Unless you are talking about the Bio Rifle secondary, which stays around way too long.
Shoot, there's a reason that JarredFerrer dude (or however you spell it), is near the top in Void's server.
He'll collect all the Bio ammo he can, spams secondary in every key location (doorway's, lifts, elevators, etc) on the map, then at the slightest sign of urgency run to the other side and wait for the frags to roll in.
If no urgency? Keep collecting the ammo and refreshing your spam.
He only ever uses other weapons when the player count is so high that he can't seem to get to the Bio. Then, he sucks... scrambling to get back to it.
If the goo ball didn't stick around for so long this wouldn't be an issue, but he can go the whole round with hardly encountering another player.
"Stop running into it then, noob"
Usually things are fine, only because most of the players wish to have an enjoyable game and CHOOSE not to abuse that weapon but, that doesn't excuse the bio secondary for sticking around so long.
It's really excessive.
Shoot, the first few days I had the game, I was all over with that stuff.