[DF]phalanx said:imo 25 seconds is a bit long
/me hates 20+ seconds respawn everytime i die
[DF]phalanx said:and allow togglebehindview or the gunners will cry
IndianPsycho said:- Conc jump blinds in 3rd person view
cyb said:clear wins and losses are nice indeed and when a team wins by energy or is able to have all 4 artifacts registered in their artifactnode things are clear.
but there are teams out, who have a very tide defence so it can and has happend before that the timelimit is reached and each team still has artifacts in their nodes. in such case you can on one hand consider a point-system (depending on artifacts in possesion, generators hacked, remaining teamenergy ... - there is a mutator, which keeps track of these things for u2xmp), on the other hand you could just count this map as a draw. here again i point to the jolt-system.
personally i think a draw is the best and fairest for both clans.
finally, what is bad with having a long match. the longer the better and the most fun.
SwiftPaladin said:Try making a poll in this forum, at the least. Anyway, I'd vote jolt rules.
|pure|Destruction said:I think 15/20 second deploy time.
50% ff.
20 or 25 mins should be long enough for a map. @20min. 3 maps is an hour/4maps=1h20min. At 25mins a map, its 1h15min for 3 maps/4maps=1h40min.
Point system like jolt is sorta ok. Id rather have points per artifacts and gens.
10 points per artifact, 5 points per generator owned at the end of the map.
4 artifacts=40 points + gens.
If its a draw after the third map in points, ex: each team has 60 artifact points and tied on gen points, either more maps are played til a winner prevails or a win goes to both teams, or the 4th map can be double points.
Imo, 3 maps are enough. Still the game should have a built in point system or a mod should be made.
Magwa said:please no behind veiw.....![]()
It doesn't just gives him a dead legMagwa said:well i do not want them to change anything from the original but using behind view to me is lame it was lame in CTF and every other game i have played and if it effects the gunner how would that castrate him?