SPORE video

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is ironing his panties!
Well i've had a stab at it, turns out the download i got was legit. :)

It's good fun but i did hit one problem. About half way though my creation i wanted to adds legs. Everything was looking good except i couldn't get my legs/feet to face the right way. Sadly, unless i'm very much mistaken there is a "Direction" marked on the ground that i didn't see before that determines what way the front of the creature.

Naturally i have made mine back to front and had gone too far to want tos tart again. The horrendous results are below. (When i realised i'd have to start again i didn't take my textures seriously. ;) )

Still fun though and i'm on creature number 2 now :)


Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001

Also, this is BUF and I see creatures without penis. What gives? Is it not possible?


is ironing his panties!

Also, this is BUF and I see creatures without penis. What gives? Is it not possible?
He's called butt-face because he doesn't walk in the direction that he faces, i put his head on the "wrong" side, he has to look over his shoulder as he walks backwards, stupid thing.

As fr penii did you not look at the youtube video cuddles posted? It has a 'grasper' at the end and with it one of the "Suggested" videos is called the "One eye monster".... *Shudder*

Below are some of my slightly more succesful attempts... wish i could rotate feet/legs still but the movie capture feature is quite cool, it's already for youtube... i fear youtube will be flooded with lots of crap though ofcourse but... no huge change there. *zing!*

This one is kinda cool;
Have some of the trials been hacked though as some of the videos do have more bits than my version has unless someone with an official version is uploading vids too;
This one is pure genius;
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Sep 17, 2004
Self-lazyness incorporated.

What the ****!
Please give us a download link to that shiz now.


New Member
Jan 31, 2008
Everyone makes peno-monsters, so thought I should make something different.


Edit: Fixed to not break tables. -Liz
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Sep 17, 2004

Automatically generated avatars. ^

This "game" has some nice features, however, I think the built-in video system is f'ing up on my PC. I just went under the video folder, loading the thumbnail image for one of the videos freeze my PC for at least 15 seconds and closing the game is pretty much the same amount of time.

I'm also having dumb issues Registering.


fap fap fap
Jan 20, 2008
I just realized something, wouldn't it be kind of weird and possibly game breaking (if you're playing seriously) if stuff like that was downloaded into your game and appeared in your world? :lol: It's pretty much inevitable, half the people are gonna do it. ><

Everyone makes peno-monsters, so thought I should make something different.


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is ironing his panties!
This "game" has some nice features, however, I think the built-in video system is f'ing up on my PC. I just went under the video folder, loading the thumbnail image for one of the videos freeze my PC for at least 15 seconds and closing the game is pretty much the same amount of time.

I'm also having dumb issues Registering.

... I'm pretty sure everyone is having difficulty registering their unnoficially acquired games they're not meant to have yet, well everyone who's tried. ;)

As for the video thing does this happen to other video files on your computer when your browsing in thumbnail view? I found th filesizes were pretty low for them myself.

I just realized something, wouldn't it be kind of weird and possibly game breaking (if you're playing seriously) if stuff like that was downloaded into your game and appeared in your world? :lol: It's pretty much inevitable, half the people are gonna do it. ><

Via the Sporepedia you can choose where your creatures are sourced and how as most people will want friends stuff over strangers stuff. So it shouldn't be a problem
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Sep 17, 2004
... I'm pretty sure everyone is having difficulty registering their unnoficially acquired games they're not meant to have yet, well everyone who's tried. ;)

I see...
So that "17 June" thing wasn't about more content, but about what we currently have here.
Still, many players managed to upload their stuff.
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is ironing his panties!
I see...
So that "17 June" thing wasn't about more content, but about what we currently have here.
Still, many players managed to upload their stuff.

You would need to pay for the thing to get more content i believe, if that's what your after.
The "17 june" thing is about when the trial version is meant to have come out.

I've read that early on some folks managed to register but can't know for sure. Where did you find out? Is the sporepedia showing internet content for them?

Been having a lot of fun with this thing, made 10 or so critters already :)

So who's getting the full version (of the creator) when it's released?

having played the trial i gotta say yeah, the full creator would be fun and i believe it's dirt cheap + has it's price deducted from the main game if you want.
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Apr 22, 2008
Behind the Great Australian Firewall
having played the trial i gotta say yeah, the full creator would be fun and i believe it's dirt cheap + has it's price deducted from the main game if you want.

Yeah it's only $9.95 USD - which is approx. $11-12 bucks over here in Australia, not bad since it's the price of a magazine or so.

I'd not heard you could get rebate off the full game - where'd you hear that?

If that's the case and you're not paying extra for something you'll end up having in the full version, there's no reason not to get it!

shadow_dragon said:
Via the Sporepedia you can choose where your creatures are sourced and how as most people will want friends stuff over strangers stuff. So it shouldn't be a problem

You can also select "Ban" when you've got a specific creature opened in the Sporepedia
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Sep 17, 2004
I've read that early on some folks managed to register but can't know for sure. Where did you find out?

AFAIK you need to be registered to submit videos. There's that "Send to youtube" option. Meh, Alright, maybe they went the classic way recording with another app, it just did sound to obvious to me that they've used the youtube Submission thingy. Never mind.

having played the trial i gotta say yeah, the full creator would be fun and i believe it's dirt cheap + has it's price deducted from the main game if you want.

Once you have the full game, the creature editor is almost useless. If it's really that cheap and comes with a price reduction for full version, I may check it out. Otherwise people will be "obtaining" it.

Anyway, marketing side these guys would be genius leaving the stand alone creature editor for free. You can't play anyway, which makes turn addict wanting to play with these creature later on once the full version is released, then people will upload **** tons of youtube videos, and everyone will go "Hey what's that game omg!" and everyone will know about it.

They are releasing it in September, so a free version of the full creature ED is like THE deal to gain more sale once the game hit the shelves.

But that's just the way I see things...
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is ironing his panties!
I'd not heard you could get rebate off the full game - where'd you hear that?

On the official website where they're selling it;
(Look just under the price.)
AFAIK you need to be registered to submit videos. There's that "Send to youtube" option. Meh, Alright, maybe they went the classic way recording with another app, it just did sound to obvious to me that they've used the youtube Submission thingy. Never mind.
The videos just get sent to your movies directory though and you can upload to youtube manually. No need for any other apps.

I'm still trying to make creatures based on existing or semi-existing stuff. Here's my attempt at a unicorn with the bits provided in the trial.
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