So in your opinion, what's the best game ever made?

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Jan 3, 2000
Originally posted by D66
And no one here has given SYSTEM SHOCK or SYSTEM SHOCK2 any credit yet.

Shodan still talks to me in my nightmares

i did look up a few post ;)

i was actualy thinking of reinstalling it for another go around


Jun 8, 2001
Green Hell.
Oh ya ! ANd Half life is good too!
THIS SHOULDA BEEN A POLL BUDDIE (IT Woulda left only one choice to make up their mind on !
Now i got so many , i cant say which one is thee best !

Jancaz Bru

the preposterous bollox of the situation
This is certainly a toughie. But...

Best Game, IMO - Starcraft:
Starcraft sucked 2 years straight from my life. I skipped meals, and became nocturnal because of this game. I lived by this game for 2 years. 2 years straight. No other game has compared to it yet. Well.. except Half Life..

Runners Up:

Half-Life - A truly amazing game. From the very start of the single player aspect of this game, I was in awe. It has held my interest for quite a while, but almost measures up to Starcraft. It's almost there...

Unreal Tournament - After my brief experience in Unreal, I decided to get UT when it first came out. I was blown away. With so many gametypes, I was addicted to it. I think I played it for like 10 hours straight when I first got it. It was one of the best night's of my life.

Chrono Trigger - Best RPG I've ever played. This game was so in depth, and just so awesome. With the multiple endings, this game never got old.

Secret of Mana - Second only to to Chrono Trigger, this game owned me. The music, the storyline, the enemies. Damn. I loved it.

Super Metroid - I always loved this game. I beat it in under 3 hours too :). Damn, Samus was hot :D.


Mar 29, 2001
That's a hard one, but the game that I have played over and over and over is Zelda: Link's Awakening on Game Boy. I love that game, way too much.

Next to that, hmm

Deus Ex, Dune 2, Lufia 2, Final Fantasy (2, 7, and 9), Monkey Island (1 through 4), Wing Commander 3 and 4 (three because, well Thrakhath is in it, and four for the story cinimatics and multi-path plot), and Privateer (Excellent plot, very very engaging).

I do remember ROTT, I played it a LOT, but I didn't like it very much. God-mode was cool because you get to shoot fire-balls out of your hands.


Mar 29, 2001
Portland, OR
Visit site
well, for the trippy-twisted-neurotic horror game, i'd hafta say Silent Hill. the atmosphere was superb. i got eaten by the monster in the alternate-reality school though :(

for gameplay overall, i'd rate Thief 2 as the best game...

graphics, music and sound, i'd go with myst 3.

d'oh! too bad none of these are lamespy games :(


You can't help that. We're all mad here.
Jan 14, 2000
Earthworm Jim for the NES.

For some reason, the Sega version wasn't quite as good. And all the sequels have sucked royally.
Except maybe EWJ2, but it's not nearly as good as the first. Tho it does have that one level where the background music is Mozart's Moonlight Sonata.