ant75 said:
if you fail to understand why people may find this video outrageous, you'll never be able to understand why some people in Iraq will never see the US troops as the benefactors they claim to be.
Nope, I totally understand why people find the video outrageous. Absolutely do, and have no qualms with their opinions on the matter. My ONLY point was to bring a different viewpoint, one that somewhat understands a tiny bit of a reasonable explanation to what you see on the video. All viewpoints take certain things for granted, and all viewpoints make certain assumptions about what is seen. Things are never always what they seem, especially in this day and age of video. Anything can be manipulated and twisted to be anything anyone wants it to be. And certainly, the same can be said for my viewpoint. Sort of like what Rostam has said about opinions, I guess.
And geo, thanks. I may be snippy at times, or frustrated, but I do appreciate everyone's opinion, especially when we can be reasonably civil and just agree to disagree.
Now to my apparent thread nemesis.
Rostam said:
Did you happen to read this thread?
No. I started to, and it looked kind of dumb, so I quit reading. I was concentrating on this thread, when I addressed the rotten apple comment, which only you made.

Rostam said:
I only said it to make clear that I don't think it is right to blame people. Instead, blame the situation they are in, and if possible find a way to make sure they can't get in such a situation (I believe all people act the exact same way in the exact same situation).
I'm sorry, I didn't get that at ALL from your comments. I was under the impression from what I got from your previous posts that you were assigning a lot of blame. My mistake. And I disagree absolutely wholeheartedly about your belief that all people act the exact same way in the exact same situation. Case in point: I recently ran and videotaped SWAT raid scenarios using our team at a large metropolitan police department's shoothouse using simunition. By simply changing teams and using the exact same scenarios, the outcome of the scenarios changed drastically. The officers perceptions of the threat was drastically different and after running several scenarios where the officers were shot at with simunition and pumping them up to expect a firefight, we purposely had our actors unarmed, and had them flee upon team entry. On three occasions, the actors were not harmed or shot and taken into custody. On two other occasions, officers fired at unarmed, fleeing suspects. So no, people do not act the same in a given situation.
As far as the rest of your post, and your beliefs regarding hatred, etc: In MY OPINION, that is way too heavy, ethereal, or simplistic to explain the goings on in Iraq. When I said I hate lots of people, I was being sarcastic. But there are people that I hate, most certainly. In the examples given, no, no, yes, and probably yes. Does it mean that I would kill them, no. Not necessarily. But I'm not a pacifist either. If attacked, I will defend myself.
Rostam said:
So to answer your first question, any tactic involving the risk of civilians needs to change. It helps the enemy. If you can't move across the freeway safely, then don't move across the freeway. I'm joining the military as well, but specifically only in Holland. I'll gladly give my life if it will save another, but I WILL not take a life in the Iraq mess. We don't have a draft, you choose to join the military. Civilians don't have a choice in war. With the tactics used now however, more civilians are dieing than omgterrists and soldiers put together. Something is VERY wrong, and it is making the enemy stronger.
No, I think you are missing the point. Insurgents, terrorists, are using civilians in order to attack military forces and even other civilians, because they assume that using civilians as cover prevents military forces from responding in kind, therefore increasing casualties while saving their own
asses. When responding to attacks by insurgents, terrorists, whatever, that use civilians, you have to be fluid in your tactics. You also have to succeed. In addition to that, you don't give up real estate. You don't say, well, they are attacking us there, so let's not go there. Doesn't work that way. In order to achieve the objective, you must seize and control real estate, while suppressing and preventing casualties to your own people as well as civilians.
And maybe you are missing my point regarding civilians. Civilians, strictly in this example, are the general, law abiding, motoring public. Terrorists, insurgents, nutjobs, whatever, are NOT civilians. Just because they are not officially part of a sanctioned, state run military, doesn't mean that they are civilians.
Let's be clear about this: This isn't about a family who lost a son from a stray bomb. (Let's also be clear that fundamentalist muslims value sons a great deal more than daughters). It isn't about revenge for a needless death. It isn't about the average Iraqi in war-torn Baghdad. It isn't even about a shahada; a martyr for Islam. This is about Islamic fundamentalism and Islamic fundamentalists, who want desperately to deny a democracy in the Middle East. This is about their belief in strict adherence to their version of Islam and their interpretation of the Q'uran. This is about an expanding muslim influence. This is about being muslim, converting to Islam, or being killed. This is not about America, nor is it about Bush or coalition forces. If it was, why would muslim suicide bombers attack in Jordan? Why would they attack in Egypt? I'll tell you why: Because fundamentalist muslims, represented by a small majority of extremists do not want democracies to succeed in the Middle East. They do not want a representative government, they do not want political leaders or governement period. They don't want Saddam in power any more than we do. They want Imams to rule not just Iraq, or Iran, but the entire Middle East Region. One Islamic nation, leading to one Islamic world. They know our weaknesses better than we know our own. They know our tactics better than we know our own. They know that we don't have the stomach to defeat their small numbers, based on growing American death tolls, and our distaste for lengthy wars that seem to have no purpose.
I'm all about live and let live. Until the guy I let live tells me that he'll slit my throat when given the opportunity.
And just to clear something up that I forgot to address. This video is absolutely NOTHING like the My Lai massacre. Nothing like it. My Lai was a systematic execution of unarmed civilians in a small village in Viet Nam, by a military platoon leader who cracked. It was wrong. It was identified. He was prosecuted. While you may bring up the "bad apple" argument, whether you support it or not, frankly, the military tends to address, discipline and discard it's "bad apples". Something you won't see happening to terrorist insurgents who kill Americans AND fellow muslims.