"LEONARD!!!!!!!!!???????? LEONARD!!!!! Leonard? Leonard is that you? L....L.....L.....Leonard?"
"Yes L_S?"
"I cant do it Leonard....I....I just cant make it.....come to me now...pl...please....please....I cant make it...."
*wiping away L_S's tears with his finger*
"Relax, its thursday, I'll be here tomorrow....you can do it. I know you can."
*snifle snifle"
"Leonard, you mean that? You really mean that? You promise?"
"I promise L_S"
"Yes L_S?"
"I love you"
"I love you too L_S"
"But not like butt rumping love, like father/son kinda love"
"I know L_S"
"But...but I do like to keep my options open...and I am willing to try different things....."
"Yes Leonard?"
"Leonard dont play that."
*sheepishly grins*
"Sorry Leonard...I'll see you tomorrow!!"
"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow, L_S, you queer sumb1tch, I'll see you tomorrow."
"Yes L_S?"
"I cant do it Leonard....I....I just cant make it.....come to me now...pl...please....please....I cant make it...."
*wiping away L_S's tears with his finger*
"Relax, its thursday, I'll be here tomorrow....you can do it. I know you can."
*snifle snifle"
"Leonard, you mean that? You really mean that? You promise?"
"I promise L_S"
"Yes L_S?"
"I love you"
"I love you too L_S"
"But not like butt rumping love, like father/son kinda love"
"I know L_S"
"But...but I do like to keep my options open...and I am willing to try different things....."
"Yes Leonard?"
"Leonard dont play that."
*sheepishly grins*
"Sorry Leonard...I'll see you tomorrow!!"
"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow, L_S, you queer sumb1tch, I'll see you tomorrow."