[UT2004] The return of the Sniper Rifle

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Should Epic have bought the Sniper Rifle back to UT2004?

  • Yes

    Votes: 39 52.7%
  • No

    Votes: 28 37.8%
  • Not Sure

    Votes: 7 9.5%

  • Total voters

Swift Viper

Long live Xmas Xan Mark III(By Hyrulian)
Is anyone at all going to reply to MY posts?

Is anyone going to reply to my posts at all? Out of all the posts after mine, I was hoping to get at least one reply, but everyone is still going at each other. Please don't flame me, I just want to know what people think on what I said about this discussion.

Swift Viper said:
First off, if so many people like the Lightning Gun, then why will nearly every server run the sniper rifle mutator :con: ? I don't see this much aguring going on over IG servers to the players who like it, but why so much over the Sniper Rifle? Is it really a good idea to put it in the game in the new gamemodes normally?

Sniper Rifle mutator for UT2k3: If Fuzz (sp?) is being used, there should be a option to set the rate of fire. It is up to the admin to make the rifle fast or slow. If the servers that you (most of the posters) had the sniper rifle fired slower, then would all this complanting about it be going on? People are complanting about people complanting about people complanting and on and on....

One more important fact, the game (or demo) is not even out yet, we don't even know what the gameplay will be like. Can't we wait till we actually PLAY the game before getting into this kind of discussion?

Swift Viper said:
Can't we wait till the demo/game comes out before we start judging (spelling?) the weapon? For one, if SO MANY poeple hated the rate of fire on the sniper rifle, why not take five minutes to make a muator to low it's rate of fire? Why not make a mutator, be done with it and stop complanting (spelling?) about it? If you don't like the Sniper Rifle being in AS and ONS normally, why not bug Epic till they make it a mutator only and put the Lightning Gun in those gamemodes normally? Another thing, everyone is talking about the UT Sniper Rifle, this is the UT2003/2004 fourms, why is everyone bashing a UT weapon here? The new sniper rifle won't be the same, why does everyone think it will be the same? Even for the few people that actually played UT2k4 already, it could change in the final game. Do people complant about sniper rifles in every single other game that has one?


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
It was lost in the Great Forum Crash of 2003... :(

Viper: Server Admins for public servers rarely do what is popular. This is proved by the immense number of IG servers. Less people want to play on those than NW.

Other than that, I will wait till the game is out...but if you don't voice your concerns than it will come out with all the problems you are concerned about ;)

edit: dang you CSM! ;)

forgot to add one thing: playing with a 200 ping is not unbearable and 200ms is NOT a long time. it's 1/5 of a second, and that's not taking into account the natural fluxuations of a network which would land an average 200ms pinger between 180-220 normally. I've played at this alot...in UT it was unbearable, but in 2k3, thanks to the fancy pantsy netcode, I can play pretty normally when there is no packets lost.

Also, 200ms doesn't mean you have 200 packets lost every ms, it means it takes 200ms for the packet to get there. Packet loss occurs when the packet never arrives at all, which the server tells by the next packet it receives. If tehre is a massive chuck of packets lost, it has to update them causing your ping to go up and everyone on your screen to stop responding until you catch back up. It's perfectly possible to have a 200, 400, or even 600 ping and not have any packet loss...it just increass the delay at which things happen. That's why you seem to die more from low-pingers, because there is a delay between their 75ms and your 200ms. :)
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Minty Fresh!
Jan 3, 2003
Was that you Webby? Thought it was Brizz.....or was it Brizz that posted the shot? Gah, damn my memory! :lol:

@ Swift

First off, if so many people like the Lightning Gun, then why will nearly every server run the sniper rifle mutator

We like the LTG because it takes skill to use and isn't the all-consuming superspam weapon the SR was in UT. A lot of server admins most likely fall into the 'Oooh, SPAM' category and will add the mutator either because they want spam or because they'll be pressured into adding it from other people who want spam.

Can't we wait till the demo/game comes out before we start judging (spelling?) the weapon

I said that anyway, before you posted :)

ChainsawMonkey said:
I guess we won't know till we play the game.

See? ;) Post #118 on page 3.


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
...and Swift... It's kinda hard not to assume the new SR will be a lot like the UT SR because it's described as "The Return of the Sniper Rifle." Yes they said some changes were to be made, but there are still general placement concerns that can be discussed.

The mutator thing never works, because most of us that like to play online know that muty's like that, that change gameplay, rarely "catch on", and get a wide distribution of use, hence we won't prolly get to play them online that much.

Leaving too much in the way of options for server admins leads to two things. Ignorance. They don't use them. Or Abuse. They use them to make them totally silly. Too many said options also can lead to a lack of gross inconsistancy, and I know I wouldn't want to be guessing how fast my SR is going to fire every time I change servers.


Evil by Example
ChainsawMonkey said:
We like the LTG because it takes skill to use and isn't the all-consuming superspam weapon the SR was in UT. A lot of server admins most likely fall into the 'Oooh, SPAM' category and will add the mutator either because they want spam or because they'll be pressured into adding it from other people who want spam.

If there ever was an all-consuming superspam weapon in UT, I'd have to say it would be the Shock Rifle, not the Sniper Rifle. I never see good UT players spam/overuse the Sniper....but put a Shock in there and watch the combo's fly. Sure it takes a bit of 'skill' to pull all the l337 ninja combo's off, but how is that any different than getting headshots with the sniper rifle?


Evil by Example
Swift Viper said:
Is anyone going to reply to my posts at all? Out of all the posts after mine, I was hoping to get at least one reply, but everyone is still going at each other. Please don't flame me, I just want to know what people think on what I said about this discussion.
Swift Viper said:
One more important fact, the game (or demo) is not even out yet, we don't even know what the gameplay will be like. Can't we wait till we actually PLAY the game before getting into this kind of discussion?

Well fact is, the last time they released the game/demo it was obvious that they had absolutely no intention of paying any attention whatsoever to the 'community'. Hence the extremely short time between the release of the demo and the game itself AND all the bitchin' thats been going on as a result. So rather than wait, I think most people are just :nag: about the way things are now in the hopes that they fix them now 'cuz by the time a demo is released it will probably be too late.


Nov 20, 2002
Visit site
PainAmplifier said:
Damn! :eek: Someone DID do a mutator like that!

I'll have to check it out better when I have more time later. Still from the screenies it looks like the 'launcher' is totally static...so I still have something to complain about. :biggrin2:
:) it isn't. You can even control the randomness of the directions it shoots.


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
PainAmplifier said:
If there ever was an all-consuming superspam weapon in UT, I'd have to say it would be the Shock Rifle, not the Sniper Rifle. I never see good UT players spam/overuse the Sniper....but put a Shock in there and watch the combo's fly. Sure it takes a bit of 'skill' to pull all the l337 ninja combo's off, but how is that any different than getting headshots with the sniper rifle?

Obviously you never played against rev in ut1. It was flat out sick.


fps greater than star
Dec 7, 2000
The Nicest Parts of Hell
The only weapon spammed more than the Sniper Rifle in UT was the minigun. Combos were mostly for suppression in competative games, but hard to really spam them when you are only capable of so many on a full stock.

Get in close with somone who has a sniper rifle and watch the spam fly. If they take more then 3 distance shots without a hit, that is spammy too. Hard to do that with the ASMD. I even saw in some WCG demos, top players shooting snipe at where people might be, which is as spammy as it gets. Snipe being instant hitscan shouldn't be fired unless a target is spotted. A low rate of fire will help enforce that.


Evil by Example
DaBeatard said:
:) it isn't. You can even control the randomness of the directions it shoots.

I figured that out from the readme. What I meant was the drone doesn't move itself. So you have the targets getting flung about in random directions, but you never get the drone to get up and run about like a peep online would. (Or just a normal bot for that fact.)


Evil by Example
TWD said:
Obviously you never played against rev in ut1. It was flat out sick.

Couldn't be any worse than the previous night I had on one of those no-cap limit CTF-Citadel servers...geez may just as well have put the gun to my own head, just to deny them the frag. I forgot which server it was but it was pretty pathetic. LtG all over the place, I couldn't even get a frag in edgewise very often. (Tonight's games went much better...for my sanity's sake at least.)


Evil by Example
$MP$-AEnubis said:
The only weapon spammed more than the Sniper Rifle in UT was the minigun. Combos were mostly for suppression in competative games, but hard to really spam them when you are only capable of so many on a full stock.

Get in close with somone who has a sniper rifle and watch the spam fly. If they take more then 3 distance shots without a hit, that is spammy too. Hard to do that with the ASMD. I even saw in some WCG demos, top players shooting snipe at where people might be, which is as spammy as it gets. Snipe being instant hitscan shouldn't be fired unless a target is spotted. A low rate of fire will help enforce that.

How do you fire where someone 'might be' with hitscan? Were they just firing at a point just around a corner or something?

And I really doubt a low RoF would fix that. I probably would be easier to just reduce the max # of bullets you could hold. Like the change from 50 to 30 on the UT2k3 RL. And you can't deny that one didn't get faster from UT to UT2k3.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
good gosh they need to get rid of those never ending citadel servers. I know that stupid map like the back of my hand.

And yes, Rev is MUCH worse than those people. Think seeing an enemy dot and being dead immediately following ;) and IMO he isn't nearly as good with the LG as he was with the SR, which stands to reason since it's ROF is lower.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
I've seen an aimbot demo showing a Lamp llama on ctf-face. ut1 that is.
That was "sick" :-/

There's always abuse... no matter how. People will always find a way to exploit things...
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Jun 12, 2000
PainAmplifier said:
Sure it takes a bit of 'skill' to pull all the l337 ninja combo's off, but how is that any different than getting headshots with the sniper rifle?

Sniper rifle, instant hit weapon of massive damage and rate of fire, personally favoured as it needed to be for success. This weapon is of the 2 domensional nature.. the only prediction and calculation it required was of the player's movements.

'Ninja combos', now i don't wanna sound like i'm blowing a tuba or anything but i was good at them in my time. A combo is a 3 dimensional weapon. In order to do some fancy AND EFFECTIVE movers you had to:
predict the target's movements.
fire (a) shock ball to the target's percieved location..taking INTO ACCOUNT the period of time that shock ball will take to move.
gain a good aim
time the explosion.
hit the ball(s).

During this you'll be avoiding all sorts of fire, specifically a rain of sniper hail, you'll also take into account that the enemy may see this and change moves.

imo this takes far more skill than a headshot.


Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
Playing rev in ut1 was the most frustrating thing ever. He never missed, and if he did miss he'd hit you with the next one or the one after that, and since it fired so fast there was no way to get away from it. If rev saw you, you were dead, end of story.