UT UT99 CMP 2 Patch

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New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Germany, Niedersachsen
Well for our >>>UT99.org CMP2<<< we have released a patch, the download mirrors (sry can not offer anything better):

Further Download links:
http://ut-files.com/index.php?dir=Maps/MapPacks/MapsU_V/ (thx to skillz)

UT99.org Community Mappack 2 (CMP2) Patch
Version: 1.1

for the classic Unreal Tourament/UT99
or simply Unreal Tournament

You can find all important UTR download links here:

This sucks! A patch for a map-pack? Yes, you're right,
but some bugs in the XPickups system and in some
of the maps have made the development of this patch
necessary. Our apologies!

To cut a long story short: This is not a complete
map-pack, but a patch for the UT99.org CMP2, also
adding 2 new DM maps: Arctic Decay to show off the new
Double Speed power-up and Compressed 3 as an extra
to spice the patch up a bit. Also it fixes some bugs
in other map files and the XPickups system.

NOTE: This pack requires files from the original Community Mappack 2 to work!

Here's the changelog:


- Generally optimized net performance and fixed bugs
- Added new pickup: Double Speed
- Added XPickups mutator so the new items can be used in every custom map
- Added custom arena mutators: X Sniper Arena, X Shock Arena and X Rocket Arena, all using XPickups weaponry
- Added Berserk support for custom weaponry, not by doubling the firerate, but by doubling the damage
- Added full custom weapons support (but only for pickup chargers, weapon lockers will still
show the listed weapon meshes, but it will give the mutated weapons)
- Added special support for the Rocket-X mutator/gametype (just set bRXMode=True in XPickups.ini)
- Added Jump Boots counter (now you can see how many jumps you have left)
- Jump Boots jumps are now acumulative, so you can get up to 15 jumps by collecting more Jump Boots
- Fixed rotation rate of custom weapons online
- Weapon lockers now support 4 teams
- Fixed BattleSuit power loop sound issue
- Fixed bWeaponStay for SP (but only in the pickup chargers, in Single Player bWeaponStay is
ignored in the weapons placed alone around the map)
- Fixed Accessed:None errors in the Weapon Locker
- Fixed WearedOffEvent and DroppedEvent triggering (they were both triggered at death)

- Added special XPickups mutator functions for mappers.
If you want to make a map with XPickups compatibility, but don't want it to be a necessary download for it,
just change the tags (Event > Tag) of the pickups you place on the map as follows:
Items tagged "BerserkPickup" will be replaced by Berserk
Items tagged "DoubleSpeedPickup" will be replaced by Double Speed
Items tagged "BattleSuitPickup" will be replaced by the Battle Suit
Items tagged "HelmetPickup" will be replaced by the Helmet
For instance you can place a normal UDamage in your map and set its tag to "BerserkPickup"
to make it the Berserk power-up in case the XPickups mutator is used.
This way your map will not depend on XPickups to work, but will use the new pick-ups if you enable the mutator.

* The mutator won't activate in maps where XPickups is already applied (if the map contains the XReplacer actor).

Final notes:
- This pack was fully tested with ZP weapons (ZeroPing V2.10), and worked well.
However these weapons obey the custom weapon rules instead of this pack's weapon rules,
meaning they won't have their firerate doubled with Berserk and they will have
the standard translucent power-up effect rather than the overlay one.
- Some ZP mutators give the Impact Hammer priority over the Enforcer when you respawn.
This pack was tested under a previous version of ZP and this "bug" occured
however in the case of ZeroPing V2.10 it does not, making this issue a ZP bug unrelated to XPickups.
- When playing any Arena mutator together with this pack, be sure to apply the XPickups mutator AFTER the Arena,
since otherwise most ammo pickups won't be replaced.


- Lighting/textures/sounds changed at the slime and the teleporters
- Separated kill triggers for much better performance
- Changed the position of Sniper Ammo to evade an error
- Changed speed of the movers in the two side towers
(You can't get stuck while moving down anymore)
- Fixed BSP hole at the room with 3 teleporters of the blue base
- Some minor alignment changes


- Rebuilt pyramid top (Thx to Swanky)
- Slightly darkened the map in the central area
- Turbine edges rounded (copied from Nadaus)
- Grammar mistakes in Berserk messages fixed (Thx to Swanky)
- Skybox setting changed to night


- Changed pyramid top (same as Morbias 4)
- General lighting theme changed to night
- Added more torches for additional contrast
- Skybox setting changed to night (same from Morbias 4)


- Changed the FireSlith texture + renamed them (Thanks to leo)
- Some minor light changes
- Added help messages near the traps
- Added several messages to map 2
- Nali cannot take damage and don't disappear anymore
(thanks to Feralidragon)
- Reduced health of some monsters
- Added more ammo
- Fixed the teleporter to the next level
- Conrops now work perfectly (thanks to Ferali!!!)
- Lowered Conrop rocket speed
- Made the beginning easier
(thanks to Ferali for his Eightball with weaker projectiles)
- Changed some trigger events, gave a certain mover the right tag
- Fixed the flying barrels at the beginning
- Fixed the disappearing movers
- Fixes during the final fight + weaker projectiles of the Skaarj
- Deleted brushes for faster loading/smaller file size
- put nearly all music files in "UnforchersPack.u"
for faster loading (Now you need this package for playing!!!)
- Generally improved the entire level


Copyright (c) 2008/09 all authors mentioned here
All rights reserved.

Unreal, Unreal Tournament and Unreal Championship
are registered trademarks of Epic Megagames and Digital Extremes

This Package may be electronically distributed only at
NO CHARGE to the recipient in its current state, MUST
include this .txt file, and may NOT be modified IN

You are allowed to upload this package on your website but without any changes
of the content and this archive.

Authors may NOT use these levels as a base to build additional levels without explicit
permission from the Original Authors.
Authors may NOT modify the XPickups package without permission from the author (Feralidragon).

You are NOT allowed to commercially exploit this level, i.e. put it on a CD or any
other electronic medium that is sold for money without explicit permission!

You MAY distribute this archive through any electronic network (internet (web/ftp),
FIDO, local BBS etc.), provided you include this file and leave the archive intact.

For questions you can contact us (Creavion and Feralidragon) on UT99.org.

All contents used are reserved by their owners.
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New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Germany, Niedersachsen
Any BU download links yet?
In case I will update the dl links.
BTW: I can use the chance to post the not posted screenshots which I forgot.

Arctic Decay (Unreal Championship 2 Remake)

Compressed 3 (UT2003/04 Remake and Extension)

The new Double Speed Powerup (came with the patch)
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New Member
Aug 27, 2005
Germany, Niedersachsen
Thanks for hosting. Much better than megaupload and co.
BTW: Is everything alright with the content, I mean sometimes I am a little bit afraid if something there could be damaged.^^
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enemy of time
Sep 1, 2000
Sarasota, FL
quick map comments

Just thought I'd post some quick observations on each map. Probably won't mean much for some of them, but here they are:

CTF-UTR-Attempt >> crazy small map, but not too bad
CTF-UTR-Dargrok >> tough map and bots are good
CTF-UTR-Otherworld >> sort of a Face clone and bots really suck
CTF-UTR-Rawash >> nice and small
DM-UTR-Abicio][ >> small outdoor and just OK map
DM-UTR-ArcticDecay >> too dark and the layout blows
DM-UTR-Compressed3 >> good one and this is a classic
DM-UTR-Epitaph][ >> not bad but bots cheat and there is serious redeemer problem
DM-UTR-Kamah >> can't see much and too much jungle, but definitely a different map
DM-UTR-Morbias4 >> good map and somehow I won against Loque
DM-UTR-Nadaus >> good 1on1 map that is definitely controlled by the powerups
DM-UTR-Ravage >> a classic ramp map and the best in this pack
DM-UTR-Ryigiar-III >> I still say the bots cheat in this one.;)
DM-UTR-Sacrimossa >> crazy wide-open almost arena Egyptian map

All-in-all, not a bad mappack and I just wish I could get the xloc to work and it didn't mess with the weapon priority, but I mentioned this in another thread at another forum.:)

EDIT: I wish UT had a weapon priority limit of 500 or 5,000 instead of 50.:(
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