Unreal beta the begining

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New Member
Aug 4, 2005
Speaking of patches, that reminds me, both Unreal Editor patches work on Unreal Special Edition Demo. (Unreal v205)

I got the SE Demo version of Unreal with my SBLive Value ed 4channel card. Reading on the Unreal sites, I heard about the editor, but the SE Demo does not ship with an editor. As an experiment, I installed the editor patches, and that gave me a working editor in the SE demo.

Jenifur Charne


New Member
Aug 4, 2005
Delacroix said:
Dinwitty - my copy of UT GOTY was 436 out of the box (I live in Poland).

Unreal 223m is patchable. As Jenny states, her version contains the 226Final patch on the 223m's CD. So, you can patch it.

I first saw Unreal when I got my SBLive Value ed 4 channel version. Unreal Special Edition Demo (Unreal v205). That got me hooked on the game.
I purchased a copy of Unreal, version unknown, Platinum PC re-release. I downloaded patch 226final for that.
I loaned that copy of Unreal to a friend, who I lost contact with. As a result, I had to get another copy, and Australian PC Powerplay showed up with Unreal on its coverdisc.

I've never downloaded a copy of patch 224.

I do not know how well Unreal 223m will take to patch 224.

Jenifur Charne


DeRegistered User
Nov 10, 1999
I dont think there has been any changes to the actual editor since its v200 release. I think the Ued fix includes the editor v200 and corrects associated files including OS system files, it uses VBruntime, and certain control files.
Those files dont come with Win98 or 95 OS's, so it gets the editor going.
I find everytime I install my OS's for whatever reason I run the UnrealedFix4.
I believe the fix is not patch specific.
If you patch it wont effect whatever the fix installes, the patches wont install the control files the fix does.


New Member
Aug 4, 2005
)bee(scarbelly.nl said:
hey delacroix when will be patch avelable then?
Once Delacroix has got everything so the detailed examination can begin.
Our copies of 223m are meerly 2 pieces of data needed for examination, bee.

Jenifur Charne


Snagged an item.
Aug 27, 2004
All Hallows Sunset
This'll be a bit off-topic, and forgive me if it's been suggested already, but how possible would it be to combine the beta maps and the retail maps? For instance, some, like Bluff, could simply be left as retali, but some, like the beta Nyleve could be combined with the retail Nyleve to capture the best elements of both; use the first half of retail Nyleve, up until you go up the lift to the end, and replace that with the beta portion and add in the whole thing with going to Rrajigar and Chizra to start the boiler and on to Dark (retail Dark, retail Harobed, merged or not) probably clear on retail until you teleport to, what is it, Aztec Canyon that starts off the whole list of cut levels? Anyway, I think it'd be cool to have a "complete" version of Unreal, with the best parts of both.
Yay for thread hijacking!!


New Member
Aug 4, 2005
Sijik, have you played .:..: (Dots) conversion of the Unreal v099 beta maps?
.:..: (Dots) converted the maps and did some bugfixing on them to make them playable in Unreal v225f.
There's also a mutator in the converted maps pack that adds the propper v099 characters.

If not, download it from Hyper's site - http://hypernl.thenerdnetwork.net/downloads.htm

Jenifur Charne


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
unreal 223 m

i think those 2 files are from within unreal engine controlling the windows envirement vidcardsettings server browser modem and tcpip settings.
That kinda things.greetz )bee(scarbelly.nl

these files i ment

Contents of the System200 dir:

Volume in drive N is PCPP1_73
Volume Serial Number is 602A-8A22

Directory of N:\unreal\System200

. <DIR> 2002-Mar-04 10:29 AM
.. <DIR> 2002-Mar-04 10:29 AM
Engine u 852,255 1998-May-17 08:40 PM
UnrealI u 37,670,638 1998-May-17 08:43 PM
2 File(s) 38,522,893 bytes
2 Dir(s) 0 bytes free



Successor of Almarion
Jan 12, 2006
Warsaw, PL
S3TC Maps: The maps themeselves are sh*tty in terms of playability. Of course you may try to install them on Unreal Tournament, but the file Egypt.utx will be overwritten and many retail UT maps will stop working.

S3TC Textures: I can't do anything to make them playable online. File version mismatches disallow entering servers. There is no method to bypass that.

TD2001: There is no patch for that release. All I can say is that it works BAD or sometimes doesn't work at all if played on Windows 95 or 98 or ME.

Unreal Patch 223m: Will prepare that tomorrow.

Anything more, Scarbelly?
Last edited:


Successor of Almarion
Jan 12, 2006
Warsaw, PL
TD: Try running Unreal.exe instead and use the OPEN command to run one of the maps if the menu is faulty.

S3:If a SERVER has S3TC installed, then CLIENTS also need it. But MOST servers DON'T.