UTXMP Questions

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Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
It's meant to be your team, but for some reason on some servers it displays everyone instead. And for some reason Webadmin pops up on the list too :D
White means they are waiting to deploy, grey means they are nearby.


New Member
Jan 22, 2004
#1.) Is there an option to join a server in spectator mode instead of just joining like in U2xmp as default spectator, then switching to a team?

#2.) Will the same minimum energy acheived during the first little bit of the match be the same amount as in U2Xmp or will be different in order to put the artifact node online?

#3.) Is (i hope) the gunner rocket launcher damage radius smaller?

#4.) Will the maps have a higher max fog distance? Because most u2xmp maps were really annoying cause you couldnt see but like less than half of a map at a time due to the thick fog. Some maps should have thick fog and some shouldnt according to how the mapper wants to set the fog distance in Ued. And its not healthy on the fps.

#5.) Are custom 2k4 mutators compatible with UTXmp? ex: utcomp, antitcc, low-g, big head, etc...



Phat n Pnunky Phreaky Phunny Phull
Sep 15, 2004
The damage radius for the rocket smaller? If the delay is less, I could live with that. But with the current delay, the radius is about right. When fighting a good ranger, I will most often die to them if it's a long range fight, if it's short range, it's even or to my advantage, but even still the lag time is enough for most to dodge any rocket at a good distance.

Also higher max view...means easier to snipe from other side of the map...unless there is built in wind affect or something, such a thing would actually give rangers a pretty unfair advantage.

BTW, you should sticky this topic or combine it with the FAQ.
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New Member
Jan 31, 2004
|pure|Destruction said:
#3.) Is (i hope) the gunner rocket launcher damage radius smaller?

#4.) Will the maps have a higher max fog distance? Because most u2xmp maps were really annoying cause you couldnt see but like less than half of a map at a time due to the thick fog. Some maps should have thick fog and some shouldnt according to how the mapper wants to set the fog distance in Ued. And its not healthy on the fps.

Something tells me, you mostly play as a ranger ;)


Reach out and torch someone
|pure|Destruction said:
#5.) Are custom 2k4 mutators compatible with UTXmp? ex: utcomp, antitcc, low-g, big head, etc...

If I see a UTXMP server with brightskins I will rip the owner's balls off with a pair of tweezers. This is one gametype that does NOT need that kind of thing (not like the others do, but still..)


New Member
Jan 22, 2004
yes i play mostly as a ranger. and my questions are serious, and reflect on competativeness when it comes to the mutator question. thats why theses ****ing games never get anywhere because people arent open to new ideas. they want one thing and thats it. wouldnt it be nice to have had a warmup in XMP or less fog for snipers and fps, or at least epic brightskins. I dont care about mutators other than utcomp, but my question is asked for everyone who may want to know if mutators will be compatible. Cause im sure not everyone will want to play it as is over time. :sniper:


New Member
Jan 31, 2004
A far as weapon ballance goes there tends to be 2 camps:

1: The u2xmp gunner is underpowered compaired with the other classes.
2: All the classes are evenly balanced.

It's not that we are closed mined, it's just making the gunner less powerfull, and the ranger better would upset both groups. IMO far too many maps that are being released these days are too biased towards rangers, and I'd prefer not to see any more like that.

See the (very long) thread about weapon balance for me details


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
May I take this opportunity to point out that well-designed fog is good for framerate, as it means that the system doesnt have to draw out the whole map. It depends on how the fog is rendered though, and if the mapper has decreased the draw distance.
And please don't ask weapon balancing issues here, nobody will be able to ask anything else :)


CXP Director
Jan 31, 2004
i can't say much on this because i am not part of fmi, but bot support is started to be implemented now, but we have no clue as to how well it will be done until it is released, and improved ;)


Pretty in Pink!
Feb 29, 2004
A long long way from home...
Please please please don't make the bots as stupid as on Red Orchestra! All they f***ing do is try to jump on each other :(

I still vote for iXMP :D j/k

Please no brightskins! That would tak away the sneakiness of the game... :rolleyes:


Think Pink
Jun 16, 2004
New question (and unfortunately its HUD based, but I demand that there's no flaming):
Will you be implementing the little ping, inloss, outloss counter that featured in XMP? It was easier to instantly read than the stat net readout, especially with the small bars.
Also, will the HUD allow space for things such as stat net and stat fps to be read easily (rather than getting lost behind the current weapon selection or something ;))