Unreal beta the begining

  • Two Factor Authentication is now available on BeyondUnreal Forums. To configure it, visit your Profile and look for the "Two Step Verification" option on the left side. We can send codes via email (may be slower) or you can set up any TOTP Authenticator app on your phone (Authy, Google Authenticator, etc) to deliver codes. It is highly recommended that you configure this to keep your account safe.


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
here some results from planetmirror


happy looking
darkmatch from the old unreal


dkdarkroom.zip download


2files from 1998 and 1999

Map: Tunnels (DK) Author: Joe A. 'Isolation' (isa@unrealed.com) FileName: DKTunnels.unr FileSize: 116kb PlayerStarts: 8 Construction Time: 6 Hours Building: No more than a minute -- Welp here is my second map for Darkmatch. No Complex Architecture or kick ass Unreal effects like Mirrors or portals. Just basic narrow hallways for your enjoyment. This map isn't the best thing in the world but I am having *ALOT* of fun playing with bots, so try it out and please don't bitch and complain for not being Epic like. This map is not a beta. -- Thanks to: -Me, Myself, and I -EviL -inoxx -Digital Extremes and Epic Megagames (*uNF) -TheHound and RADKade1 (j00 guys are soo secksie) -Oldskoolers and #UnrealED (Gameslink) Check out UnrealED.com Coming Soon: Wicked Development (Again) -- No one can reproduce this level or something, or I will be forced to open up a can of serious w00p ass...biatch. ================================================================ Title : Town Version : 0.8 (internal 24ed) Release Date : 01/08/99 Filename : DMtown08.zip Author : Szymon Dowkontt Email Address : szdowk@ipbm.simr.pw.edu.pl Web Page : Description : Serpentine DarkMatch Additional Credits to : Epic Megagames (http://unreal.epicgames.com/) ================================================================ --- Play Information --- Game : Unreal (Serpentine TC needed) Level Name : Town Single Player : ? Cooperative : ? Deathmatch : ? Dark Match : Yes (Serpentine) New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (some textures and brushes) Known bugs : ? --- Construction --- Editor(s) used : UnrealEd Beta Base : New level Construction Time : 1 year ;-) Installation ------------ Unzip files. Place *.utx files into your textures subdirectory and *.unr into maps sybdirectory under the unreal directory. To run the map type in unreal console "open DMtown08". Alternatively, double-click the map in your filemanager. This level need to work Serpentine TC. Extended description: -------------------- This is three small streets in town. It incleded cinema, bar, some shops, many glasses to break ;-) etc... Warning1: _This_level_need_to_work_Serpentine_TC_ Warning2: This level works *not too fast* on K6-2 400MHz with Voodoo2 card. On older computer (without good 3D accelerator) it can be not playable. Author's Notes -------------- This is a beta version of this level (0.8). Some rooms are still empty. Copyright / Permissions ----------------------- This level is copyrighted by Szymon Dowkontt 1998. Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels without my permission. You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any other electronic medium that is sold for money without my explicit permission! You MAY distribute this UNR through any electronic network (internet, FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact. ---------------------- UNREAL (c)1998 Epic Megagames, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Distributed by GT Software, Inc. under license. UNREAL and the UNREAL logo are registered trademarks of Epic Megagames, Inc. All other trademarks and trade names are properties of their respective owners.


map 11-1-1998

The Second Battle Version :2.0 Release Date :11/1/98 Filename :Dkpitchbalckv2.zip Author(s) :bluey23


The Second Battle Version :2.0 Release Date :11/1/98 Filename :Dkpitchbalckv2.zip


i think thy are selfmade maps from 1998 and 1999 cheerz

singleplayer maps from 1998



unreal skinpack from 1998

Last edited:


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
Release Notes for the OpenGL for Unreal v0.9
Authors: Keith Z. Leonard, Tom Holmes of DreamForge(R) Intertainment, Inc.
Date: 08/21/98
PROBLEMS. If you do encounter bugs, please e-mail info to

is a newgroup for bugs and problems encountered running Unreal on
Rendition hardware. I (Keith Leonard) will be periodically checking
the group to help resolve problems.

Or at Epic MegaGames try
for additional help.


1. copy the ZIP file into your Unreal/system directory.
2. Decompress the zip.
3. Run glInst.bat
4. In the game, goto the options menu, under advanced options,
under drivers, GameRenderDevice, choose OpenGL for Windows.

That's it.

Note: If you have a rendition card, rename the included v2kgl.dll
to Opengl32.dll in your unreal/system directory. This beta requires
features that are in this version of Rendition's OpenGL that are not
yet included in their downloadable ICD.



Since this is a beta version it is very possible that you will encounter
problems, if you need to uninstall this driver, do the following.

1. In the game, goto the options menu, under advanced options,
under drivers, GameRenderDevice, choose Software Rendering.
2. Run glUninst.bat

that's it.



This version of the OpenGL for Unreal has been tested on many of the
OpenGL cards available to consumers. Some of these cards either lack
some of the functionality of OpenGL, or have rather slow drivers.

At this time there are only a couple of video cards that will run under
OpenGL correctly.

the Rendition v2100 and v2200 should work fine with the included OpenGL
driver. The Intel 740 chipset also runs well, however Intel has not made
their drivers public as of 8/21/98. A beta version of their driver is expected to be
released in the near future.

Chipsets that don't work, why, and their status as of 8/21/98 include:

Riva 128/Permedia 2 - Lack of the blend mode that Unreal uses for lighting.
We are working toward a secondary lighting model to get these
cards to run in OpenGL for Unreal.

3Dfx Voodoo/Voodoo 2/Banshee - These cards do not currently have a stable
OpenGL driver. The latest beta from 3Dfx should work but is
crash prone, especially with Multi-Texture enabled.


Limitations and known bugs.

The display mode must be set to the same color depth in which you want to
run the game. Therefore for a card supporting 16 bit rendering, you must
have your windows desktop set to 16 bit color mode before running Unreal.
Cards supporting 32 bit color should run fine in 32 bit in Unreal, but the
performance hit will be noticeable.

Some resolutions listed may or may not work. A given resolution must be
supported by both your video card and monitor. Suggested resolution for
the Rendition and I740 cards is 512x384.

There are currently several Z-buffer errors, this is due to the way that
Unreal handles drawing the world. Cards with W buffering will not suffer
as many errors in the Unreal rendering architecture, such as the Voodoo
series. W buffering is not supported in this release, it is pending an
extension for OpenGL. As soon as an extension becomes available, a new
release of this driver will be released supporting it.

Occasionally we have seen the driver start up on Rendition hardware
missing textures all together, this only lasts for a few seconds, then
the driver corrects itself. This is a known problem on our list to
look into.

You will need the latest display drivers as well as the latest OpenGL
drivers for any video hardware to have the best chance of all of the
features of OpenGL necessary for Unreal to be supported. A Rendition
OpenGL driver is included, but you should use any update that Rendition
posts after the release of this driver instead.

Many of the current OpenGL drivers have a problem with repeated switching
from the OpenGL render to the software renderer and back. If a card
stop rendering in OpenGL after such a cycle, just close Unreal and run
it again.



OpenGL is what I like to call a "clean" API. Whenever you change a texture,
or rendering mode, OpenGL checks to see if the change is valid. This takes
time. Therefore the more often that you change textures or rendering modes,
the slower the application becomes. Unreal requires many state changes,
therefore it is unlikely that you will be hitting your hardware's drawing
limits when running Unreal. DreamForge has been, and will continue to work
toward eliminating any state changes that we can while retaining the visual
quality of Unreal.

It is possible to "tweak" unreal to obtain a faster performance. There are
several adjustable options in the Advanced Options property page under OpenGL.
Playing with these options may result in higher performance on different cards.
Note: Contrary to many assumptions, disabling 8 bit textures does NOT increase
image quality in Unreal. So in general, you will want to leave the options
UseEightBitRGBTextures and UseEightBitAlphaTextures set to true. These options
are only in the property page in the event that an OpenGL driver reports support
for 8 bit textures, but does not draw them correctly. If your system seems to
be drawing incorrectly, try setting these to false.

We thank you for your patience and understanding, understand that this is a beta
and will likely have problems. We have been working toward eliminating as many
as possible. This port is aimed at making your Unreal experience even better.

Keith Z. Leonard
Tom Holmes
DreamForge(R) Intertainment, Inc.


cheerz open gl from epic


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
for the mac

Unreal Mac 2.2.4 Beta 1

IMPORTANT- This is a public beta update of Unreal Mac (it is not
a demo, and requires the full CD version of Unreal). It is not
required to download to play Unreal. If you have Unreal 1.0 and
don't want to play against beta PC users, don't download the patches.
Stick with 1.0.While we hope it fixes many bugs, it has not been
through the normal full testing procedures so there may be problems
with it. It is provided as-is. If you have more problems with the
latest patch than you did with the original Unreal Mac, go back to
the original install.

Please read the install instructions in the 2.2.4b1 Read Me carefully.
And if you have any problems with 224, check the read me file for
help first! We've taken a lot of time to try to answer all of the
possible questions we think people might have in the Read Me. If
you still have problems, try here for some other troubleshooting
tips: http://www.westlakeinteractive.com/unrealtrouble.html

The 224b1 update adds support for 224 and 225 PC servers in network
games, and has the new in-game server browser. It also has many
internal changes and bug fixes. The update works with any version
of Unreal.

cheerz scar.nl




New Member
Feb 15, 2006
Release Notes - Unreal Version 226 Final


This is the final Unreal 1 patch. We do not expect there will be any
more updates to Unreal 1.

Useful Information

* General Troubleshooting, Hints, Tips & Information
* Unreal Home Page
* Epic Games Home Page
* Unreal Technology Page

Fixes and Improvements

Direct3D Render Device

* Updated to the same Direct3D code as in Unreal Tournament version 420.


* Updated to the same sound code as in Unreal Tournament version 420.


* Improved dedicated server performance.
* Fixed packet id wraparound error causing client-side weapons to
* Fixed packet size overrun causing packets to be lost.
* New DISCONNECT and RECONNECT console commands.
* New server -profilestats command line option for performance

Editor Issues

* People having trouble starting UnrealEd (runtime errors or other
trouble) should get this fix from the web: UnrealEdFix4.exe.


patch 226 official from epic:vheerz


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
from 1998

Unreal Classes
Tim Sweeney
Epic MegaGames, Inc.
Audience: Level Designers, UnrealScript Programmers, C++ Programmers.

About this document
This is a quick attempt to describe the most important classes and variables in Unreal. It is currently very sparse but will be expanded over time.

Serves as the base class of all objects in Unreal. All objects inherit from Object.

Parent: The object's parent object (for scoping).
ObjectFlags: The object's flags, described in the Packages document.
Name: The object's name.
Class: The object's class.
Log: Writes a message to the log file, usually \Unreal\System\Unreal.log.
Warn: Writes a script warning to the log file, including the current script and function.
Localize: Returns a localized (internationally translated) string from a package's .int file.
GotoState: Sets the object's current state, None means no state. If no label is specified, the Begin label is gone to.
IsInState: Returns whether this object is in the specified state.
GetStateName: Returns the name of this object's current stae, None if none.
Enable: Enables a probe event. The only functions which work with Enable and Disable are: Spawned, Destroyed, GainedChild, LostChild, Trigger, UnTrigger, Timer, HitWall, Falling, Landed, ZoneChange, Touch, UnTouch, Bump, BeginState, EndState, BaseChange, Attach, Detach, ActorEntered, ActorLeaving, KillCredit, AnimEnd, EndedRotation, InterpolateEnd, EncroachingOn, EncroachedBy, FootZoneChange, HeadZoneChange, PainTimer, SpeechTimer, MayFall, Die, Tick, PlayerTick, Expired, SeePlayer, EnemyNotVisible, HearNoise, UpdateEyeHeight, SeeMonster, SeeFriend, SpecialHandling, BotDesireability.
Disable: Disables a probe event.
GetPropertyText: Converts the value of an arbirary variable to text.
SetPropertyText: Sets the value of an arbitrary variable from text.
SaveConfig: Saves the current values of all "config" variables to the Unreal.ini file.
ResetConfig: Resets the values of the "config" variables to the originals in the Default.ini file.
Static Functions:

ClassIsChildOf: Returns whether one class is a subclass of another class.
GetEnum: Returns the nth element of an enumeration.
DynamicLoadObject: Tries to load an object from a file, and returns it.
BeginState: Called when a new state is entered.
EndState: Called when the current state is ended.
Error: Causes a critical error; exits the engine.
SetCollision: Changes the actor's collision flags.
SetCollisionSize: Changes the actor's collision size.
Move: Moves the actor by the specified displacement vector, handling collision (based on the collision flags), Touch and Bump notifications.
MoveSmooth: Like move, but smoothly brushes against walls.
SetLocation: Teleports the actor to a new location.
SetRotation: Sets the actor's new rotation.
SetBase: Sets the actor's Base. A base of None means that the actor moves alone; setting the base to another actor in the world causes this actor to move and rotate along with its base. An example of using a base is standing on a moving platform.
SetOwner: Sets this actor's owner.
IsA: Return whether this actor belongs in a named class.
PlayAnim: Plays a named animation sequence in the actor's Mesh once (use the Mesh Viewer in UnrealEd to see the animation sequence names for a given mesh). The optional Rate scales the animation's default rate. If a nonzero TweenTime is specified, the animation is first tweened from whatever is currently displayed to the start of the named animation sequence, before the animation sequence plays. When the animation playing completes, it stops and calls your optional AnimEnd() event and causes any latent FinishAnim() calls to return.
LoopAnim: Like PlayAnim, but loops the animation sequence over and over without end. As with PlayAnim, the AnimEnd() is called at the end of the sequence, and FinishAnim() calls return at the end of each iteration of the loop.
TweenAnim: Tweens from whatever animation is currently being displayed, to the start of the specified animation sequence, then stops and calls AnimEnd() and releases any latent FinishAnim() calls.
IsAnimating: Returns whether the actor's mesh is currently animating.
GetAnimGroup: Returns the group name of the specified animation sequence.
SetPhysics: Sets the actor's current physics mode.
BroadcastMessage: Sends a text message to all players.
Latent Functions:
Sleep: Waits for a certain (fractional) number of seconds to pass, then continues.
FinishAnim: Waits for the currently playing or looping animation to reach the end of the sequence.
FinishInterpolation: Only relevent with the physics mode PHYS_Interpolating. Waits until the next interpolation point is reached.
Iterator Functions
AllActors: Iterates through all actors in the level with the specified tag; if you don't specify a tag, it iterates through all actors in the level. This is pretty slow if you specify a tag, and very slow if you don't.
ChildActors: Iterates through all actors owned by this actor.
BasedActors: Iterates through all actors directly based on this actor.
TouchingActors: Iterates through all actors touching this actor. This is fast.
TraceActors: Iterates through all actors hit by a trace along a line with an optional collision extent. This is pretty fast.
RadiusActors: Iterates through all actors within a specified radius. This is fast.
VisibleActors: Iterates through all actors visible to this actor (using a simple line trace, rather than exact mesh-to-mesh visible). This is very, very slow.
VisibleCollidingActors: Iterates through all actors visible to this actor which have collision enabled; this is much faster than VisibleActors.
AnimEnd: Called when the currently playing or looping animation reaches the end of the sequence.
Spawned: Called when an actor is spawned during gameplay. Never called if the actor is preexisting when a level is loaded.
Destroyed: Called immediately when an actor is destroyed. This event is not delayed like Java's Finalize() event is.
Expired: Called immediately before Destroyed() when an actor's LifeTime has counted downward past zero.
GainedChild: Another actor has done a SetOwner() to this actor.
LostChild: An actor owned by this actor has been destroyed or done a SetOwner() to another actor.
Tick: Called each iteration of the game loop; varies depending on frame rate. DeltaTime indicates how much time has passed.
Trigger: This actor has been triggered by another actor Other, optionally caused by a pawn EventInstigator.
UnTrigger: This actor has been untriggered by another actor Other, optionally caused by a pawn EventInstigator.
BeginEvent: A simple protocol to indicate that this actor called a Trigger() function that began a complex chain of events. This enables switches to be coordinated with doors intelligently, i.e.: You press a switch. The switch moves in. It triggers a door which calls your BeginEvent() then slowly opens. The door then calls your EndEvent(). Now you move the button back out to give the user feedback that the button is finished with what it was doing.
EndEvent: The event specified by BeginEvent has ended.
Timer: If you call SetTimer, this Timer() function is called each time the timer has counted down from your time value.
HitWall: This actor ran into a wall while moving.
Falling: This actor has transitioned into PHYS_Falling.
Landed: This actor has transitioned out of PHYS_Falling.
ZoneChange: This actor has entered a new zone.
Touch: This actor has begun touching (interpenetrating) another actor.
UnTouch: This actor has stopped touching (interpenetrating) another actor.
Bump: This actor has bumped into an impenetrable actor.
BaseChange: This actor's base has changed.
Attach: Some other actor has set its base to this actor.
Detach: Some other actor based on this one is no longer based on this actor.
KillCredit: This actor has successfully killed another actor.
SpecialHandling: ?
EncroachingOn: This actor is now encroaching on (overlapping with) another actor as a result of moving and it may return true to abort the move, or false to continue the move.
EncroachedBy: This actor has been successfully encroached by (overlapped by) another actor. This is where players may opt to telefrag themselves or ignore the encroach.
InterpolateEnd: Called when Physics==PHYS_Interpolating and the next interpolation point has been reached.
KilledBy: Called when killed by another actor (killed just means dead, it doesn't mean destroyed).
TakeDamage: A certain amount of damage has been imparted on this actor.
PreTeleport: Called before this actor is teleported by a teleporter.
PostTeleport: Called after this actor is teleported by a teleporter.
Physics Modes:
To be written.

Game Startup:
When programming new actor scripts, you need to be wary of the order in which actors that pre-exist in a level (at load time) are initialized, and the order in which new actors are initialized when they are spawned. The exact order of initialization is:

The actor object is created and its variables are initialized to their default values (if spawning an actor), or loaded from a file (if loading a pre-existing actor).
The actor's location, rotation, and owner are set.
If the actor is being spawned, its Spawn() event is called.
The actor's PreBeginPlay() event is called.
The actor's BeginPlay() event is called.
The actor's zone is set, and any ZoneChange messages are sent to the actor, and any ActorEntered messages are sent to its zone. Prior to this point, the actor is not in a valid zone, and you must not call the Move, MoveSmooth, SetLocation, or SetRotation functions, or any functions which call them.
The actor's PostBeginPlay() event is called.
The actor's SetInitialState() event is called.
If the actor hasn't set its base yet, its base is set.


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
here a release date thy hope thy wil be reddy at 1996

Epic MegaGames and Unreal
Epic MegaGames? Sure, they've had some great action titles to their name, such as Jazz Jackrabbit, but their entry into the 3D first-person genre was surprising. Nonetheless, they have been working on a very strong looking title that may rival Quake in the coming year. Unreal is the name of the game, and after an initial burst of hype roughly around the time of Quake's release (see this excellent preview at PCGamer), Epic has fallen somewhat silent. They had originally hoped to have the game ready for Christmas of 1996, but that's no longer possible.

But let's assume that development is continuing apace. What can we expect from Unreal? Epic promises everything we've come to expect from Quake (full 3D environments and network playability), and a host of other goodies. The real-time shadowing will undoubtedly be a treat. And judging by the screenshot at the right, we'll be seeing a richer color palette than Quake. Epic also promises special enhancements that will utilize the new Pentium chips with MMX technology. Also, a level editor (UnrealEd), will be packed with the game ... judging by the screenshots in the above sites, it looks to be fully fleshed-out and very impressive.

So where is it? Unfortunately, Epic's silence makes it difficult to judge what stage of development the game is in. Perhaps they've learned from id's release of Quake, where overpublicity and rampant net-hype caused expectations to inflate to astronomical proportions (the result was that the finest piece of 3D technology to hit the gaming world in years actually disappointed many people). Development might be nearing completion, and we might suddenly see Unreal popping onto store shelves early next year and sweeping the FTP sites by storm. More likely we can expect it around the middle of next year, preceded by a sudden surge in the hype level. Hopefully Epic will have managed to keep up with all the changes Quake will be undergoing in the meantime, and still add some new elements that will help this game carve out a niche of its own in the FPG community. Only time will tell.

The lack of recent information about Unreal has made it hard for me to find active pages with information ... many links I've followed have gone dead. Stay tuned to the Epic site above for progress reports, or try out Dr. Sleep's Unreal Pages for the latest news and an extensive (if not quite up-to-date) listing of links.

[UPDATE- 12/18/96. Looks like I missed the granddaddy of Unreal sites, Un-reality.com This is a very thorough page with daily news updates. Thanks to 'Monty' for pointing out my oversight. -DK]

cheerz aka