Well poop in my mouth and call me Leonard!!

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Nov 24, 1999
"LEONARD!!!!!!!!!???????? LEONARD!!!!! Leonard? Leonard is that you? L....L.....L.....Leonard?"

"Yes L_S?"

"I cant do it Leonard....I....I just cant make it.....come to me now...pl...please....please....I cant make it...."

*wiping away L_S's tears with his finger*
"Relax, its thursday, I'll be here tomorrow....you can do it. I know you can."

*snifle snifle"
"Leonard, you mean that? You really mean that? You promise?"

"I promise L_S"


"Yes L_S?"

"I love you"

"I love you too L_S"

"But not like butt rumping love, like father/son kinda love"

"I know L_S"

"But...but I do like to keep my options open...and I am willing to try different things....."


"Yes Leonard?"

"Leonard dont play that."

*sheepishly grins*
"Sorry Leonard...I'll see you tomorrow!!"

"Yes, I'll see you tomorrow, L_S, you queer sumb1tch, I'll see you tomorrow."


Nov 24, 1999

This weekend is especially special because I havent seen Leonard in two weeks :( (had to work the weekend)...and to top it off I have a four day weekend this week w00t!!!!!


bNotNegative != False
Feb 29, 2000
Oklahoma City, OK
should I take this before or after?
Mar 6, 2000
PMB's Plan for the evening

5:30pm - finish work (1 hour till I get out of here).
6:30pm - Arrive home
6:32pm - Sh1t, shower, shave
6:42pm - Get dressed for night out
6:43pm - Head out to nearest pub (walk)
6:53pm - Drink first pint of guinuess
6:55pm - Drink second pint of guinuess
7pm - chat up opposite sex
7:10pm - leave first pub to get to second pub.
7:14pm - Reach second pub
7:15pm - drink third pint of guinuess. Decide to move onto lager/shorts later due to fear of major "guinuess black sh1ts" next morning.
9:30pm - Reach 6th pub of the evening
9:31 - - realise that everyones drinking bottles of WKD with a shot of Aftershock each. Also realise its my round. Pants.
10:45pm - Bell rings signalling "last orders", - the current pub doesn't have a late license and will stop serving alcohol at 11pm ( you get an extra 20 minutes "drinking up" time though before you get "asked" to leave).

10:55pm - Finally get served at the bar (when the bell goes everyone charges it). As the bar is about to shut order a pint of lager and couple of shorts.

11:05pm - outside in the cold walking round the corner to another pub that has one slight advantage over others nearby - it shuts at 2am compared to 11pm :D

11:07pm - more drink! (and leering)

2:15am Saturday morning - waiting in queue at kebab van.
2:20am - queuing at the taxi rank eating a kebab
2:30am - get back to friends house - more drinking ensues.

4am - attempt to stumble to bed

8:30am - woken by over energetic young dog thinking it will be amusing to jump on my bed. Realise that
1) Its WAY to fecking early to be awake.
2) My mouth feels/smells/tastes like a sandblasted, incontinent elderly male yak has been using it as bed/bog/bathroom
3) I appear to be upside down with my back on the floor and my legs in the bed.
4) A traffic bollard is standing in the middle of my floor. Have no idea how it got there.
5) I've run out of cigarettes
6) The tribbles exploded again

Then again I could be unlucky and wake up on the park bench surrounded by lots of refugees offering to polish my shoes for tuppence.


This burrito I was having for lunch...suddenly doesn't look so hot. Gah.....

el Gato

Jan 19, 2000
outside Raleigh NC
w00t w00t w00t!

Now it's my turn to bump it! First full week at my new job and only... 7.5 hours left!

It doesn't matter, the time flies!

p00p!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D