Glad to see some people still appreciate UT3.
It was actually really good as a coop TDM bot frag-fest on 360. The auto-aim and magnetism hit a perfect balance where, with the right sensitivity settings, you could make moving shock combos just as well as on PC, but it never felt like the game played itself for you. I never could have got my girlfriend into deathmatch without it.
Once my 360 broke, I convinced her to get a PC so we could expand into custom maps, mods, etc. The reworked gamepad options in Foxx's FoxxMod splitscreen mutator made for a perfect seamless transition; you can play with 0 aim assistance on a gamepad and do just as well against inhuman/godlike bots as with a mouse. Playing TDM on the top custom maps is great, I love CBP and HOLP.
After playing UT3 for so long, going back to UT2004 feels so backwards. The gravity is proposerously floaty; it feels like a convoluted imitation of Halo. The weapon balance is so bad too; 90 dmg for the RL? Ass Rifle much? Why is the Minigun a high dmg weapon?
The character art style in 2k3/2k4 is awful; the Necris look like anime fanart done by tweens at hot topic, the others look like a feed of the worst results of an Aeon Flux search at Deviant Art. Even UC2's Mortal Kombat-influenced designed were a massive improvement.
Don't get me wrong, Onslaught was great in UT2k, and they ruined it in UT3, but basic DM/TDM is much better. I far prefer UT3's short, quick movements to 2k4's loooong, slooww, floaty BS. UT3 isn't perfect, but IMO it's the best official iteration of UT movement/weapons there is, and it still looks amazing.