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Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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Sounds like a whole lotta nothing to me then.
[C22]-SpOOky said:
If you had been as active as I have, actually playing inf over the last 2 years or so then your comments might be more welcome But since you have not ..Your moaning means nothing to me ;)
I would have left it go, but the kneejerk reaction of automatically determining player's personal worth by thier playtime annoys me.

Almost plays damned near daily, and has done so for nearly every month he's been a beta tester. Just not with you. Can't say I blame him.


Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
Well Yeah My last line might have been a bit OTT
But im sick of the bashing on this forum when people post things that dont Kiss-ass
So I had a little bash back ..Evil aint I

@Yurch Like i care what you think :p
Sorry but im not one of your groupies ;)
But anyway i didnt claim almost didnt play Inf I stated that, if he was as active as I have been .. then His opinion might mean more to ME
I said nothing about him Never playing Inf
I said nothing about only people who play inf should speak (although thats a good idea)
I mearly expressed my opinion of his opinion
Now please crawl back into whatever hole you came from ;)
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Ai kotoba afuro to gunsou!
Jan 20, 2002
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I suppose SS shouldn't have bothered in making a new game mode since TDM would have sufficed. I'm quite sad to see the current development, I was hoping the new game mode would last longer, sadly it just couldn't stand up against TDM or DTAS. All that hard work laid to waste.

Maybe I was very naive to hope that 2.9 would bring the community together :)

Anyway, to keep this post on the topic:

Oh god no. Let 2.86 rest in peace. The old bugger has deserved it :D


Retired but wearing the tag with pride!
Aug 18, 2003
Wow....hot in here aint it!

Hmm Infiltration I seem to recall is an "ONLINE" game mainly, and as such I think that discussing the state of online play is fairly relevant, but that's just crazy talk isn't it!

And maybe I know spooky better than Almost so I understood where he was coming from but his post made perfect sense to me and didn't come across as bitching or whining!!

I got exactly the same response when I said I was retiring and stated my reasons, I got told to quit bitching and whining, when I was merely stating my own personal circumstances, I have a wife and child and often only get 1-2 hours to play and could no longer justify spending half that time waiting for a server with more than 1 person that wasn't TDM or DTAS!

And for the record:-
I'm not bitching merely stating how things are!
I'm not asking for it to change, I've moved on now and no longer play any games on-line or off!
I'm not suggesting anybody held a gun to my head!
nor am I telling anybody what to do!

For all those I've played with or against over the years particularly everyone in Catch-22 a heartfelt thankyou for hours of fun and some incredibly tense matches.....oh except for Countess cos he's a prat!!! ;) ;)


Catch-22 Clan leader
Nov 12, 2003
As far as this topic goes, I hope MAD people get players for 2.86 TDM which I wholeheartedly doubt but atleast it has better chances than seeing an EAS server with players nowadays. Sad.

Almost: I was not bitching I was stating my opinions, INSTEAD you are the one starting the bitching and trolling as usual. I should have known better. Wont make the same mistake again. But as its more common here to just attack somebody because of his(or her) opinions and call them bitchers, I'll gladly leave these forums. Bye.
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New Member
Jan 7, 2003
Many of you over exaggerate the difficulty of finding an EAS game. I routinely see people playing EAS, and if I can get a few clannies to hop on with me we can usually get a decent game going.

I too am annoyed with the amount of play TDM gets, but I don't think that is a reason to throw in the towel. The "oh woe is me" "I can't play eas, so I quit" routine is a little tiresome and annoying.

I think the main problem with EAS is the amount of wait time, especially for newbies. In TDM and DTAS the rounds are fairly quick so you don't wait too long. But in EAS, if you die a couple times real quick then you might be faced with a 10min wait before playing again.... --which is partly why I have been advocating many lives, but long wave timers. It keeps people in the game, but still puts some value on life due to the long wave timer. I think that players are more inclined to stay if they can see a timer counting down for 90-120 sec or so until they spawn, as opposed to the long wait until the next map/round.


Retired but wearing the tag with pride!
Aug 18, 2003
keihaswarrior said:
The "oh woe is me" "I can't play eas, so I quit" routine is a little tiresome and annoying.
That's exactly what I am talking about, there is NO "Woe is me I can't get a game of EAS so I quit!" attitude here, yes I played a lot of EAS, I would regularly hop on a server alone and wait till it filled up, I played DTAS and TDM too, HOWEVER it was becoming harder and harder to get that game going particularly as so many clans were playing on locked servers preparing for matches and I could no longer justify that amount of time when I have a wife and son needing my attention!

If EAS is what people want to play and they can't play EAS what do you suggest? They could always try and START a game of EAS but a lot of people (myself included) have other projects and a Real Life to balance too and can't afford to waste time sitting around on empty or partially full servers waiting for something to happen!

Again NO sour grapes, NO whining, NO Bitching and NO blaming anybody, just the situation I/ME/MYSELF (notice I am not talking about anybody or anything else) was in!

Many people I know who play INF are adults (though with some people I know that's hard to tell ;) ) and as such have interests outside of Computers and the Internerd, gasp...shock...horror so what's wrong with them re-evaluating their priorities and telling us this? I think the shoe belongs on the other foot and all these people accusing them of bitching and whining are actually just jealous that they have a Real Life to get on with ;) ;)

P.S. I only retired from my Clan, NOT from INF as I still play WHEN I can find a game going!
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Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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A quote : "But im sick of the bashing on this forum when people post things that dont Kiss-ass"

You know what I'm sick of, Spooky? 90% of your own and your clanmember's posts on these forums since before 2.9 was released have been about how the game is dying, how nobody plays it anymore and how "everyone" is flaming and bashing you all because your posts. That's what I'm sick of.

Edit : And who the hell are you to say that I'm not as active as you are? I play the game every day. In fact, I make it a point to play at least one hour after I come home from work every single day. In addition to that I have been playing/beta testing bonus pack and mutators. I never see you on any of the servers. Since we're having a pissing contest.
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Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
My first post was only an expression of how i see MY Infiltration experiance going But you had to come and be a
Troll :rolleyes:

You have developed a habbit of bitching at people no matter what they post
You read things that are not even writen and bitch about the things you think people said even though they didnt say them
Please Give up your Trolling and get a real Job

Edit : and i have already admitted that comment may have been a bit OTT
But again you read what you want to
I said you have not been as active as I have over the last 2 years .. And of that im 100% sure
Maybe recently you have But I have not played so much inf of late .. mainly due to the lack of people playing EAS and TDM gets a bit boring
and partly due to my new working hours
And I was not bitching at you for not playing ..Just saying if i conciderd you an active player then maybe i would have more time for your Missplaced comments

Concidering my first post contained thease lines
[C22]-SpOOky said:
I for one plan to play the ILCR then I doubt ill continue playing Inf
Its been great fun,
[C22]-SpOOky said:
So having enjoyed my time with Infiltration Very much ..I do now feel that time is comming to an end (atleast untill a new Revitalised inf is relased if im not too old by then)
Its hard to let go But as things stand there is nothing to hold onto :(
I think its clear i was mearly saying How i feel atm and the fact that you read what you wanted to read in my post dosnt mean my post was bitchin
Also my comment saying " If im not to old by then" was not a bitch at how slow things move
But just an honest comment since im getting a bit old now

Now i will leave you to bitch with yourself

Edit of edit ..To yurch and his following post
1. My first post was not a bitch about inf as already pointed out more than once
2. I have done far more than just hang on servers for the last 5 years :rolleyes:
3. Like i care what you think :p (as already said)
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Swinging the clue-by-four
May 21, 2001
USA, Maryland.
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[C22]-SpOOky said:
So I had a little bash back ..Evil aint I
You are amateur evil.

But anyway i didnt claim almost didnt play Inf I stated that, if he was as active as I have been .. then His opinion might mean more to ME
A person who plays both on public servers and betatests more than most of the other testers registers far higher on the meter of 'people that matter' than someone who routinely sits on a server that emerges only to make cheap shots on a forum. Sorry bud, if you wanna play that game, you lose.

I mearly expressed my opinion of his opinion
Congradulations, you've figured out how to whine about him doing the same thing you do. Come up with something more interesting next time, eh?

Edit: hey, smartguy, posts are supposed to go in order. You don't edit them for replies, that's what the aptly named reply button is for.
"I don't care what you think" is a child's retort. It won't make the bad man go away.
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Ai kotoba afuro to gunsou!
Jan 20, 2002
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We can make our own thread if it will make you feel better? ;)

But what they are talking about, Almost, is your massive change in behaviour since 2.9. Not just against us but about anyone who raises one point of crititsism against 2.9, be it justified or not. Some of your behaviour has been justified but mostly it has tarnished your and SS' image. This is just my opinion, most will probably disagree.


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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I guess you could turn that around and say that your and most of your clanmates behaviour changed drastically towards me when I joined the beta team. There wasn't a day in your IRC channel, either publically or in PM that someone didn't take a stab at the game or Sentry Studios. Which is why I decided I had enough and left both your channel and forums.

See, here's how I feel about it : I, along with several others, including both team and testers, spent hours and hours working on 2.9 to give it away for free. Obviously, some people decided they didn't like the gift or the party we throwed in and take every opportunity to tell those who gave it away. That's fine, nobody said you'd have to like it, but when you make it a point to remind everyone about how much the party and gift you got suck every chance you get, some people tend to get a little upset. It's not very constructive, it certainly doesn't make anyone more eager to continue making Infiltration and it doesn't contribute anything to the community. When push comes to shove, the kind of posts you contributed with here are pretty useless.

And with that, I take my leave.
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Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
I guess you could turn that around and say that your and most of your clanmates behaviour changed drastically towards me when I joined the beta team. There wasn't a day in your IRC channel, either publically or in PM that someone didn't take a stab at the game or Sentry Studios. Which is why I decided I had enough and left both your channel and forums

You do have a point there ..Except people was not exactly attacking you, 2.9 or SS
It was I think some peoples sence of humour to tease you Because you was a beta tester . (only having a bit of fun)
I noticed that every time you joined somebody said something
Even myself on occassion (mostly asking when will 2.9 come)
And For this Im sorry that it gave the wrong impression
I realy dont think our attitude changed towards you ..But due to your new staus it did get a bit like ping pong with people always asking you when is 2.9 comming
I honestly dont think anybody meant to be offensive to you
I think it was sometimes real enquires sometimes a bit of humour and sometimes people just wanted to bitch at how long things was taking and yours was the face most related to SS and its developemnt in our channel

There was a few occasions when you left before you had chance to see myself or dragoon tell people to give you a break and stop pestering you about 2.9
So on behalf of our clan can I say sorry for the wrong impression you got in our irc channle/forums and for the hassle you did get about waiting for 2.9 from our clan members
But i can honestly say our feelings about you didnt change coz u became a beta tester .. you just became a focal point for questions/jokes/and bitchins about the wait for 2.9 and for that I am honestly sorry
Im certain most the quizing was done in humour and was not meant to offend
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New Member
Mar 7, 2004
Cleveland, OH
back to Ghost's question. Who the hell is MAD? and why the hell is 2.86 mroe appealing to others?

*Edit* Hmm ****, I do know how to break a moment eh?
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Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
=D.C.L.I=Snipez said:
why the hell is 2.86 mroe appealing to others?
I think mainly because its a faster pace of game than 2.9 also less weapon scope bob and If i remeber right you can run while your weapon is in scoped mode
To be honest there is a part of me that realy miss's the old 2.86 days
But I think 2.9 while slower .. has more to offer for clan wars
But for public play id have to say 2.86 had more action and had alot less waiting time despite the fact it has No respawns
But if your after Realism in its prueist form stick with 2.9

Check out Acolytes Farewell 2.86 movie to get a feel for the old 2.86 stlye of play Here
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-C7C-E RocK

New Member
Oct 18, 2003
=D.C.L.I=Snipez said:
back to Ghost's question. Who the hell is MAD? and why the hell is 2.86 mroe appealing to others?

*Edit* Hmm ****, I do know how to break a moment eh?

MAD is a clan that spent hours of playing time along with other clans on the 2.86 verson that you don't see no more. Hatter is the leader of MAD who ran the last ilcr.

To be honest there is a part of me that realy miss's the old 2.86 days
Cmon Spook, reinstall 2.86 for the weekend. Alot of old inf'rs are planning to play alot this weekend.
The 2.86 version plays alot faster, but when it counted for match play it slowed down ALOT. Different type of play with matches. I play 2.9 here and there just to kill time and get my inf fix ;) but its a little to slow for me. So if you want to give 2.86 a try..try it out for yourself. I think alot of us are in between games...so we are just hanging out like old 2.86 times. :D