Matt's the man.
As alot of people said, anything under a 20 second deploy in a clan based game is just ridiculous. 20 is a good standard that seems to be played on most servers.. but it's up in the air between that and 25. A tech takes what? 6 seconds to hack something.. that's 1/4 of the time needed to spawn and chances of one starting to hack immediately after the deploy goes off (bringing in fresh reinforcements right to said deploy) are quite low considering they will have to deal with that delay in a timely fashion as to be able to start hacking. So I say 25 seconds.
FYI; This isn't the place to discuss the behindview rules and opinions.. that's hijacked more than a dozen or so threads already. Say yes or no and end it, please. As I recall from RvS though, didn't TWL have fixed camera positions? Different use I know but similar concept.. as in.. no looking behind you? Eh anyways, my vote for behindview is a definite no considering it's been stated countless times that you don't need third person to achieve a concussion jump. Blah blah blah. Moving on.
Team sizes in Jolt were 7v7 but with UTXMP and the expanded community and player base it will bring I think that can easily be upped to an even 8v8. Hardly any clans could field a 7 man team at any given time for XMP save for a handful, so it presented a problem I doubt we'll have to deal with now. But I really have no personal preference since laddering turns gamers into whining girlscouts and I doubt i'll take part in it.
25 minute time limit was lame on certain maps that could go in a stalemate easier than others, such as Alcazar or Garden. The base maps have a tendency to last longer generally than the open ones such as WonderWoods and LowLands. I think 40 minutes would be sufficient in those cases. It's still short enough to not drag on forever but it's long enough to keep a closely tied GOOD game from ending prematurely. More on this below..
FF set at 75%. Low friendly fire is stupid in a TEAM based game. If you can't watch out for your team mates and check yourself from sending 18 rockets into their general vicinity trying to kill an enemy, you deserve to have your team mate die, get pissed, and those negative points to be coming your way. This is XMP.. not DM and it's not Rocket Arena. Play with your team or you don't have any business attempting to "help" them through a ladder match anyways.
.. That's about all I can think of right now.. but as for the whole "how many maps should be played" and the "draw" and "point" mentality.. I think you should wait until after it's released before coming to a conclusion about that.