hey PhrozeN
Enough with the hype, already. I want your HL texture package, and Max Payne too. I've got cable, bring it on!
Enough with the hype, already. I want your HL texture package, and Max Payne too. I've got cable, bring it on!
Originally posted by PhrozeN
yeah well brinkster is stupid for hosting anything. I think my texture package is just way over done. 853 Textures in 19 Catagories. Right now its 6.71 MB. Thats kinda big for a texture package. The last package I saw that big were the plutoic urban ones. They ran about 6.80 MB. My Max Payne texture package I made was 14 MB and I dont think anybody wants that one. I still have tonnes left to do. Most people out there have broadband connections. Mabey 10 MB is a lot to download. But mabey its good for SP maps. You'll never need another texture package again after you have used this one.