2.86 is still active

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Staying Alive.
Nov 25, 2001
Hong Kong
2.86 with RAv2 and DTAS had its thrills :) and playing inf lite is something ill challenge anyone at - damn i miss that game :D

EDIT: vanila was cool with bots playing deathmatch on UT maps ;) but in inf maps vanilla got boring quick :(
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Catch-22 Clan leader
Nov 12, 2003
WeeD.Falcon said:
and i keep seeying you on one :p

Yep, as its the only server with players, but lets see further along the road. Most of us have played the same TDM maps for 2-3 years now, most of the time only time when you see players on EAS servers is when clans are practicing for ILCR matches (servers being locked ofcourse) but what after ILCR? I can pretty much say people will just leave for newer games rather than play the same old TDM maps over and over.

As for DTAS I have newer warmed up for it, same old TDM with random spots, most of the time the flag is just there for the heck of it. Also I dont really warm up for an idea where you can capture something without seeing it or knowing where it is. Also the last man dying automatically is silly. I know I will be flamed for saying this but thats how I feel about DTAS.


Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
Yep Dragoon Ive played Infiltration for about 5 years now and never has inf been so lonley
I for one plan to play the ILCR then I doubt ill continue playing Inf
Its been great fun, But Finaly the fun has gone .. empty servers or TDM
It was more fun even in the last days of 2.86 .. atleast you could garentee populated servers every night
Many more People have left Inf since 2.9 came out and there has been no Flood of new players or even old players returning

So having enjoyed my time with Infiltration Very much ..I do now feel that time is comming to an end (atleast untill a new Revitalised inf is relased if im not too old by then)
Its hard to let go But as things stand there is nothing to hold onto :(

PS: Even playing the ILCR is gonna be hard since Most our clan members are not playing Inf anymore and those that do are only playing matchs (that are not as much fun because there has been no real preperation) :(


Active Member
Jun 12, 2001
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And crying about it here will change that? Hijacking the thread will somehow remedy it? The game is free and as far as I can tell, you both live in a country where you can make choices yourselves without having the government breaking down your door and throwing you in jail.

Make the choice. Decide to stay or go. Decide to play the game or not, but for gods sake quit whining about it. Noone is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to play it. If you don't like the game, don't play it. If you like the game, play it. It's as simple as that. If you think crying about how the game is dying and that noone plays it anymore will somehow magically bring more players to the game, you are wrong. So again, quit whining about it. Even though you probably don't believe me, there are still those of us who play the game regulary and would like to see more people around. Your posts here don't help.


Tracer Bullet
Jul 29, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
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Almost said:
And crying about it here will change that? Hijacking the thread will somehow remedy it? The game is free and as far as I can tell, you both live in a country where you can make choices yourselves without having the government breaking down your door and throwing you in jail.

Make the choice. Decide to stay or go. Decide to play the game or not, but for gods sake quit whining about it. Noone is holding a gun to your head, forcing you to play it. If you don't like the game, don't play it. If you like the game, play it. It's as simple as that. If you think crying about how the game is dying and that noone plays it anymore will somehow magically bring more players to the game, you are wrong. So again, quit whining about it. Even though you probably don't believe me, there are still those of us who play the game regulary and would like to see more people around. Your posts here don't help.

As FTU would say, "God forbid a discussion forum have anything to do with discussion..."

-C7C-E RocK

New Member
Oct 18, 2003
MAD-Hatter said:
well hardly, but us at madinfiltration.com have decided to try and re-establish another small community for those times the newer games get boring..After all INFILTRATION was the game that made MAD who they are today..So plz, if your bored, come join the MADHOUSE Of Whores 2.86 server..fgz

I really don't think Hatter came here to start a debate..do ya? But for most of ya when you here 2.86 you get all frazzled like if someone shooved a pole up your ass. Paranoid that people will leave 2.9 and go back to 2.86 or something. Who freakin cares! INF is INF...what ever version you decide to play. Think the intentions here was to just let people know that a 2.86 server was up if you do choose to go play. 2.9 is for some people and 2.86 is for some people. So just enjoy the version you decide to play and have fun. After all this is an INF community not a 2.9 community..right?
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Apr 2, 2001
Frankfurt/ Germany
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@ Spooky and Dragoon: Instead of preparing to leave you should consider to play IGL (Inf Global League) when ILCR is done. I hope it will be a even better gaming experience and might attrackt some new blood.


Inf Old-Timer
Oct 22, 2002
Nukeproof said:
@ Spooky and Dragoon: Instead of preparing to leave you should consider to play IGL (Inf Global League) when ILCR is done. I hope it will be a even better gaming experience and might attrackt some new blood.
If it can make Inf fun again for me i would wlecome it, Any chance to enjoy Inf again would be cool with me :)
Unike many others i wont leave inf for another game Since ive found nothing that even comes close to Inf for its experiance So anything that can put the fun back in Infiltration for me would be most welcome

@ Almost ..Chill dude :rolleyes:
I was not bitching or crying about things ..Just stating were IM @
I didnt sugest a mass exidus nor did i ask for something to be done about the state of things
I didnt ask for a magical cure
Nor did claim anybody was holding a gun to my head
I made no sugestions telling others what to do
All i did was say how im feeling about things and where im @
so id thank you to get off my case
So please get of my back and let people speak freely without jumping down their throats
If you had been as active as I have, actually playing inf over the last 2 years or so then your comments might be more welcome But since you have not ..Your moaning means nothing to me ;)
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