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Hey thought i'd add my thoughts!
I don't like to ask for much, becuase I know it takes up alot of your time and it's hard work, but if you want to know:

Infiltration Deathmatch, I hardly play it, but you should give options to players. So I'd say keep it.

IMHO, Standoff is just fine. Running speed should be tweaked up juuuust a little. But anything that improves Standoff would be great.
I also believe the more weapons you carry the slower you run, but if you toss your weapon the faster you go, this way people don't get greedy when they take a buttload of HK's, shotguns, mp5 and m16's (and doesn't share only to die and to leave his team empty handed!!). But I also believe if you want to carry all that, there should be a type of backpack that enables all those weapons, more ammo but keeps current speed fast.

Something to replace the classic mod, instead of stealing a CD, A protect your leader would be cool. I think you should have the one protected be a real player. Not some AI (but that'd be good for a botmatch)
And if that protected player happens to be killed the round ends and it switches to another player on the team for the next round. That way people get a turn at being protected. (But an AI protected player is a good idea if your able to make some type of command for that BOT, like run away, follow, attack, defend, etc etc.)) Also if that person is now the protected player they should have automatic armor from start (and if possible limited weapons)

Make some kind of skin for protected players or something (VIP's, mafia type, army high brass, colombia druglord blah blah) ! =)
more skins to choose from, like the male3 skin has at least 3 skins to choose from.

All the weapons are great, the grenade takes too long to explode though probably due to realism. Make the pistol tossible. I'm not wild of the shotguns flashlight, it makes the item flashlight obsolete.

I'm not too sure about weapons, but there should be some type of armor, bullet proof vest or something to that point. A nice melee weapon would be good.. I also believe in small, medium, and large weaponry types.

Anyway this is what I think I have right now.
more to come!!



First off-Thanks for the great Mod, your time and dedication is greatly appreciated, you have made an amazing mod.

1 Please keep DM, its great to hone skills, preview maps and fun when you dont want to go on line to play-PLEASE keep it.

2. Id love to be able to hunt down and kill bots in standoff, as well as team play.

3. A CTF sounds great for Classic.

4-7 Above all keep the crosshairs, or at the least make it an option. There is a huge difference between real life aiming and looking at a screen, anyone who has shot a gun knows this. Simulation and reality are two different things, to do them both justice, you hvae to comprimise.

Lose the flashlight on the shotgun, make it a shoulder aim.

I really would caution you away from non-realistic/unused by the military weapons (you repliedto this issue already) The strength of the mod is the realism. Keep it tight, true and tactically oriented.

SEAL team gameplay would rock. I would love to see standard SEAL weapons: H&K USP, MP5, CAR-15, M-14, grenade launcher, M-60 (regardless of the next rev, Id love to see this in all its belt fed beauty) .50 sniper rifle, etc.

As you are wounded, Id love it if the character would show it, slow down, not aim as well, etc. Sprinting for bursts is cool (I read it too)

Prone shooting please. I liked triggering the claymore, while the proxymines blew themselves up. Could you get the toggle aim working in DM? Definetely a heavy machine gun. M-60 or Sawgun. New skins, more urban textures, as well as realistic jungle/outdoor play.

Long winded, and I apologize. The mod rocks, its all I play anymore, you are doing an awesome job, if 2.1 is this good, what will 3, 4, 5 be like? I get shivers just thinking about it!


Along with losing the AT4, lose those damn crosshairs at least in standoff!!! Standoff should be more realistic, in fact that's about the only thing Serpentine has over Infiltration--it's aiming modes.

Oh Great... another Mac


Ok a couple of things I would like to see.
1. Number of weapons a player carries is limited by weight and effects stealth. ie if a player is loaded up with too much gear you can hear em clunking along and there player speed is slower where as a player with only a small amount of equipment could be quite stealthy and has the ability to move slightly faster.
2. I would like to see the player effected by exhuastion of some kind. So if some one decides to run for an extended period of time they start to breath heavy and lose aiming accuracy(aim weavers abit). Exhaustion would take a small amount of time to recover from.
3. In stand-off it would be nice if there was some sort of sprinting mode that would alow the player to run for a limited amount of time. This could be tied in with exauhstion and would be considerably noisy.
4. It would be really cool if the player could chose one specialty item and basic weapons before the match.



(online stand off)
I agree Please drop the unreal crosshairs I hate looking at a big red/green mark in the middle of the screen. The only reason I use them is to stay competitive... I just know other ppl use them, its all about survival. Besides the M16 becomes more of a weapon of choice if you dont have a crosshairs (cause of the spray).

Also I back the idea of limiting the amount you can lug around. The heavier the weapons you pick the less you can have. For instance
You could be limited to 6 points of weapons large/medium/small weapons take up 4/2/1 points. If you're carring 5 or 6 points of weapons you'll be slowed down, if you're carrying 1 to 4 points of weapons your not slowed.

One more thing, it would be nice if you didn't have to reload after running out. It's so much faster to change weapons.


Ehm, it's in the options. 'Auto-reload (or sth like that) off'. Very useful for the shotgun.


Yeah, dropping the crosshairs would make the mod more realistic, I agree.
But If you drop them, you'd need to aim with the weapon. And didn't you say that this looks stupid with the mp5? (btw:could you send me a picture of this aiming position?)
It'd be a good sollution if the crosshairs appeared only while aiming. But then you'd have to add a disadvantage for the player like slowing him a little but (not too much) down in aim mode.

[This message has been edited by Neo (edited 08-17-1999).]


Right now we have it set up so when you aim the weapon, the crosshairs appear-- otherwise there are no crosshairs.. which works rather well. As far as centering the weapons (besides the M9) to aim with, just trust me when I say it looks bad.. mainly because it doesn't seem very realistic anyway.. most people don't aim the weapon from in front of their face-- for obvious reasons.

We'll be fixing the problem which doesn't allow you to stop reloading the shotgun with autoreload. You'll be able to press the trigger button to stop the process. We'll also allow you to keep your settings for all three game modes (ie reloading, aiming, etc)

It looks like a weight system which effects the amount of weapons you carry and the ability to start out with certain weapons will be our goal for version 3. This is an excellent idea and sure to be a hit! We'll also look into the whole backpack idea in regards to carrying items and loosing it when you die. I'm also thinking that nearby explosions should not only damage you but throw you to the ground and cause you to drop the weapon you're holding. It'd be very realistic to also have this happen when you're shot a few times, but this would be too unfair.. at least with an explosion, you may be thrown clear or you have a chance to get away while the owner of the WOMD (weapon of mass destruction) switches to another gun to finish you off.

We'll try to make it so the weight system can effect the decibal of noise you put out as you walk. Also, hopefully we can vary the speed you move more than we can now to play along with the weight system and damage characteristics. If we can manipulate the speed well enough, than we can allow short bursts that can make you noisy. When you aim your weapon, we'll more than likely offer a button to walk slower rather than forcing you to walk slower. The benefits of slowing your movement are obvious, but at the same time, you may want to be able to 'clear' a room or building quickly to save time or get to a defensive position in a hurry- so you shouldn't be punished for aiming your weapon. However, weapons like the AT4 are heavier and should force you to slow down when you aim. I think what we can do to balance the speed while aiming is to cause the 'bob' of the weapon to increase the faster you move. So if you're aiming and decide to burst run for a sec, your bob goes wild and you make more noise- while slowly walking allows better aim and less noise.

What would be cool is hearing yourself breathe in the background.. which varies depending on your speed/weight/etc.. and when you aim the sniper rifle, you can continuously breathe in and hold your breath to take a shot..

I think we'll be keeping DM as well- since it really doesn't need much change, and it seems to be a favorite for enough folks.

The Benelli shotgun we use *comes* with the flashlight attachment, so that's obviously staying. This has a great tactical advantage, though we may mount a light on 1 or 2 more weapons. It might be great eye candy to have a flashlight attachment as a pickup, but first off, since we're trying to work towards allowing players to choose their weapons before the match starts, what good would it do to have it an option? If you've got the flashlight attachment already, than it really wouldn't make much difference if you used it or not-- and they really won't add that much weight anyway. We'll look into allowing you to aim the shotgun since, well it's made to do that too.. /infopop/emoticons\icon_wink.gif

Well, we've got a LOT of options to make this a fairly realistic mod, but that means a whole HELL of a lot of coding for one man- Catalyst- so here's my chance to reemphasize our disclaimer.. these ideas don't represent what will be available in the next version, but an overall goal.. so be patient with us-- if we threw all this stuff in for version 3, we'd probably have a lot of bugs and not much to look forward to after that /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif Thank you all for the wonderful ideas and comments.. it's a blast having a forum like this and being able to read the thoughts of the wonderful fans out there!


Thanks Neo for the reload thingy..

Farrp's idea about: body armor that doesn't protect limbs or the head is great!!! Hope you can use it. I hate shooting someone in the head 3 or 4 times with the psgrifle. Please ad an Army Helmet though. If you can and do use farrps idea of protected/unprotected hit locations, I insist that the "unreal crosshairs" (i.e. the green or red thing in the middle of the screen not the weapons sites) must be removed, as head shots from the hip are too easy otherwise.

BTW if you have can start with a selection of weapons can't you start with a bulletproof vest. It would be nice to see more types of armor as well.


I like DM myself, can't hurt to keep it?

Only thing i'd like to see diff in standoff is the game speed just a wee bit tad faster. Maybe %.2. The lower speed idea is great, much more realistic...i do admit i did not like it at first, now it's great!

I'd like to see the grenades do some more damage...i don't think i have ever even nicked anyone with a grenade.


Ideas for radar: I suggest changing the radar into a motion detector (anyone who has ever played Marathon will see what I'm getting at). Players who are moving will show up on your motion detector. Players who aren't moving, are not detected. This presents many tactical possibilities (yum yum). I also suggest reducing the range of the motion detector/radar to 2-5 meters. For those of us who don't like the idea of having _any_ kind of detection device, make it a feature that you can turn on or off.

Hand Grenade: The way things are now, the hand grenade is my least-favorite weapon. I suggest increasing the amount of shrapnel generated and/or enlarging the blast-radius. I also want the ability to pick up/catch a thrown grenade and throw it back at the owner just before it blows up.

Other Ideas: I want to be able to knock a weapon out of someone's hands and maybe even use it yourself. Certain weapons would be easier to "steal" than others, for example, the AT4 would be easy to steal but a handgun would not. Just a thought...

Twig *snap*


I think you should add a stationary machine gun and/or a gatling gun. Please, keep the DM mode.


Stationary weapons will currently have to be prefab brushes that the level designer places into his level as a turret. We're looking into adding support for turrets into our version 3 code- hopefully to use machine gun weapons. What I'd like to do is create the prefab brushes myself along with the textures for them and make them available in our Map Depot section so level designers can grab them at any time- and with support for turrets weaved into our code, there hopefully won't have to be any extra .U files floating around. It'd be great having weapons like the Browning .50 machine gun and the MK-19 grenade launcher. Any others you'd like to see? Don't ask for unrealistic and/or nonexistant weapons.

As for radar, that's a descent idea to play with. If we did something like that, I'd like to go the extra mile and make the device a first person model, so along with the binoculars idea, you lower your left hand from your weapon, and raise the motion detector using it that way. Not every weapon could be used this way, like the AT4. I'd also think you'd want most weapons to still fire, just not as accurate.. and if you run out of ammo, you'd have to lower the device so you have a free hand. This would be a great concept, but would need some kind of balance- like making it fairly heavy or bulky so it either takes up a lot of room or too heavy to allow the same amount of equipment if you left it out. It also greatly depends on the kind of support UT has. Basically because what I don't want to do is create animations of the device or binoculars for EVERY weapon. I'd rather have one animation on every weapon of the left hand lowering and raising, then just one set of animations for the device or binoculars that can be used at any time. This just increases our download by a huge margin too-- esPECially if we do anything like what I talked about as far as added equipment for weapons. It's totally awesome having all these wonderful features, but a 20MB download is pushing it.. Just letting everyone know the pros and cons right off the top of my head.

Now, losing your weapon in combat.. What I have in mind so far is when you're close to explosions you go flying and actually land on the ground and you lose your weapon at the same time. I'd also like a variable for each weapon that tells it how suseptible it is to being tossed unwantingly. ie the AT4 would have a high chance of being knocked out of your hands even with a few rounds to the chest. If a weapon gets thrown from your hands, another one won't automatically appear.. you'll have to select it. And this thrown weapon will have to be picked up just like any other weapon lying on the ground.

Speaking of the AT4- if we're able to pull off the whole choose your weapon and equipment at the beginning of the game sort of thing, the AT4 would be something someone chooses to use probably right away or soon into the game.. like a first strike weapon, distraction weapon, or to simply clear a path. Maybe one guy gets a sniper rifle and the AT4 and hangs back near their starting point and awaits his team to return with the CD (or captured person if we use that game mode) to first cover his team with the rifle, then AT4 if it's necessary. This same concept can be used with the defending/terrorist team as well. Depending on the number of people you have, this could really be a good tactical move.

A bullet proof vest will also be included in the beginning when you select your weapons.. just adds to the weight! Tradeoffs for everything! It will however be possible to still hurt someone when you shoot them in the limbs or neck/head. We had this down in Force Recon too.


i love almost all the suggestions so far..
i just have 2..
1) More standoff servers please!!
2) I want to spit on my enemy!....hehehehe

workin on more maps, INF_Suburb done..
Standoff rules the world!


I'll only answer question 3 because it is the most important and will determine how much fun the mod can really be.

First of all the replacement has to have teams that are even to each other.Thats why classic mode more or less sux....its not fair teams (even).I like the idea of having 2 presidents or leaders on both teams.They should be escorted to the enemy side at a certain point.They should have bodyguards of course.Or how bout this,How about if in the beginning of the game your teams VIP (prez)automatically spawns in the enemy side in a jail cell,and your team has to go to the enemy base,pull a lever,free him,and then escort him all the way back to your base (all the while guarding him) to a helipad where if you made it that far you score.I think this is an even more creative and cooler idea.The VIP would have low health,and possiblly a knife of other weak weapon.

This could be like a more complex CTF style gameplay.The only thing is that the VIP might have to stay in his cell for a while.If this is a human player that might be tough for him.But at least he could report on whats happening at the enemy side.Since he can see outside his jail cell.He might even be a bot too....but I wouldn't mind playing like this. /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

As always the teams would have the same objectives,to keep things fair.

I think this would be a lot of fun.What do you all think?


My 2 cents:

I have played the new RealCTF (51) which is not out for the public, only on SOB's private test server and I just noticed (I hear this has been in since previous versions) that there is an admin menu where you can kick people from a list (very good for people with ascii names) and also a list where you can force people to change teams to even them up. These are sollutions to problems I commonly have as an admin. Would it be possible to implement them into Inf??

[ jedi.catch ]


Good points.. The server admin options will definitely have to become a reality. The CTF gameplay is sometimes hard to balance when both sides don't have the same objective. We'd hoped the CD/Laptop combo would eventually balance itself out, but that seems rather difficult. Defenders have an easier time especially with the clock ticking, giving them points. With team play not an easy thing to accomplish for everyone, it's difficult for the attackers to get in and out with enough time to spare-- even with more people on that team. I think each side having a CD and Laptop would work, but would defeat the purpose or *idea* of the game mode... even if it's just an idea. I think if we had one team trying to capture hostages/VIP on another team, we could run into the same problems. One reason, I believe CounterStrike succeeds at this by placing multiple hostages in different locations so terrorists can't just 'hang out' or camp at one spot and still win. What would be increadibly cool is if we tied single player into it- what I mean is multiple objectives for a multiplayer mission. One team defends a fairly large installation while another team has to infiltrate and complete multiple objectives. Capture a CD or set of files, destroy an SA-8 SAM site, and make off with a hostage or two.. That would be pretty difficult with a small amount of players though. What Catalyst and I have to do for version 3 is play around with different game types to see which will work best. We'll take input from everyone, see if it's logical, throw it in, try different combinations, and find out what we come up with.. That in itself will need some serious playtesting! With all the new game types available in UT, maybe we'll catch some hints as to what works and what doesn't. Keep those ideas for game modes coming.. I'm keeping a list of all the good points so Cat and I can hash through them after version 2.5 is out. The other problem we have is I personally would love like 5 or 6 good game modes. But if UT has some of the same restrictions as Unreal, then we don't want too many game modes, otherwise we'll be interfering with other mods- which might be ok for some, but others will be frustrated with it.


Why did you add a time limit? Throwing it out would make a bit more balance. But not very much I agree. O.K., escorting a V.I.P. to an extraction zone while another team has to kill it (I've already posted this some time ago but you didn't reply to it) would be quite balanced.
For the hostage rescue:
it would be balanced if the terrorists wouldn't know from the beginning where the hostage is but the rescue team does. (Also in the topic 'replacement for classic'). I'd appreciate it if you read it and tell me what you think about it.


for variation:
There could be more than one possible way to get the VIP to the extraction zone/helicopter so the tangos can't control every way precisely. I think this would balance it.


Hmmm. THat's a lot of replys to a post.
My Thoughts???
Here goes..

For a start, you could shorten the fuse on the frag grenade, it's far too long and makes the weapon almost impossible to use.

How about an explosive charge, triggerable by radio. It'd be a lot more effective than the claymore or the proxmine.

Anyway, keep up the good work!!!