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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
Why would anyone hate you? I was just stating the facts. As long as I'm in charge of this site, it won't get shut down.

The biggest reason nothing is going on is because there is very little to talk about and we just don't have really active people on staff right now. If people are interested in helping out with posting interesting news and such, then they are welcome to contact me and work out the details. There is certainly a great deal to write about that is not related directly to Epic.

What hal's post was talking about is that the staff activity on this site which is generally delegated to me, hal, and very occasionally Wormbo (for mostly administrative tasks) is pretty tightly coupled with how much interest we have in what Epic is doing. It has been forever since there has been any PC-related activity from Epic in practically any way, and posting Engine showcase videos every few months just isn't all that exciting.

Another factor playing into this is that Epic has pretty much taken over control of their community outreach. Where we at one time had a very close knit relationship with Epic and would get many exclusives and visits to their offices every couple of years, we now hear what everyone else hears through social media and other places generally an hour or so ahead.

What this all boils down to is just very low interest in keeping the site as active as we have in the past. If Epic starts making some movements, then, sure, we will pick back up again and the site will be here ready for us. But, for now, this is where we are. I don't think it's stupid to say it seems dead here. It does seem dead here.

1. People like Arnox may do better to not tear into the site because it is a bit dead. How about posting some gaming stuff in other sections? The guy has only been registered here since 2009 and by then Epic had already started to go off the boil.

2. I see there are still a lot of posts on Titanfall and Day Z. Perhaps he could talk about them instead of worrying about people seeming to hate him because he has criticised the site.

3. I remember the heyday of the Unreal franchise and there was a huge vibe back then but vibes change; mainly because these days Epic is a joke when it comes to the creative development of games. BU and Nali City were huge back in that day but days change.

4. Gaming goes on so there will always be something to talk about; it may not be specifically Epic related but the Unreal engine is all over the industry.

5. Off Topic around here can be as crazy as s**t still at times. I can't think of any other forum that has an Off Topic section quite like this one (except possibly 4CHan).

Stop criticising change and find something to do with it.... or don't; what do I care. :p
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Soulless Automaton
Feb 16, 2014
I wasn't there back in the days (well actually I was, but the silent unregistered kind), but one of the thing that brought people I know (including me) to BU was that all the stuff you wanted was actually there. The time of the fileworks and Nalicity. I know it's kinda beating a dead hors, but recovering that would surely give some life back to BU.

But that's just my uneducated opinion as an outsider.


UT99/2004 Mod Crazy
Mar 26, 2009
1. People like Arnox may do better to not tear into the site because it is a bit dead. How about posting some gaming stuff in other sections? The guy has only been registered here since 2009 and by then Epic had already started to go off the boil.

2. I see there are still a lot of posts on Titanfall and Day Z. Perhaps he could talk about them instead of worrying about people seeming to hate him because he has criticised the site.

3. I remember the heyday of the Unreal franchise and there was a huge vibe back then but vibes change; mainly because these days Epic is a joke when it comes to the creative development of games. BU and Nali City were huge back in that day but days change.

4. Gaming goes on so there will always be something to talk about; it may not be specifically Epic related but the Unreal engine is all over the industry.

5. Off Topic around here can be as crazy as s**t still at times. I can't think of any other forum that has an Off Topic section quite like this one (except possibly 4CHan).

Stop criticising change and find something to do with it.... or don't; what do I care. :p

1. I'm not tearing into the site at all. Just calling it like I see it. And I don't think I can really join the discussion in the Gaming forum here simply because my computer isn't even NEARLY powerful enough to run even semi-recent games. It can't even run the first Bioshock without dropping down to a mostly unplayable framerate. And that was on its LOWEST SETTINGS. Unless you guys play a lotta Minecraft and/or Jedi Academy and/or Xbox 360, I'm pretty sure there's not very much I can talk about with you all without you all saying: "Seen it all before."

2. Don't have an Xbox One (yet) and I don't have a computer that can run Day Z.

3. I know that. Doesn't mean you still can't enjoy some games of UT/UT2004 or even UT3 if you liked it. Not to mention the MASSIVE amounts of quality community content for both games that extends their replay value into infinity and beyond.

4. It WAS all over the industry but not so much anymore. Until they officially release Unreal Engine 4 in some way, I really don't think we're gonna see very much Unreal news, if any. Not counting what the various communities are doing for past games.

5. Yeah, but that's kind of a double-edged sword there. Sure, there are some fun conversations but people who just want to have a serious off-topic discussion may find themselves on the receiving end of a whole bunch of unwanted trolls and jokes.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
1. I'm not tearing into the site at all. Just calling it like I see it. And I don't think I can really join the discussion in the Gaming forum here simply because my computer isn't even NEARLY powerful enough to run even semi-recent games. It can't even run the first Bioshock without dropping down to a mostly unplayable framerate. And that was on its LOWEST SETTINGS. Unless you guys play a lotta Minecraft and/or Jedi Academy and/or Xbox 360, I'm pretty sure there's not very much I can talk about with you all without you all saying: "Seen it all before."

2. Don't have an Xbox One (yet) and I don't have a computer that can run Day Z.

3. I know that. Doesn't mean you still can't enjoy some games of UT/UT2004 or even UT3 if you liked it. Not to mention the MASSIVE amounts of quality community content for both games that extends their replay value into infinity and beyond.

4. It WAS all over the industry but not so much anymore. Until they officially release Unreal Engine 4 in some way, I really don't think we're gonna see very much Unreal news, if any. Not counting what the various communities are doing for past games.

5. Yeah, but that's kind of a double-edged sword there. Sure, there are some fun conversations but people who just want to have a serious off-topic discussion may find themselves on the receiving end of a whole bunch of unwanted trolls and jokes.

My computer is reasonably powerful. I don't own an Xbox or PS 3. Off Topic here has always been off the wall and crazy. Sometimes entertaining, sometimes not. Sometimes educational, sometimes not.

I suppose it's what you make of it.

Older computers should be able to run the UT franchise games and there is a mountain of archived maps and mods.


Nov 28, 2003
Cardiff | UK
Visit site
...The biggest reason nothing is going on is because there is very little to talk about...

...It has been forever since there has been any PC-related activity from Epic in practically any way, and posting Engine showcase videos every few months just isn't all that exciting.

Another factor playing into this is that Epic has pretty much taken over control of their community outreach. Where we at one time had a very close knit relationship with Epic and would get many exclusives and visits to their offices every couple of years, we now hear what everyone else hears through social media and other places generally an hour or so ahead.

...If Epic starts making some movements, then, sure, we will pick back up again and the site will be here ready for us. But, for now, this is where we are. I don't think it's stupid to say it seems dead here. It does seem dead here.

^^ This.

FragBU died because UT3 wasn't as fun, [not to mention the terrible gamespy business] as 99/2K4 & since then nothing of note has changed.

It would be great if Epic rebooted the UT franchise and made a game as popular as 99/2K4 but I doubt that's going to happen.

As for OT, it's OT so I fail to see what bearing that has on anything at all.


BeyondUnreal Newsie
Aug 20, 2001
...Behind You...
I don't know if I'm the only one, but I tend to pop by looking for new discussion on topics and have a read. Doesn't mean I post all that much.

As Brizz said, its because there is very little in the way of Unreal related gaming news around if it picks up people will appear again.


It may be the case that with the new generation of consoles things may start to happen like a new Gears title, etc
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Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
FragBU died because UT3 wasn't as fun, [not to mention the terrible gamespy business] as 99/2K4 & since then nothing of note has changed.

UT3 pretty much killed the whole deal. Epic didn't lose it's way it just realised there was no point in being creative about gaming when they could make more money selling the engine.

OT? Every forum has one.
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The Great Oppression
Mar 19, 2006
Right behind you.
The Unreal franchise is, for all intents and purposes, currently dead. This community was originally centered directly around the Unreal franchise. It's really no surprise that things have slowed down here considerably in the last five years.

The exact same thing has happened to other Unreal-based communities, T.com/GTF being the most notable example.

UT3 pretty much killed the whole deal. Epic didn't lose it's way it just realised there was no point in being creative about gaming when they could make more money selling the engine.

That's not really accurate. Overall, UT3 was not a bad Unreal Tournament game, nor was it a bad arena shooter. The real problem was the arena shooter genre; it was already getting stale before UT3 came out, and UT3 did really nothing to pump new life into it. That is exactly why I did not get into UT3. After playing arena shooters regularly for ~10 years, I just had no interest in them anymore. It was just the times.

Let's not forget that the first Gears of War game came out just a year before UT3, and that franchise made boatloads of money. I won't say whether I think the Gears of War franchise was good or bad, but you can't deny that it was wildly successful.

As for Epic, they have always had a strong focus on selling Unreal Engine licenses. They had already licensed the engine to multiple developers (Ion Storm for Deus Ex, Human Head for Rune, probably others) before Unreal was even out.
Mar 6, 2004
I want MOAR arena shooters! too bad people are lazy and want easy cod games. Anything fast and furious is worth it over easy and dull.


Official BUF Angel of Death (also Birthdays)
Staff member
Nov 5, 2003
Optimum Trajectory-Circus of Values
That's not really accurate. Overall, UT3 was not a bad Unreal Tournament game, nor was it a bad arena shooter. The real problem was the arena shooter genre; it was already getting stale before UT3 came out, and UT3 did really nothing to pump new life into it. That is exactly why I did not get into UT3. After playing arena shooters regularly for ~10 years, I just had no interest in them anymore. It was just the times.

I'll pay that comment. By the time UT3 arrived I was totally into open world/sandbox gaming. And yes; UT3 did zero to enhance the genre......


Malcolm's Sugar Daddy
Sep 16, 2004
Every now and then I get an itchy feeling in my anus and I come and visit this site. I hope it's still here the next time I have hemorrhoids.

Also, true story. It's Epic's fault for turning into a Chinese owned game engine corporation and not continuing making FPS games. It was already beginning to change when UT3 arrived and that is why they took a bunch of shitty shortcuts like Gamespy. Arena shooters could still be a thing people could enjoy but there hasn't been any innovation in many years. They all use the same tired formula.
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Cute and Cuddly
Aug 2, 2000
Salt Lake City UT
It's going to be all about open world now. PC's finally have the power to support the massive worlds we've always wanted. Look at what they're doing with Star Citizen or Elder Scrolls Online. For shooters that means sandbox games like DayZ, or MMO's like Planetside.

Unfortunately the old arena shooters don't work well with the open world concepts. But we can still have arcade shooters. Planetside is basically XMP as an MMO. I'm ok with this. Frankly, I don't see how you ever top what UT and Quake did. If they ever made new ones I would rather it just be HD remakes.


Staff member
Feb 3, 2000
I think they could make a really good arena shooter still. Something like UT3 with better lighting and performance, tightly integrated with Steamworks with Steam Workshop for providing mods, maps, and mutators instantly instead of having to hunt around for them. One of UT3's biggest flaws (granted, one of many) was that custom content was not a priority when developing the game. It barely even worked properly when the game was released. That's a bad thing for a series that has always depended on community content for its popularity.

I'm not sure Epic is ever going to make a game like that, and nobody else seems interested in it either right now since stupid F2P/P2W crap is infesting every genre and every platform.