Well I've just played through the game again. But by saying that...it doesn't mean I just did. Or last week, month, year. It's actually been over a decade, or even more. That is... an entire playthrough as pure as possible. Maybe I did it once in ut coop... but that's not the same.
Mostly half or bits, be it online or offline.
I couldn't get Unreal to launch on this machine, some missing files.. too lazy to fix yada yada. So I launched it with the oldskool mod and selected as many "Unreal pure" options as possible.
It was fun. I remembered most things, but to my surprise had completely forgotten some ambushes etc. I've selected medium skill, but that was a mistake. No challenge at all. I think I went below 100 health once... and never lost all armour. Dodging Skaarj attacks really isn't hard, and "dancing with the titan" is quite entertaining. But never a challlenge. Just watch them boulders flying around......just watch it...
Classic game. It's irght up there in my personal "hall of fame".
Might try it again on Unreal skill. See what happens.