Pimp up Headshot Animations like in UT Alpha

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beyond Good and Evil
Dec 31, 2008
Niedersachsen, Germany
Good Evening everybody,

I was always annoyed by those few pathetic tiny droplets of blood when doing a headshot or gibbing an enemy in UT, because BEFORE first ever playing UT, I saw this screenshot in it's box art:


A very fine and long spray of blood. And since I know, that in DM-Tutorial a Nali gibbs in the same way like originally advertised in the above screenshot (from UT-Alpha?), it's very clear that the necessary code lies somewhere in UT game files and/or configs...

Long story short: how can I make the bloodspray look like the above screenshot when HS'ing or gibbing enemies?


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beyond Good and Evil
Dec 31, 2008
Niedersachsen, Germany
you love gore

No, not exactly - I just want enemies to gib or HS like originally advertised in UT Alpha/Pre-Retail UT (above Screenshot, Nali in DM-Tutorial).

I've already tried MoreGore Retail and after a certain level, it becomes disgusting and it is also ridiculous - and yet, it still does NOT provide the effect I'm looking after like illustrated in the screenshot in my OP.
