It was very much a first attempt
When you are doing something like this for the first time, you only put so much effort into making the mesh. Now that I know Ican make something that will function in game, and have sorted out the little bits and pieces in the general process ( this is only the second workable vehicle I have managed, and the first tracked vehicle )
The mesh itself, as you noticed, actually isn't smooth-grouped at all. I just slapped an auto-smooth on it. There are also certain areas of the tank mesh itself, which are not strictly speaking, correct! The side doors, for example, should both hinge from the centre. There are detail sections missing, and the engine bay area has the exhausts wrongly sited. The whole rear section, in fact, is pretty much wrong. ( guess who's been doing a bit more research
) so I have started work improving the mesh with regard to making something worthy of a general release!
Basic mesh for the new version:
Perusing the kits and conversions at Forgeworld yielded 2 variations om the back end of the basic hull:
And finally, the underlying mesh without the texture, in it's unsmoothed state:
Poly count for the hull tracks etc. fully triangulated, but without weapons is 3100. Final count, for the sponson carrying version ( most polys ) should be around 5000 with all guns in place.