Originally posted by Balton.de
hmm, like we germans arent that religious anymore.
you are. all of europe is. the whole world is.
maybe we're talking past oneanother here. yes, you are civilized. lovers of the arts. not my point, though.
People who claim some rights 'cos they are muslims christs or whatever are jsut little pee wee suckers who can't bring good arguments.
people claim rights because they think they have a right to do so. you took in train-loads of guestworkers to carry post-war germany out of the ashes on a phoenixy wirtschaftswunder.
some of these decided to stay. some of these deciding to have children. some of these being from cultures where a multitude of off-spring is considered a blessing. you should realize one of these days that the days of disposing of no-more-needed workforce in furnaces is a thing of the past. you allowed them in, now you'll have to give them, their children, and their children's children the social benefits granted by law to people who pay into social-/wellfare-/&retirement-funds during their working years, and they all did that.
yes, a german worker two generations down means five mouths to feed. a turkish worker two generations down means twice that many.
too bad. get over it.
generally speaking (with a few sad exceptions) it was always the way that a "ghetto" isn't planned on some mayor's map of the city, but grows naturally.
1 immigrant nothing happens.
2 they open a religious gathering place.
10 they open a café.
100 they open a grocery store.
250 they open a video store.
500 they open own schools & convention centers.
all moving into the area, the "ghetto" growing.
since noone keeps them from moving in there, they see less and less need to pick up the german language. for they can socialize, get themselves wasted, visit a brothel, eat out, fill out (conveniently supplied) forms at gov-departments all in their own language.
never having been "forced" to learn at least the basics of german, they are simply unable to integrate, but as I stated above they don't really see much need to integrate in the first place.
hence little turkeys, little italys, china-towns, ...