Yesterday in Paris...

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Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
We now have governors of states refusing Syrian refugees because they're afraid there will be ISIS terrorists among them.

Does anyone else see that as the terrorists getting their way? I do. We're doing exactly what the terrorists hoped by refusing people that are fleeing the same shit that happened in Paris, because we're afraid.

It's fucking shameful what these governors (they're all Republicans btw) are doing. And I'm sure most, if not all, of those governors call themselves Christians.

Matthew 25:41-45
41 “Then He will also say to those on His left, ‘Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels; 42 for I was hungry, and you gave Me nothing to eat; I was thirsty, and you gave Me nothing to drink; 43 I was a stranger, and you did not invite Me in; naked, and you did not clothe Me; sick, and in prison, and you did not visit Me.’ 44 Then they themselves also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see You hungry, or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not [a]take care of You?’ 45 Then He will answer them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me.’

And a Wonkette article for good measure. This shit reminds me of the Ebola scare and how they didn't want anyone with Ebola getting treatment in America because it would spread across the country. Look how that turned out.
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Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Ah, the eternal fire. For now and forever. For an eternity and perhaps beyond. Your rightfull place is in the anguish of the eternal fire. Full of eternal
suffering, pain, fear and then some. And no possible way of redemption, is there. Heck no, it is The eternal fire.

A truly horrible phase which has wrecked the lives of countless throughout the course of history.

tomcat ha

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2002
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isis exists because of geopolitical reasons only.
Salafism is a modern construct in response to the geopolitical reality in the middle east. Maybe with no religion there would have been a strong ethnic division and the reality would have been the same because there is oil there. Its the centre of the world and we keep the sauds in place for the detriment of both us the common folk here and the much more suffering people in the middle east.

Bring on Cthulhu.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
geopolitics has something to do with it but to say that it's the "only reason" is simply lying to yourself.
they tell you why they're doing this. they're not shy about it.

we're infidels.
our way of life is intolerable. there are apostates among us.

allah snackbar, mother fuckers. religion has a lot to do with it whether you like it or not.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
Ayaan Hirsi Ali was on the Daily Show as I recall. So, sure I get the idea about her book having just googled it.

Ok, then I'll link to the short interview in question. It's rather superficial.

There you have it. It doesn't really say much about Ayaan hirsi ali or her book.

Listen to this long interview by this Danish journalist Martin krasnik. (I'm not familiar with him though I'll be honest.)
Listen to it in its entirity and with an open mind.
She clearly lays out her intentions and what she exaclty means with the term reformation. I really didn't select somebody at random who knows something about Islam.

If you still disagree with her, ok then. But I hope your opinion won't be limited to what some of the people in the comment section claim. That she's merely doing this .. for the moneyz.

Here's another one:

The daily show interview is being discussed starting around the 47th minute.
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Staff member
Jun 4, 2001
Short checklist of mandatory security demands after any terrorist attack:
  • Data retention laws (or "improvements" thereof) - check.
  • Accuse foreigners - check.
  • Extend police/security agency rights - check.
  • Accuse computer games - check.
  • Demand allowing military actions in own country (unless already allowed) - check.
  • Accuse Bitcoin - check.
  • Finally start a proper war - check.
  • Demand personalized tickets for sports events - check.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
We now have governors of states refusing Syrian refugees because they're afraid there will be ISIS terrorists among them.

Does anyone else see that as the terrorists getting their way? I do. We're doing exactly what the terrorists hoped by refusing people that are fleeing the same shit that happened in Paris, because we're afraid.

It's fucking shameful what these governors (they're all Republicans btw) are doing. And I'm sure most, if not all, of those governors call themselves Christians.

Matthew 25:41-45

And a Wonkette article for good measure. This shit reminds me of the Ebola scare and how they didn't want anyone with Ebola getting treatment in America because it would spread across the country. Look how that turned out.
And that's for the US only. The Czech president started bleeting similar stuff and even said stuff like "screaming is a sign of fascism".
So someone is a fascist when he gets murdered and scream? bravo, really bravo.
And hearing about those czech people supporting french and their government and saying just because they are part of islam religion, the incoming refugees, it goes against VALUES of this and that.
Pardon me, but that is fascism, rubbing it into others faces and turning tables around is really nazi-like, saying stuff like that and that and that it's ground for the terrorists/islam radicals, bla bla bla bla bla..

God I have enough of this and them saying it's a continuation of a fight after saying something on a place students were murdered by Nazis during WW2...this has nothing to do with it and you are using this as an excuse to put forward your agenda which is very very close to nazism these days. They know jackshit and the czech president speaks in deluded derillium...


Queen Bitch of the Universe
Jan 29, 2001
Short checklist of mandatory security demands after any terrorist attack:
  • Data retention laws (or "improvements" thereof) - check.
  • Accuse foreigners - check.
  • Extend police/security agency rights - check.
  • Accuse computer games - check.
  • Demand allowing military actions in own country (unless already allowed) - check.
  • Accuse Bitcoin - check.
  • Finally start a proper war - check.
  • Demand personalized tickets for sports events - check.

As expected.
Stop the planet, I want to get off.

tomcat ha

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2002
Visit site
geopolitics has something to do with it but to say that it's the "only reason" is simply lying to yourself.
they tell you why they're doing this. they're not shy about it.


its like you are one of those people who say the middle east always has had constant wars and that islam is an ideology.


Dec 10, 2000
In a stream of stars
If anything at all, watch this video

Worth watching indeed.

And here's a nice side effect of smass hysteria.
Brussels apparently has become a nesting ground for terrorists. Especially molenbeek. Last saturday the terorrist threat alert went from 3 to 4, very serious. Brussels airport threat was only 3...
Military presence in the streets. Not something we're used to here. Presents would've been nice though.
People were asked to try and make sure they didn't crowd together. They were asked to work from (at?) home. etc.
And.. one tv station in particular made an important decision. They found the planned evening movie to be unfit in light of the current safety situation.

This is the movie in question: kill switch

And they had replaced it with this one: wild hogs

So, they've replaced a steven seagal movie with a john travolta flick.

Because apparently kill switch was about a detective tracking down serial killers... and knowing steven seagull he beat the shit out of them. Or a stand in did it...
Steven seagal the man of thousand emotions on a frozen faceland.

This, apparently, would've made the viewers feel uncomfortable so they had to watch a john travolta movie instead.
Kill swtich was cancelled. The universe cried.

A steven seagal movie was cancelled.



Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?

its like you are one of those people who say the middle east always has had constant wars and that islam is an ideology.
you can keep your head in the sand.
it really doesn't bother me. I'm going to live in reality.

in reality, these guys are doing what they are doing in the name of religion, specifically the religion of Islam.
those are the facts in spite of whether or not you're capable of admitting it.

tomcat ha

Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2002
Visit site
please tell me on what you base your "reality" because all i can see here is blatant ignorance of history


Jun 21, 2005
Philadelphia, PA
This isn't tough to figure out, bros. Extremists are taking a religion and interpreting it incorrectly. There are extremists in every religion. Religion isn't the problem, extremists are. Even if there was no such thing as religion, I'm positive some other assholes would use something else to justify murder, but it's so simple to blame the entire religion and everyone who follows it.

Want to stop most extremism? Eradicate poverty.
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The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
please tell me on what you base your "reality" because all i can see here is blatant ignorance of history

History justifies killing random people?
These perpetrators come from the midst of muslim communities from all over the world. That does not mean all muslims are terrorists but it means all muslims have one problem that needs to be solved.


I did something m0tarded and now I have read only access! :(
May 14, 2006
No it doesn't. You need to be solved....

And no I'm not a muslim.

But some things have just taken too far....

RESIST OR SERVE...........


The Beast of Worship
Mar 6, 2001
^hey look who's stupid, again.
So you're saying that muslim parents don't have a problem worth solving when radical muslims use a perverted form of islam to recruit/radicalize their children so the children will carry out heineous crimes?