Unreal Tournament 3 (PC) 4-Player Splitscreen

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I go RAWR and stuff.
I have a 360! Ahem. But I have UT3 for the PC. If I buy more controllers that work with the PC, they work with the 360 too, right? Sorry for the dumb question. It's just that I don't see how the controller I have would work on a PC, so I'm guessing there are two different types.

The Xbox360 controllers all work on your PC and 360. The wired USB ones come with a install disk but you can even just plug it in, boot up Window update and let it do the driver install for you.

For the wireless controllers you'll have to buy a Wireless Gaming Receiver to make it work.

To me personally the 360 controller is about as good as it gets with PC controllers. I never was a fan of all those knockoffs we got that were ether not great in the hand or didn't work all that well.

Damn, BlackFish beat me to it!
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New Member
Jan 10, 2006
Must not be much else to post about, news-wise, if a console game being able to do splitscreen is frontpage worthy.


Registered Coder
Mar 12, 2004
The Netherlands
Cool stuff. They didn't state why its not possible to do it on either console though. That would've been more interesting indeed, as splitscreen was designed to be used on consoles.


Your reward is that you are still alive
Apr 4, 2005
neat, but splitscreen on PC..who cares...

That's what I said and of course I got attacked but anyway you see what I mean. And again how the irony of PC fanatics having to use the dreaded controller is lost on so many people just escapes me. It is really funny ... just think about. There are these PC gamers that are constantly saying how they don't see how people can use anything other than a mouse and keyboard for shooters and that's why they just wait for console games to come to the PC so they can play them the way they were meant to played (according to them). Now fast forward and you walk into a room and four avid PC gamers are now playing a shooter with the input device they had previously put down. I'm sorry but I just can't stop laughing about this.

But if it means more people will play the game then I am all for it ... I have all three versions but since my HDTV doesn't have a PC input I'll just play split screen on the 360. Maybe if I did have such a TV I could talk some of my console oriented friends into giving the four-way splitscreen a go. I have to admit that it is pretty cool seeing it done and on a 70" 1080p TV would be interesting.


Active Member
May 27, 2004
Now fast forward and you walk into a room and four avid PC gamers are now playing a shooter with the input device they had previously put down. I'm sorry but I just can't stop laughing about this.

Did you miss the bit where its not by choice? If you want splitscreen, using a 360 gamepad seems to be the only way to do it, ofcoarse thats a hell of alot cheaper then buying a whole console... But hey, there are still alot of us who dont use MS gamepads.

So to me alot of it is in the support or the lack thereof these days, developers just using weak excuses to cut costs. We get all this talk of all these different configurations and blah blah, but when you compare there might be more third parties but the configurations are actually getting thinner somewhat. Especially in regards to the gamepad market!!

I tell ya now, Im not going to replace my gamepad in a hurry and if Epic doesnt want to support it thats fine, its not like I use it for UT3 anyways. Multiple monitor support is something we've seen in the past so I dont think multiple players on multiple monitors is much of a stretch :cool:


Multiplayer notepad ftw!
Feb 20, 2008
Lol Anuban, not sure why you are so uptight about this. It's not really important to (probably) the majority of PC gamers. It's kind of fun to see but i personally won't be rushing to the shops to buy a couple of controllers. I might try it if we could split the screen into two monitors AND use two kbm but i can't see that happening any time soon. Guess i'll just stick to the LAN then :)

There are these PC gamers that are constantly saying how they don't see how people can use anything other than a mouse and keyboard for shooters and that's why they just wait for console games to come to the PC so they can play them the way they were meant to played (according to them). Now fast forward and you walk into a room and four avid PC gamers are now playing a shooter with the input device they had previously put down. I'm sorry but I just can't stop laughing about this.

Well the four avid PC gamers would be complaining that they can't hit anything, all of their keybinds are now useless and discussing why on earth they didn't just play online or over a LAN. That doesn't mean they shouldn't mess around with it though. Finally, i would hardly call it ironic, just bad luck.

You have a very strange sense of humour my friend :D


_________________________ _______________
Jan 20, 2008
Anywhere But Here
Wow, it is simply awesome to see how someone figured how to do something cool with the Unreal Engine for the current game and I see some people knocking the idea. Judging by many of the reactions here, this is just further proof that UT3 is not doing well on PC not just because of the developer induced issues, but also because of a "community" of users who clearly have their heads up the sunshine pumped arses. Anyone with half a brain knows you cannot use more than one KB on Windows, therefore, you need to use game controllers for multiple users. I honestly do not see what the problem is with doing a split screen on PC. I surely do not see it as hypocrisy towards attitude about consoles, as the only hypocrisy I see here is coming more from those who would blast others for bringing an "out of the box" idea to life.

Anuban get a grip, pal, not all PC users are anti-console, etc. If it was the case, then I'd have to say that console users are whiny little 12 year olds. Get the message?


Enemy flag carrier is Her!
Jun 16, 2000
:rolleyes: wow some ppl will just bicker about anything...

pretty cool as a proof of concept... not very practical without an uber setup but nice anyway. and no you wont catch me playing on a controller... i have three machines setup for when friends wanna play ;)


Always Out Numbered... Never Out Gunned
Feb 22, 2006
anyone know if this works online? It would be great for admin spectating...


Jun 4, 2008
I just find it hilarious how anuban sucks so much cock on epic forums, then comes here and complains about everything. Typical female lol, people have friends in real life (unlike anuban) and maybe JUST MAYBE they would like to play together if they don't have an xbox.I would sacrifice *welp* my kb/mouse to have some fun with controllers and my friends anyday of the week.