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Oh, and another thing. I keep wondering who Shy's mother was. It couldn't have been Ferro, right?
Ahh. Our nine-fingered friend rides off into the sunset to hopefully turn up again someday.

Red Country was awesome! I mean, how could I not love a book with my favorite Abercrombie character? When I was reading the chapter when Sworbreck kills Cosca, all I could think about was where Shivers was going to turn up... and lo and behold, there he was in the next chapter.

I'm glad Shivers did what he did. That finally made him good again in my eyes.

The only thing I wanted Abercrombie to do was to say his damn name! Give me a Logen, at least! For him to tell Shy his real name. But I guess I can't have everything I want!

Well, here's to Joe A.'s next trilogy and after that his return to the Circle of the World!