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Mood Muzik
Feb 14, 2006
Washington D.C.
Posting from a computer here at Strayer. Im still here because I loaned my car to my mom and im for a ride fom my brother.
Which means i'll be here until midnight.


Jun 18, 2006
somewhere; sometime?
Thinking about whether I should get Assassins Creed for the PC or not.


You shouldn't get it for any platform, it's overrated as f*ck.

Great concept, terrible execution. It looks beautiful but plays like ass. Terribly repetitive controls (fighting sequences become very boring very fast), missions that end up being the same thing over and over, and no real method of sneaking around and being all 'assassin-like' the way the game makes it look to be.
Each mission is basically: go gather some intel (using the same few techniques every time), get into the place where your target is, kill him after a bunch of stupid cutscenes, then either fight your way out (crappy controls) or hide in a bush until your "threat" meter goes down.

There isn't any true sneaking around aside from the early part of the game where you can scale some buildings which is neat, but that's where it ends. You'd think you can go from shadow to shadow and creep around a castle and hide up suspended by ledges n sh*t. But no. If you want that, get Splinter Cell.


internal data fragmentation : 62203480%
Jan 20, 2006
taking a quick break : I'm in the middle of converting my java project into mvc structure. much hate yes... I feel like I could kill someone on sight right now...good thing I'm alone in this computer room. :mad:
I'm 2 hours in, and I just made the basic functions work again. I now have to bring all the custom stuff too !


Cheese Hopping Rocket Spammer
Dec 19, 2005
In your computer, duh.
I'm in a room filled with iMacs (a.k.a.: Hell), in fact I'm using one right now... I wanna go home back to my PC... it has a graphics card the size of your head and modified to with more bells and whistles than an orphanage right after Christmas.


I am Gamer, hear me Pwn. RAWR
May 26, 2004
Waiting for the glaze to dry on some clay stuff I made (shameless plug for link in sig)