crazy person.

For your information, the NRA is one of the leading RESPONSIBLE AND EFFECTIVE groups when it comes to guns and gun safety. To let your children learn about guns through Hollywood and other fantasies is plain stupid, and the NRA provides a perfect opportunity to help children and adults develop a respect for guns as what they are: at tool which must be used properly.

Or maybe you are generalizing the fact that some people share their problems and joys online. Well, for your information, life does not revolve around the computer and the games you play on it. Why, then, should this message board? Behind each nickname is a real person, each with their own hopes, desires, fears, and pains. The internet, through message boards such as this one, provides a medium where people can discuss problems with relative anonymity. And by doing this, they can get opinions from many different parts of the world, many different religions and philosophies, and many different people they would never otherwise be able to confide in. And by doing this, they might see a solution to their problems they might otherwise never have seen, thereby ELIMINATING the need to go shoot somebody.

Why I wrote this little rant? It is not even half of your general slander of the NRA. It is how you treat people might not have the complete and utterly perfect social skills that you might. Often, I am referred to as anti-social because I choose with whom I associate myself very carefully. That doesn't mean I'm going to go shoot people.

If I just misunderstood you, just contact me, and I will simply reduce this entire post to a smiley face.

Why I post, no one will ever know...

"The most costly of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It is the chief occupation of mankind" -H.L. Mencken


the real pacman

Gwen's my hoe
Sep 1, 2000
So you think I'm a ****ing **** up?


Sometimes I feel like you want me to fail...



Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
Quite right ThunderChunky. Let's face it, the only way you can get rid of stupidity is through education. You think the NRA supported Columbine, you twit? I don't think so. The NRA's platform is education and safety. This whole "out of site, out of mind" idea of the government to pretend guns don't exist and thus put the responsibility of blame on guns and not the twits who don't know what tools of great power are for is the most juvenile thing in the world. Should we sue car manufacturers and blame the AAA/CAA every time a drunk teenager kills somebody with their parents trendy SUV? That's apparently your platform.

But, then again, I'm not really suprised that some mis-educated, malformed twit comes along spouting his opinion without researching his topics


Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
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U said it bro, school kids are all evil, we must kill´em all.
First thing monday i´ll visit the local school and bring mister AK too.

Bah, wankers....dont have the balls huh!


HEAD SLAYER GOAT of the Black Hand BMA tribe.


L337 Cube H@X0®
Jul 1, 2000
Megaman, If that was directed at me...

No. I am about as f'ked up as it comes, with my own set of problems. I just took a little bit of offense at the starter of the topic's attitude. I am sorry if I offended you, MegaMan, it was not the intent.

Otherwise... Nothing more to add.

Why I post, no one will ever know...

"The most costly of all follies is to believe passionately in the palpably not true. It is the chief occupation of mankind" -H.L. Mencken



Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
You know what guys? I heard there were as many deaths from high school football in 1999 as there were from school gun deaths in the same year (15). Since this incredible loss of life of our CHILDREN is unacceptable I propose the following recommendations:

- registration of all high school football players, and they must pass a competency test before they can play

- ban all footballs larger than 10", and make a law stating they must be made of a soft material

- all football must become non-contact to avoid injuries; any accidental contact will be treated as assault and the offender prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law

This is just the first step in banning high school football outright. This dangerous and pointless activity must be brought to a stop, for the CHILDREN.

You're all with me, right? /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif


the real pacman

Gwen's my hoe
Sep 1, 2000
I'm with ya Gryphon

I hate football, the less jocks the better!


Sometimes I feel like you want me to fail...


Gener@l Motors

New Member
Oct 25, 2000

So, i see i kicked a few legs in my posting. Sorry folks, but i entirely dissagre with u that "education" is the key. Why do children have to come near firearms anyway ? U all feel so insecure that u have the need to carry a 357 ?

U prob. don't believe it, but i was like u guys once...(on the gun thing that is). During my military service i was in Busovaca, central Bosnia for 8 mnds. during the fall of Srebrenica i was on "iron bridge", the last bridge on the supply route. i was on mount Igman during the liberation of Sarajevo. My point is, i seen my share of horror, and believe me, there is no weapon that will save u when someone really wants to kill you. Only a government with weapons is capable of protecting you.

That's the main reason why we have different opinions. The U.S. is basicly not a democracy but a plutocracy. That's why the peeps feel the need to protect themselves. It's a sorry situation and a ticking timebomb for the american peeps. (Wow i typed timebomb, this message will probably be intercepted by your N.S.A. !!)

Sorry for the bad english folks, it is not my native language.

Mario /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

[This message was edited by Gener@l Motors on Nov 04, 2000 at 05:02.]


Active Member
Apr 2, 2000
Only a government with weapons can protect me!? That has got to be the most naive thing I've ever read on this forum. Let me get this straight, according to you if a 6 foot 5, 350 lb. cocaine-spiked home invader fresh out on parole is trying to bust into my apartment, the government will be there with their M16's to protect me? I see. Whew, I feel much safer now. /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif

You're right, if someone wants to kill me bad enough there's not much I can do to stop them. But does that mean I'm going to comply like a good little victim and go down without a fight? F*ck no. You go ahead and live your life without the protection of a firearm, but me, I'd prefer to be judged by twelve than be carried by six.



de oppresso liber
Mar 2, 2000
Tucson, AZ, US
Amen, Gryphon... a few more things

"Why do children have to come near firearms anyway ?"

I don't know, but nobody has the power to stop that from happening altogether. Not governments, not parents, nobody. The only thing anyone can do is make sure they don't do any harm when dangerous situations arise.

"Sorry folks, but i entirely dissagre with u that "education" is the key."

I'm sorry, GM, but it's the only way. In 23 days I'll be 17 years old (I'm legally a minor). I know the difference between right and wrong, I know the cardinal rules of gun safety, and I know how guns work and what they are capable of. I also have access to a gun, and I could take it, and over 1,000 rounds of ammo out of the house and drive away with it in my jeep, and there's nothing my parents or anybody else could do about it. Even if guns were illegal and my parents didn't own any, I could still get them (and/or as much drugs as I could carry) illegally from gangs in the area (members of which I know by attending public schools). But, because of all those things my parents taught me, I will never, EVER kill or hurt an innocent person with a firearm- it's that simple.

"U all feel so insecure that u have the need to carry a 357 ?"

"Only a government with weapons is capable of protecting you."

Fact: People in the US use firearms to defend themselves over 2 million times a year.
Fact: Defending ones self with a firearm against an aggressor in the US is statistically safer than both using anything else (fists, pepper spray, a stun gun) for defense, and not resisting at all.
Fact: The average police response time to a 911 call in the US is over 30 minutes.

[sarcasm] Oh yea, but you're right, even though the kids of those 2 million people have a better chance of choking do death on a plastic toy wrapping than killing themselves with a gun, we should force those 2,000,000 a year to just wait for the police while criminals rob/maim/rape/kill them. [/sarcasm]

Shot four puppet governors in a line,
Shook all tha world bankers, who think they can rhyme,
Shot the landlords, who knew it was mine,
Yes, its a war from the depth of time!

[This message was edited by DeadeyeDan[ToA] on Nov 04, 2000 at 15:31.]


Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Visit site
I agree that you don't have a chance to survive if an army comes along and you have only a .357 to protect you; but that's not what such weapons are for.
Sure, the government can protect you from an invading army(or not) with it's own army. Sure, the government can protect you from a murderer by arresting him, but then he already has killed someone.
In fact a weapon, in untrained hands, is more dangerous than helpful - but with training, it might be the item to save your life.
The main problem with guns - and especially with guns in the US - is, that many have no idea how to handle one.
Examples of careless handling of guns, that lead to accidents are masses - I especially like the one from that sucker, who left a loaded winchester in his bedroom, and then wondered why his son accidentially shot his daughter(she survived it..); then that stupid asshole blamed it on the gun.

In fact an organization like the NRA is more important than ever, since most people think that guns handle just like in movies, and that might prove lethal.

I might not be from the US, I might not have seen a war, but I still don't think banning guns helps anything. Except you want to end up in the 3rd Reich - there guns were banned.

Snakeye /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif
(note: I don't say that countries that ban guns are like the 3rd, I just say they might become like..)

anything you do can get you killed, including doing nothing


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
The only point I agree with you on is that democracy does not exist in the United States and that it is, in fact, a plutocracy.

Otherwise, if we take away all the guns, what government will have the weapons to protect us? Should we solely rely on the government, just a mass propaganda machine, to actually lend us these weapons?

Will the governments care about a black family in white country, governed by WASP old money? 41 shots? Police raid wrong home? Rodney King? I don't trust that government anymore than I trust a pig to fly.

If we outlaw guns, we give them a rebel image -- kids will naturally gravitate to them more. And by outlawing them, we won't talk about them with our kids. Why would we feel the need? Do we honestly talk to them about drugs, or prostitution? Nope, not here anyways. But we do talk to them about drinking, sex, driving, and other legal things that can carry heavy, heavy risks. And it actually does help educate our children -- not all of them, but enough to save those smart enough to listen (and do we really care about the stupid ones who won't listen?)

If you outlaw guns, only the outlaws will have guns. I should be, and am, allowed to legally purchase a firearm. I believe firearms are tools of survival. They should be used to protect ones self, ones home, or to get one's food. They should never be touched or pointed in times of anger. They should be used with only enough force to do just the amount of damage needed. If you're hunting food, then you need to kill it. If a crazed man breaks into your house, then you can stop him without killing him. And that kind of knowledge comes only through proper education and respect for tools of great power.

Let's face it. People who want to commit criminal murder, commit criminal armed robbery, commit criminal kidnappings, commit criminal rape, will still be able to get weapons through criminal channels, whether the guns are outlawed or not. They will wantonly do so, as well, since what thief worth his salt would use a gun registered to him? Therefore, I want an even playing field. Its not paranoia. The chances of it happening to me are slim for sure, but they're not nil. Which is enough of a reason to be prepared for it in any event. Sure, a gun can't save my life in all circumstances, but if I'm going to die, I'd at least want to die knowing I fought to live than die quietly and complacently



Jan 28, 2000
Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria
Visit site
As usual you summed up the feelings and thoughts of most in a very good way.

Though I have to disagree with you in one point:
Using a gun only to the necessairy extend is pure fiction. You might be able to disable someone without killing him, but doing that in real life is often enough impossible.

Snakeye /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

anything you do can get you killed, including doing nothing

Goat Fucker

No Future!
Aug 18, 2000
Visit site
Yeah, id rather kill the basterd so he doesent come back from jail with a hart full of hatred, and a mind for payback!


HEAD SLAYER GOAT of the Black Hand BMA tribe.


Commander in Chief o' the BMA
Mar 17, 2000
Ottawa, Ontario
I hope you never piss anybody off, Hodag, because you just posted your first and last name along with your city and state.

Shouldn't do that, man.
