Almost said:And with that, I take my leave.
I am aware of this and I do feel a bit ashamed on behaviour of both my clanmates and my own. I do remeber bugging you endlessly about things that just took me time to get used to. You also should have remembered that some of the 2.86 Vanilla players would need time to get accustomed to the new movement system etc. since we did not like RA. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Inf and I'm sure most if not all of our clan does too. We do value the time you put into making 2.9 a lot, it is just that we think it is a crying shame that EAS is being neglected and TDM or DTAS is being the most played game mode. I suppose what we are trying to do is to wake people up that we need more EAS players.
It's not that we are forced to play Inf at gunpoint or something, it is just that we are forced to play a gamemode we (our clan) don't really like anymore or have never liked