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How about an assault on a motorcade?

Oh Great... another Mac


No on eliminating crosshairs. If you don't want crosshairs, then play Serpentine. I've played Unreal for almost a year now...I don't want to relearn how to aim my weapons. If I wanted that, I would buy a new game.



The frag grenade has a 5 second fuze- like the real thing.. we *can* shorten the length, just know we set it to what it is in reality /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

We're eliminating the crosshairs on any weapon held at the hip position. When you bring the weapon up to aim, the crosshairs reapear.. The reason we have them at all is because the machine gun weapons can't truly be simulated as aimed- ie you can't use the sites to aim with- This really works well and forces people to actually use the aim modes for their purpose.


I do play Serpentine, but I also think that Infiltration(StandOff) is far more realistic in just about every other way...

Oh Great... another Mac


Will the AT4 remain in version 2.5/3 ??

I personally find it out of place (ala my topic a week ago)

Thank you for responding


Yes, the AT4 will remain in 2.5/3.0. I don't see how it is 'out of place' though, it is commonly used in special operations for destroying large objects (tanks, planes, etc.)


"To destroy large objects" this game does not contain any large objects to destroy

On indoor maps? c'mon...

I'd suggest it be turned on/off with the artifacts and not put in standoff mode

Sorry for the bluntness.... I like the realistic features of this mod..... I hope it can become even more realistic in the future....


What I would like to see:

In player setup you chose your weapons.. a limit would be good. Pistol would be there all the time. I would get a shotgun (WITH light, if not with light attatched, then there would need to be a quick key for a light that would be in your equiptment, I wouldn't go into any sort of combat without a light), an M16-longer range than shotgun but not quite sniper rifle long, the .50 Robar /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif so I could pick people off from afar, and grenades. I think grenades should be there with the pistol, not an option. They are not terribly heavy and you should have a quick key that would put down your weapon, throw a grenade, then bring your weapon back after throwing. In levels, I would set everything to be replaced by AMMO, and not guns. You already have your guns, and you wouldn't get any different guns (with the possible exception of the rocket launcher) unless you killed someone for them. This way weapons wouldn't be randomly laying around, but ammo would. What do you think?

[ jedi.catch ]


Personally, I don't think that there should be ANY pickup items in Standoff mode...

Oh Great... another Mac


Ammo would probably be chosen at loadout time ala Rainbow 6, thus effectively eliminating all pickup items, save any special stuff that isn't available at loadout.


I'm number 50 ner ner...

Anyway, I'll act my age now...

Um yeah on the ammo front, say two or three clips should suffice, plus the option of carrying extra on a bandolier *cough* Action Quake *cough*. I have seen it used elsewhere, and stops those annoying haphazard newbie players from spraying all over the place.


Didn't we have already discussed about a menu for choosing your stuff before?? Yep, we have!
I don't think it'd be good to have ammo lying around in the levels. It'd be better if you choose the amount of ammo at the beginning and have to survive with it. O.K., you can kill an enemy and get his ammo, that'd be cool.
And please don't allow the player to carry more than a primary and a secondary weapon.
My idea:
primary, secondary, item slot #1, item slot #2. (as in Rainbow 6, btw: great game, could anybody make a map that looks like operation steelwind - the embassy in london?)
This would be REAL!!!


Well, we didn't set specifically what the loadout menu will look like. This is still very much up for debate. Catalyst and I discussed this greatly Sunday night and got a good start on a possible concept. But that doesn't mean we won't take ideas from the community.

As far as ammo in the levels, the thought here is either we go all the way on realism or stay home, so no there wouldn't be ammo lying around, unless it's off a dead body or discarded weapon... possibly a level that has a weapon storage room or something, but we'd have to ensure the weapons/ammo there doesn't respawn and it alters the weight/speed balance.

At this point we'll deal mostly with a weight limitation and not neccessarily specific 'hardpoints'. For instance, a player should be able to trade hand grenades for more clips or bandage kits, etc. Or carry a handgun, shotgun, and mp5- but be much slower with that weight. Handguns and grenades also won't be a forced item. Really, the only forced item will be a backpack- meerly because I don't want to model characters with and without backpacks. (If Epic were smart, they'd add the capability for extras- for instance every model has a weapon polygon you add that represents where the weapon goes. They should add support for say a helmet or head device and backpack device- at least make it configurable for those making brand new character models.. anyway..) The player will be able to choose not to carry a handgun or even melee weapon to save on weight. They might suffer for it during the game, but it's at least their choice.

I would like to make it so if you use a second weapon or item such as a grenade or binocs, you don't lower your weapon- just make one hand free but keep the weapon visible.

The shotgun will keep it's flashlight. We're looking into adding effects for seeing the flashlight on the third person models.

The AT4 can still have tactical advantages (mentioned before) and no, it's usually not used inside- we just need to ensure the bots are smart enough to know when to use the damn thing! /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif As far as it destroying large items, that can simple be a level design issue. The LDer can throw in a destructable vehicle or wall or whathaveyou that can be better reached by a long distance impact weapon.


My optinion: Go for total realism and delete all ammo lying around in the levels.
Thanks, Neo!


With regard to using the AT4 for blowing stuff up.

Level designers need to know how much damage the weapon they want to destroy the destructable item, can do. Say for example I want only the AT4 or possibly a grenade to destroy a wall, then as a level designer I need to know the damage of the weapon, so basically I'm asking for a guide to how much damage all the weapons do...


Jack Porter changed max number of gametypes from 16 to 64 in UT, go ahead with your 6 gametypes.

I say:

1) It's for free.

2) Spawn pattern: Fireteam (spawn with your sidewing).

3) Classic: shift sides midway. Make the VIP move slow (75% speed).

4) AT4.

5) Chopper bots (flying titants). HK: CAW,53,UMP,Mk23. Various AK/Chicom.

6) Keep it "The military conversion for Unreal".

Some penalty for long weapons indoor (even longer when aimed).
Bleeding and quiet death (is she dead?).
Better magazine management: keeping ½ empty, pass-along/discard 1.
Running, high speed - 0 accuracy.
Exhaustion and weight.
Remove movement slowdown when hit by bullits.
Real life armor models, unreals are mood killers.


It seems as though people have spoken out in approval of the AT4 ...

although I still feel that it is out of place... (until movers like jeeps/TANKS can be implemented or it could realistically be used to break a wall..) I guess I'll just have to accept being blown to pieces by a heavy weapon every once and a while /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

just out of curiosity... what the AT4's Army recommended range? I figure most maps are about 300mX300m.... making the longest (unobstructed mind you.... ) shot approx. 425m.... Similarily the although the PSG is used at shorter distances in tactical ops but is rated within one MOA (minute of angle) and is capable of MUCH greater distances... not familiar with the robar so I can't comment on it..

My point in all this being... when UT gets the internet protocals working at a decent rate I'd like to see enormous outdoor maps (way bigger than even hill base and so on.. ) using long range weapons.... indoors, urban situations and so on would call for a more realistic load out.... could it be made so mappers can choose the weapons available to each team? (AKs and so on for 'terrorist' types and MP5s and so on for a special ops team going in to kill them...)

I'm really excited about the possibilities with UT http://trenches.igg.net/projects/previews/ut.htm

I know... allot to digest.... but thats my 3 cents


The Menu-thingy has already been discussed. I think it has a good chance to make it into V3.
You choose your weapons and items. The more you carry, the slower are you.


The range of the PSG and Robar isn't really an issue since Unreal maps (and probably UT maps) can only be so big. The issue is the scopes. The PSG scope has a max range of 400m which is further limited by the fact that the scope is welded apart of the gun making it impossible to switch with another scope. Another reason why the weapon isn't in use much more around the world. The Robar scope on the other hand has a range of like 900m or more. Since we of course can't accurately display this in Unreal very well, we'll do our best math and come as close as possible- or at least make the max range of either weapon obvious (ie PSG will not be able to zoom as far as the Robar). When we add ballistics to the weapons for version 3, this will be much more valuable.

Enormous outdoor levels would be increadible, but what might really hamper this online is being able to stand on one side of the map and see all the way to the other side. That could be a hell of a lot of polys to generate- even with LOD. From the beta levels of Mike Young's BridgeTooFar map, I think it should partially satisfy this craving for huge maps! It's at least as big as HillBase if not bigger.



Please let me have a list of the damage ratings of all your weapons, I need to know as I plan to implement destructable walls into my InF levels and as you may or may not know the damage when attacking a destructable wall in Unreal is not accumalative, it's one shot.

Your help would benefit us all...

Sorry so corny.